When The FBI Does It, That Means That It’s Not Illegal

If there is such a thing as a dangerous “deep state” of elite but unelected federal officials who feel that they are untouchable and unaccountable, then John Brennan is the poster boy. . .


12 Replies to “When The FBI Does It, That Means That It’s Not Illegal”

  1. All deep state lawbreaking has Brennan, a known perjurer, at its nexus. His inevitable fall finishes them all imho.
    Notice his shrill defense, falsely claiming, as is his habit, the Russians “have something” on Trump.
    Take him down, and all the dominos fall. That is why the deep state seditionists will fight to the death for him.
    Let them, then they can all go down. Every.One.Of.Them. Fire them, purge them, perk walk them, charge them, jail them.

  2. Just heard Sessons will not appoint another Special Prossicuter.
    He has appointed a Prossicuter to look into Hillary’s misdeeds.
    Oh by the way the Prossicuter he appointed was an appointy of Obama.

  3. There’s no reason to think the Russians don’t have something on Brennan. In fact it would simply make much more sense for Russian (or any other foreign) espionage to turn careerists like Brennan than to invest in a politician who can be turned out of office by the electorate, or worse, one whose elected office is subject to term limits.

  4. I’m looking forward to many more of John Brennen’s unhinged tweets as he feels the currents pulling him under the water.
    Let him hang. Though I very much prefer the firing squad.

  5. Until there are indictments instead of cosmetic demotions the swamp is winning

  6. Until there are indictments instead of cosmetic demotions the swamp is winning

  7. Yeah, a commie and a “Muslim convert”… who better to run Husseins CIA then a commie Muslim convert… what could go wrong.

  8. I agree but this will play our for two reasons:
    The GOP is in power, so no statist cover up, and this can and will be used to injure the Dems’ chances in Nov.
