20 Replies to “Reader Tips”

  1. Goebbels gets nasty.
    Fox News Host Laura Ingraham shared a public apology Thursday to Parkland school student David Hogg after multiple companies announced they were pulling their ads from her show, the Ingraham Angle.
    Make note of the names of the companies. I have already eliminated Trip Advisor from my email alerts.

  2. Those are pretty casual shoes for a meeting with the queen. And his suit doesn’t fit. Jacket is too small and his pants are poorly hemmed. He looks like the 20 somethings I see going to job interviews in the suit they got for their high school graduation.

  3. judges need a warning pasted to their heads stating that all opinions from his mouth are not to be taken as law.

  4. Apparently that suit is the “in” style nowadays.
    If I ever wore a suit like that my buddies would have taken me out behind a garbage container and laid a licking on me. It’s pretty clear that none of them are or were Metro sexual.

  5. The Queen thinks to herself,
    “My Corgis have a better grasp of reality than this fellow”

  6. Picky, picky, Nancy.
    Those shoelaces are Air Force blue ….. not Navy Blue.
    These fashion things are important to that idiot!!

  7. …_
    Lest We Forget.
    “A hundred years ago today on the Western Front, 75 Canadian cavalrymen saved the day
    ‘It’s a charge, boys,’ Lt. Flowerdew bellowed, spurring his horse forward. Behind him, the troopers of C squadron drew their swords and did the same”
    “March 30, 2018, will mark the 100th anniversary of the Battle of Moreuil Wood, a small but important First World War battle that has the unique distinction of witnessing the first and last great Canadian cavalry charge.”
    “The Canadian charge at Moreuil Wood occurred at the height of the Kaiserschlacht, the German Spring Offensive of 1918, a massive assault on the Western Front that the German High Command hoped would split apart the Allied armies and drive the British out of Europe.”

  8. Best quote from Mark Steyn: “So sad to see a respected hardcore porn star reduced to working with Anderson Cooper. You have to feel sorry for her fans…”

  9. New site looks good … there is a glitch when going to comments on an iPhone. It takes you to the side bar.

    “A former undercover informant says he provided evidence to the FBI during President Obama’s first term that Russia was assisting Iran’s nuclear program even as billions in new U.S. business flowed to Moscow’s uranium industry.
    William Douglas Campbell told The Hill his evidence included that Russia was intercepting nonpublic copies of international inspection reports on Tehran’s nuclear program and sending equipment, advice and materials to a nuclear facility inside Iran.
    Campbell said Russian nuclear executives were extremely concerned that Moscow’s ongoing assistance to Iran might boomerang on them just as they were winning billions of dollars in new nuclear fuel contracts inside the United States.

