19 Replies to “Pollspotting!”

  1. Trigger warning. Clicking on the link will take you to a picture of Lizzie May. Poll is below.

  2. The “locals” seem to get a bit miffed when people other than ecofascists post their vote. Not surprised given that they live in an echo chamber full of morons.

    1. I needed to use a MS browser to see the poll.
      I live on Vancouver Island so don’t think we are all grey-haired hippy Green or NDP supporters…

  3. All Liz has to do to stop the pipeline is gnaw through the steel!! Eager beaver at work!!

    Now you know how she got out of the handcuffs.

  4. Shouldn’t ms may be tossed for unparliamentary behaviour?
    I am in BC, from Alberta, but originally from Ontario, and I vote yes. Quit kidding…we all have cars and shit, and like the conveniences of what is left of western democracy. Windmills and Marxism are for fools who will loathe their desires if (God forbid) they come to pass. Read your history, the tomes written by the real white guys….and written well, as victors write. And just listen to cbc for your fantasies and leave us adults alone!

  5. Is she sick or something?
    What’s wrong with Elizabeth May and Hillary Clinton that they both need carrying ?
    Are they both invalids?
    Why doesn’t anybody just ask them?

    1. (“Are they both invalids?”)
      Well…in Hillary’s case, yes. An unkind person might say mentally and physically.

  6. Time to give up on pipelines; as long as we stay in Canada, they ain’t never gonna happen. The only thing that can help us, is getting the fook out. SEPARATION. If you aren’t willing to fight to get out, you have already lost. Moe has not even uttered the word; so we all know he is not ever going to.

    Wall, within 30 seconds of Trudeau announcing the tax on everything, should have announced that we were out; UNILATERALY. No referendum, no waiting, effective immediately. After that moment, there should never have been any communication with Ottawa. No negotiations. No acceptance of apologies or assurances. Out from under the charter, the NEP, the CWB, gun grabs, equalization, NEP 2, railcar shortages, pipeline protests, …

    All the Saskatchewan party has done since then is wail, moan, threaten without action, and bend over and grab their ankles. The Saskatchewan party is the solution to nothing at this point.

    1. And why exactly, should the clarity act apply to us? Rule of law no longer applies, not to them, not in this country; so why should we follow rules that apply only to us.

    2. Most “conservatives” are cucks just doing schtick for the rubes. Western Canada is likewise made up of docile cucks. Anyone advocating separation is dreaming. It’s a fun dream, but it won’t happen. Stockholm Syndrome forever.

      1. there are no real conservatives in Canada. socialists run Canada and have all my relatively long life. i am always surprised that the country hasn’t ceased to exist there are so many stupid people in control, and i include all the bureaucracies in that.

      2. I have come to that realization long since.

        The majority of people in this country, are of a single type. I do not know the word for it, but this type of person will do anything, give up anything, accept anything, if you simply make the argument “it is for the public good”. These are the kinds of people who willingly reported on their own parents, siblings, friends, in Soviet Russia. Here, these are the kinds of people who actually believe the argument that a magic gun law will be the one that criminals obey. They will give up driving, because it is for the public good; the way things are going, it is going to be this year that the first place bans human drivers. I do not know whether it will be Vancouver, Toronto, or California that tries it first; but it is coming, and much quicker than we think.

        I can envision Los Angeles doing it, and at the same time granting an exception for illegals; the higher SJW castes will always get special treatment. Us untouchables… Well, I think you know how that is going already.

  7. So, it is clear to me that the Sask party is a paper tiger. They make threats about Trudeau’s tax. They issue press releases. They talk about shutting off oil to BC and such; but have you noticed no one has actually done anything? Wall took no action. Moe, has taken no action. There have been what, 500 years of delays in pipeline projects? And what has the “Saskatchewan” party done about that? Have they sent a death squad after anyone? Have they seized anyone’s assets? Have they jailed anyone? Have they sued anyone? No, they have not. All there has been, all there will ever be is talk; followed by an inevitable “at least we tried” capitulation.

    Kinder Morgan should already have stopped paying taxes in this country, since they do not have equal protection under the law. What has it been, 10 years of constant delays, with the government clearly on the other side?
