8 Replies to “Self-Awareness, It Ain’t For Everyone”

  1. Seems that she just followed the most practical career path for a leftist. With any luck, she’ll be “head of the world” in a few years. A position which no doubt will be created just for her and aptly suited to her abilities to suck public funds from a rock.

    turdeau better watch out, he’s got competition in the entitled category.

  2. Nearly $200k/yr for a no-show job? We taxpayers are generous as hell. Regardless the skin tone of the recipient. I would think she would treat us with more respect.

    1. One should never treat the help/serfs with respect. Don’t you know that they/we don’t deserve it?

  3. With an attitude like hers, I would have sworn she was a tenured university professor.

    1. I expect she will be. The current situation will be resolved by a generous severance package including the award of “disabled” status and a virtue-signalling university will create a position for her.

  4. Recently Her Honor tried to purchase a shotgun from a local sporting goods store, Dick’s. The store refused. Her honor is pissed.

  5. well pffft.

    she dinn you know, take an axe to MLK’s widow or sum such t’ing, so wtf youse bytching about?
