94 Replies to “Now They’re Just Mocking Us”

  1. The October Crisis of 1970 is a good example of how the Pequists control the Feds. They were terrorists who only received a slap on the wrist and a free long term vacation away from Canada.

  2. The $280 000 question..Because President Trump.
    If the Democrats had held power, they would have levelled the playing field with Canada.
    By levelling any dumb employer who tried to run a business.
    Just as Canada does, rob ’em, regulate ’em and make criminals of them..Go Canada.
    Now with the USA shaking off the democrats death grip on free enterprise,our Liberals look just like the thieving fools and bandits they be.
    Kleptocracy carries its own doom, once the victims recognize the thieves, their days are numbered.
    Meanwhile enterprising Canadians look south for opportunity.
