30 Replies to “When The FBI Does It, That Means That It’s Not Illegal”

  1. The NYC Office of the federal prosecutors need to have a task force raid & all files seized… Judicial corruption has always been the normal in NYC… It was the same NY office that wire tapped Trump Tower under The FISA warrant… Trump could use the National Guard to handle the physical apprehension of those lawyers who are engaged in Muellers racketeering..

    Whoever is advising Trump on Legal issues needs to be fired…..Rosenstein reassigned to Guam… Jeff Sessions sent on a long vacation…

    The NJ former Governor, Chris Christie must know someone who knows someone that knows someone who shark fishes from the NJ shore


    1. The Guard is under the command of the state governor(s). The left must be made to realize that if they get away with taking Trump down in this manner, they had better never lose both the house and senate if they elect a Democrat president. Like the “nuclear option”, what comes around, goes around. This is a dark period for the USA. Unfortunately, their hatred for DJT means they just don’t care what happens or if its a good idea, constitutional or legal. Civil wars have started over less.

  2. We are well into banana republic now. All to fix Hillary’s hurt, which, BTW, is nothing that a pallet of gin won’t fix.

  3. That country will be truly broken if Hillary can get away with illegally using a private communication system just to avoid FOIA, mishandle 1000’s of classified communications, some of which ended up on Anthony Weiner’s laptop, sell access repeatably for cash, while Trump gets taken down for having consensual sex with a porn actress.

  4. They will not get Trump. They will bleed him and destroy as many of his friends as they possibly can.

    This never ending illegal legal torment is meant as a warning to the next Schmuck and anyone that supports him that still thinks they can go to Washington and change it.

    Washington DC is “Their Town.” Don’t you ever forget it!!!

  5. Gee … and I really thought that stacking Mueller’s investigation team with hardcore Hillary Clinton “fixers” was going to result in a FAIR, CONSTITUTIONAL, unBIASED, review.

    So, based on a hardcore career leftist lawyer’s (“Stormy Daniels lawyer”) media appearances, Mueller initiates the invasion of a sitting President’s privileged communications with his personal attorney. So every communication between PDJT and his Lawyer are now -de facto- out in public via the Deep state leak machine.

    And yet … SHE … was still never subjected to prosecution for obstruction of justice (destruction of evidence, etc.). And yet the Clinton Foundation’s internal communications … more accurately called the negotiated SALE of the country to the highest bidder … were never seized in a pre-dawn RAID.

  6. The US is heading very rapidly toward a hot shooting Civil War, froms its current, cold shooting war. However, I think occasional shooting wars are good for a nation’s confidence and just gets rid of a lot of bs, amd allows a full reset. Like a long overdue forest fire. I would argue the British decline began about 100 years after they stopped having regular armed spats. Their empire grew fastest when they foight each other in frequent uprisings and rebellions.

  7. yep, get ready for some J-EYE-normus leaks….courtesy of the “machine” that is Washington D.C…

  8. All the DeMarxists want is talking points for their triumphant recapture of the House and faux impeachment of Trump.

    BTW, Mueller better have a damn good reason. He will likely have to explain himself all the way to the SCoUS.

    If this is not confirmation of total war, then what is required for proof?

    The DeMarxists think themselves invincible, able to resolve their chicanery through fake election wins.

    This is all a smoke screen for the upcoming DOJ IG report, which purports to be salacious but true.

    All their CNN minions need deflection talking points. Mueller will give it to them and the Dems.

    They’ve been working together the whole time, the whole corrupt seditious mess of them.

    Sessions made a fatal, and as yet unresolved error. He now must go, along with Rosenstein and many others.

    If Mueller is mining a dry hole, then neither he nor any of his legal team should plan on practicing law.

    I suspect their disbarments have already begin. That will be the least of their troubles if Trump takes off the safeties.

    Yes, they will scream Constitutional crisis. Let them; that is precisely where they are taking the American political culture right now.

    I hope the public will see the contradictions for what they are: obvious criminal activity covered up, ridiculous assumptions used as justification for breach of power.

    I sense desperation on the left, not just for the overbearing need for political control, but also legally and reputationally.

    If the public believes this latest stunt more of the in it for themselves establishment, and criminal, the lid will blow off.

    Clearly the DeMarxists intend to hold Trump’s feet to the fire, to bludgeon his agenda and message, all to maybe get a foothold in Congress.

    Screw the nation, screw the voter, screw any sense of decency or fairness; no just project all that ugliness on the deplorables.

    Too bad they’re no longer in power and no longer intimidate wide swaths of voters. I think they will rue the day they warred with him.

