20 Replies to “O, Sweet Saint Of San Andreas”

  1. The hilarious thing is that California requires so many ridiculous, spurious warning labels that the handful of genuine warnings will be lost in the background noise.

  2. I always knew that Starbucks coffee could be hazardous to one’s health…..

  3. Dang, now I’ll have to break this news to my 96-year-old mother-in-law. She has several cups per day…who knows when it could kill her!

  4. Rice contains ARSENIC!
    Almond contains CYANIDE!
    Fish contains MERCURY!
    The human body requires trace amounts of most elements, too much of any of those may be harmful. Luckily the body keeps most elements in balance, and they occur just often enough (or rare enough, depends on how you look at it) in food. However, almost any food therefore can be required to be labeled that yes, it does contain such and such element or chemical which in large amounts is poisonous. Such as sodium and chlorine.
    And progs claim they believe in science?

  5. Still no cancer warnings for the proprietors of gay anal sex?
    That’s weird.

  6. Yes, and a wheat kernel contains four natural occurring carcinogens among its elements.

  7. How DARE the Judge stop with a WARNING label? How is THAT in the interest of public safety? If just ONE human life is saved from the ravages of cancer caused by drinking that bitter bean water … then it is worth it to BAN ALL COFFEE from CA. How can the State sanction the drinking of coffee when doing so will KILL small children and infants (from the article)?
    No, Prop. 65 is just a public institution created for Trial Lawyers to file frivolous lawsuits. And all it takes is brain dead rulings by leftist Judges who never passed a science class in their lives. Judges who are DUMBER than the OJ Simpson Jury.

  8. Here’s the thing; an outright ban on any of these products that California has declared dangerous would never work. ‘Found to cause cancer in California’ labels are slapped on everything because it is a simple way for the government apparatus to virtue signal the ‘concern’ its government has for its citizens.
    California is the natural home for people who think like Ralph Nader; deluded busybodies who hold sway at every level.

  9. Maybe they will close down all the coffee shops!
    We buy beans, grind and drip. m m m so good, to the last drop!

  10. Might I suggest that Big Coffee voluntarily withdraw their product from the marketplace until the State of California wakes up?

  11. “…..until the State of California wakes up? ”
    What? Wake up and not have a coffee? The horror.

  12. It’s not about the warning. That would be easy to remedy even for Starbucks. (No one pays attention to these warnings anymore because they’re everywhere and on everything.)
    It’s a shakedown … (as if we hadn’t seen this before). Lawyers get rich. Government gets a cut. Everyone(?) happy.
    David Lentz has it right. The only way to stop this is to stop selling coffee in California. That’s a winning strategy in the long run but of course will never happen.

  13. Every restaurant in California already has the cancer and birth defect warning. Must there be an extra warning because everyone knows the first warning is pure bullshit?

  14. Whatever happens, don’t let this judge find the dhmo.org website … he’s stupid enough to impose a ban on it.

  15. I personally find it UNCONSTITUTIONAL to Sin-Tax cigarettes to absurd levels … because the government “knows” that smoking causes cancer … yet won’t outright BAN the substance. Yeah, yeah, “prohibition didn’t work” … so instead … the government PUNISHES the users … punishes the victims with OUTRAGEOUS SIN TAXES. That is just WRONG. But quite $ profitable for the government.
    I do understand that my Canadian brothers and sisters are quite used to punishing SIN TAXES down at the local GOVERNMENT liquor store.

  16. How about this warning at all entrances to California: Prolonged residence in California may lead to paranoia, hysteria and PTSD.

  17. Most everyone in CA is literally hanging on by their fingernails … whether that is bare economic survival, or the struggle to remain SANE … life here is not all beaches and palm trees. Unless you have a top level government job with a gold-plated pension …
