I, For One, Welcome Our New Self-Driving Overlords

Deja view;

In his video Joshi grabs the wheel seconds before his Tesla would’ve slammed into the median:


A couple years ago, Tesla CEO Elon Musk told reporters that California needed better lane markings, because it was confusing his cars’ autopilot feature.

22 Replies to “I, For One, Welcome Our New Self-Driving Overlords”

  1. Ha! Lane markers. What a joke, 6 months of the year here the roads are snow packed and then for a few months they’re faded and barely able to be seen, especially at night or in the rain.

  2. 1. The only way these vehicles will be as safe as human drivers is to make all roads sterile and uniform so they are all the same so these dumb computers won’t run into barriers and kill the occupants. “We are the borg you will make EVERY road the same GLOBALLY for the safety of passengers”. The proponents of these vehicles like the NWO/Agenda 2030 type stuff.
    2. There are only more human caused accidents now because there are millions more human drivers than these “self driving” machines. If there were the same amount of these vehicles driving as human drivers there would be tons of fatal accidents daily because of them.
    3. The before mentioned NWO/Agenda 2030 enemies that want these vehicles are helping bring in the goal of all this, ban people from driving so they can only be useless sheep being driven around “for their own good”.

    1. Someone with white and yellow paint customizing a nice road next to a large vista could make some Tesla’s go flying.

      Or said paint could be used to guide them into a telephone pole, light standard or some other roadside object.

      1. I wonder if someone will engineer an Allahu Akbar option which will actively seek out pedestrians to run over.

    2. That’s why these autonomous vehicles are decades away from being a reality. There will need to be standards that everyone agrees on in regard to road design, signalling, etc. Some of our existing roads will need to be torn up and redone. And when there gets to be enough of these vehicles on the road they will have to communicate with each other which will require another set of standards. Just imagine the negotiating that will need to happen. We still have countries that drive on the left side of the road.

      1. magnetic strips and rails are the way to make this technology work in Canada.

  3. So, pay attention to the road with your hands on the steering wheel.

    So why do I want auto-pilot again?

    1. I was struck by the same comment from the video…. ‘ You should still pay attention and keep your hands on the wheel’.

      Hey, just like a real driver!

  4. Yeah, my car has lane holding cruise and it has been clear that it will only work with far better lane markings. For one thing, when it comes up on an exit, it always seems to want to take it. I think this might be OK for the interstates, but Tesla should pay for it.

  5. How well will the paint stick to the gravel road from my place to the highway? Will the grader operator get out of his grader and pull the painted line to the side of the road so he can finish grading? Will he remember to pull it back when he’s done?
    Of course, they can protect pedestrians by building walls on either side of all roadways. They can get started on that as soon as they are finished the border wall with Mexico!
    How much is all this going to cost? Less than 1.5 million teamsters on welfare?

  6. I remember hearing about electric cars powered by a groove in the lane that the car could push a pantograph-like probe down into, and then pull the probe and run on batteries when changing highways. The “visionary” who was telling me about this didn’t have an answer when I asked what happened when the leaves fell off, then the snow fell.

    Everything old is new again.

  7. I think that if you are younger than 10 years old right now, you will never be allowed to drive a vehicle.

    Unless you are a Sikh; Sikhs get an exception.
    Or Hispanic; Hispanics get an exception.
    Or tard-gendered; the mentally ill get an exception.
    Or Muslim; Muslims get an exception.
    If you are white, ie part of the untouchable caste, you will not be allowed to drive within this decade.
    Unless you are a Democrat/Liberal/NDP; they get exceptions.

    The chance that your children will be operating cars, is the same as a pipeline getting built through Quebec.

  8. Elon’s newest public/private joint venture is … Tesla Road paint! Yes, with embedded electronics. Elon is pure genius … at getting his paws into the public treasure.

  9. The lane marks aren’t clear. The driver needs to pay attention. Sounds like every tech support person on earth. It’s always someone else’s fault if the program doesn’t work right. User error. Guess you need to turn it off and back on.

  10. Self driving… ha! At least self lighting seems to work fairly well by now.
    As I pulled into the parking lot of the garden center today I noticed a dust cloud. On my way to the entrance I realised it was smoke. Smoke coming from a car. Within minutes the e-Smart stood ablaze. Much more fire than you could imagine coming from such a small vehicle.
    By the time the fire fighters got there (10-15 Minutes later, despite the fact they were right behind me two roads before but then turned right instead of left…) the so called car was mostly gone but still a huge fire-ball.

    Guess someone is not planting flowers this weekend.

  11. Oh yes yes, HME (His Majesty Elon) says we all MUST rush-out and paint our highway lane markings better, so HIS cars can see them. Naturally, he isn’t offering to reimburse.

    I’ve got a better idea – Get Stuffed, Elon! The roads are good enough for us peons who still, y’know, actually drive our cars. And all those shiny new road markings we have to put-down to benefit your cars, would still be almost-new when you go “BANKWUPT” and it’s no longer a problem.

  12. In the world of Science there are things that are possible, but not worth while doing.. Electric AI cars fit this nonsense….The dust pan of history

  13. Human perversity is a thing of beauty.
    The electric car lost to the steam car.
    Which in turn lost to the internal combustion engined car.
    200 years electric has been a loser, in the eyes of those who spend real money on a vehicle that serves their needs.
    Now our benevolent overlords demand we chose electric, just a little nudge,wink wink..
    Until that unknown yet to be billionaire invents a better battery, electric remains a loser, in the users eyes.
    Think about it,why do all the “eco-friendly” crap demand you change your lifestyle to adapt to that junk?
    I want a car/truck I get in and go.
    Get home and ignore.
    Fuel? I expect to be able to acquire with minimum aggravation and inconvenience.
    Not “Oh crap,I forgot to plug that golfcart in again”, or “Rats power outage while we slept”.
    Or the new one, “Oh *** the battery is shorted out and the car is melting down before my eyes.”
    This aspect of DC current is deadly and just like standing in the arc of a welder..things are guaranteed to burn.

  14. The Humboldt Broncos accident is going to be used to push self driving cars.

    What other reason, could there possibly be, for papers in Europe, the UK, America, Asia, Australia, to all jump on what is a local story?

  15. Try that in Indianapolis at night. Poor lighting, sometimes (frequently) non-existent lane markers. What a pedestrian and driver nightmare that would be.