  9. “Too bad they’re no longer in power and no longer intimidate wide swaths of voters. I think they will rue the day they warred with him”

    You know you are talking about the RINO Establishment Republicans….It is Republicans who are pushing the phony investigations, they are the never Trump bastards who hide in the shadows… Mitch McConnell & Paul Ryan enabled Obama’s agenda ( Iran deal & Money) They are the main enemy of Trump & the American People….I will not vote for any Republican in 2018 or 2020 and I encourage every American to reject ALL Republican Senators….If the Democrats take control of the Senate & House it would be an improvement over the existing phony Republicans… Forget about Impeaching Trump by the Republicans, or Democrats.. Never will happen without a shooting War and they all know it.

    Trump will have no “political” damage about Stormy .. the bastards intend to hurt his family… The CNN queer parade hate women, who would have guessed….The alphabet freaks are pure evil…..


    1. I know what I’m talking about, no need for you to tell me. RINOs are bit players in this affair. I agree the Stormy will go away.

      But there must be consequences for Mueller’s antics. If this is a false flag, a diversion, then Trump, for the sake of his office, must nail him in every way possible – civil liability, criminal charges, disbarment, all of it.

      No I don’t agree the Dems would be better than the RINOs et al; have you been living under a rock for the last nine years?

      That kind of ridiculous fatalistic thinking is precisely what keeps leftists in power, with pure laine conservatives comfortable in the skin, eating their own, while the Dems school them in wagon circling.

    2. “If the Democrats take control of the Senate & House it would be an improvement over the existing phony Republicans.”

      So, so wrong. We’re better off by far with the fake Republicans than the authentic Communists.

  10. We must realize that Democrats have initiated a Constitutional crisis probably equivalent to what they did just prior to the Civil War. They wanted power then, as they do now, and they didn’t care what happened in the country to get power, as they don’t care now.

    Coupled with the rush of illegal immigrants into so-called sanctuary states – those states are using those illegal immigrants as slaves – Democrats could literally end up tearing the U.S. apart as they did just prior to the Civil War.

  11. Does no one read anymore?

    No, you see some bad news about Trump and it must be an attack on him by Democrats. Mueller, a Republican, appointed by Republicans, actually doesn’t have much to do with this.

    I am horrified that RINO Trumpsters are destroying conservativism and the reaction to this is even more evidence. Law and order matter, folks. No one is above the law. Not me. Not you. Not Trump.

    The problem here is that the guy who got the warrant, who executed on the warrant and who is leading the charge here was appointed directly by Trump. This is not Mueller’s investigation but that of the US Attorney’s office for the Southern District of New York, lead by Robert Khuzami the Deputy U.S. Attorney. Khuzami was personally interviewed and appointed by Trump. In an organization run, the Department of Justice, run by Trump nominees.

    Clearly, Mueller came across some seriously illegal activity that was outside of his mandate and passed it off to the FBI to investigate, as he should do. As we would want him to do. And it was serious enough that the Trump nominee Deputy US Attorney decided he had to take drastic steps.

    This kind of thing would need to be approved at every level by people not directly involved in the investigation: Rosenstein, Sessions, a judge, the head of the FBI… all Trump appointees (even the judge I think, but not 100% about that).

    You may like Trump’s policies, but that does not mean he is not a very corrupt man, morally and ethically, in his personal life and his business life.

    1. Tim do you think that the name one puts on their voter registration indicates how they view the world and their roll in it? Democrat and Republican are not clearly defined political ideologies or world views with many disagreeing with their own party and those in their own party. Putting an R or a D on your voter registration does not remove your brain and put you in lock step with everyone else that has that same marking on their Voter Registration card/

    2. “Clearly, Mueller came across some seriously illegal activity that was outside of his mandate and passed it off to the FBI to investigate, as he should do. ”

      Go ahead and swallow that leftist tripe. Not me, I want evidence not conjecture; failing that I wants heads to roll.

      There’s nothing clear about Mueller’s conduct or his handpicked DeMarxist sycophants – I give him no credit.

      1. Actually, it is clear. Mueller handed the file off to Trump’s appointee, Khuzami, and he then marched into a court to get a warrant and then marched into Cohen’s premises. Khuzami, the judge, Sessions, Rosenstein and probably the head of the FBI, Wray (also a direct Trump appointment) all approved this, and it is so rare and unusual to do that it must have been pretty clear. Has very little if anything to do with Mueller.

