6 Replies to “Like”

  1. Cruz absolutely owned him here and Zuck’s body language tells the story, he knew all about the suppression and silencing of conservative voices.

    Also, why are so many liberal guys man child’s?

  2. No mention of the Ministry of Truth (as it would be in a government agency), or the Vice-President in Charge of Truth (as it would be in a publicly traded company). Good questions about the political leanings of the censors though.

    And it would have been a good chance for Zuckerberg to set up a conservative ghetto within the company, to make things easier for a little later. It’s much easier to send people on the free train trip vacations when they’re all in one place for the roundup notifications.

  3. Somehow … the inquiry seemed to focus exclusively on the Trump campaign data mining … but NOTHING about the Obama campaign data mining from Facebook users. How is the Trump mining baaaaad mmmmKay?! But the Obama data mining is swell?

    Nevermind. The media government bromance is rather pathetically obvious.

  4. My favourite part was Feinstein blaming Facebook for Hillary’s loss….priceless…