    3. Tim,

      ok so now tell us why that did not apply to Hillary.

      you know stuff such as this ;

      “Clearly, Mueller came across some seriously illegal activity that was outside of his mandate and passed it off to the FBI to investigate, as he should do. ”

      Are you telling us no one could find any seriously illegal activity in what Hillary did ?

      Are you even aware of what you are saying ?

      1. Huh? What the hell does this have to do with Crooked Hillary? I want justice there too.

        These friggen wealthy elite families all piss me off. The Bushes and Trumps and the Clintons all inherit their wealth and uber privilege and think they run the country and are above the law. They aren’t.

        Are *you* telling me that you think Trumps illegal conduct is a-OK because some other person once got away with illegal activity?

        Another RINO is what they call people like that. Definitely not a true conservative. When did all these conservatives turn into relativists and whataboutists?

        You do the crime you pay the time. Period.

        Do *you* have any idea what you are saying? It leads to anarchy this soft on crime and morality that some “conservatives” have adopted. If we don’t stand up for law, order and morality, and proper government spending and doing what’s right, who will?

        1. Your point is that Mueller is justified, he did what he did because he saw seriously illegal things

          in other words what you are saying is that anyone going after Trump is right, they saw something bad and are justified to go after Trump


          so how do you explain that Hillary who has done a hundred times more seriously illegal things is left alone as if she was a law abiding citizen?

          1. Um, no. Put down the drink. Mueller is conducting an investigation and he came across information out of his mandate so he passed it along to someone else. It’s like a murder investigation finding some drugs and passing it off to the drug unit.

            This has nothing to do with Clinton.

          2. Tim is losing the argument so now he goes to insults. “Put down the drink?”
            If an investigator gets to go way beyond the original stated intent of the investigation, investigate someone in every area of their lives, everyone over the age of seven will be guilty of something. This is ridiculous. And yes, the fact that more obvious … um … matters by Ms. Clinton have been swept under the rug, is indeed a mystery.
            If this was a chess game, I’d say the gambit is that they want Trump to fire Mueller. They are daring him to. It’s a queen sacrifice that leads to bigger problems like obstruction of justice. I think Trump is too smart to take the bait. The real crimes will eventually come out. And it will be the Clintons, Comey, Mueller, Rosenstein, Lynch et al who will pay the piper. The ace in the hole? Gorsuch. No need to panic Mr. Trump. These people are desperate and desperados eventually make a mistake.

    4. You said

      ” …No one is above the law. Not me. Not you. Not Trump. …”

      then why is Hillary free as a bird then?

      Mueller is investigating why Ukraine gave $150,000 to Trump but Mueller is NOT investigating why Ukraine gave Hillary 10,000,000

      why is Hillary above the law but Trump is not?… even though Hillary received 67 times more money from Ukraine and some of that money while she was secretary of state?…while Trump got it BEFORE he was President thus was not in any conflict of interest

      Obviously it has nothing to do with who is guilty of anything, it has to do with very corrupt democrats letting democrats off the hook and doing all they can to destroy Trump.

      and yes some republicans hate Trump as much as some democrats and are thus helping democrats destroy Trump

      That Trump is guilty of anything is obviously not why any of this happening

      Photos have came out that show Mueller shaking hands in 2013 with the Ukraine guy who gave Hillary 10 MILLION, but guess who Mueller is harassing ? Manafort for having worked for the same Ukraine guy in 2013

      Again the last reason why Mueller is going after Manafort is because he is guilty , it is to destroy Trump

      This is obvious to anyone who knows the facts.

      It is a witch hunt

  12. “you think Trumps illegal conduct is a-OK because some other person once got away with illegal activity?”

    What illegal activity are you accusing Trump of? Paying off the mistress?? I think that is perfectly legal.

    1. I am paraphrasing the other commenters here. That because Clinton got off easy, Trump should be as well.

      Real conservativism is dead. The liberals have won. Relative morality has won the day.

      We reap what we sow.

      1. I agree, conservatism is no longer a stand alone ideology, it must fuse with another, sometimes fascist (Mussolini), sometimes Libertarian (Harper), with semantics confusing everyone.

        Progressives have won the day, who can themselves fuse with anarchists, socialists, thugs, neo-regents, social justice hyocrites, fascists v.v. statists in general, well everyone but conservative, who can only counted on for tacit support.

        I hate repeating this but progressives are NOT LIBERAL. They are anything but liberal.

        If we allow definitions to wander from reality, the stupid ones will win the argument, which can be framed in any way they and their mediocracy sycophants wish.

        BTW this is not about two wrongs make a right with Trump. What evidence, which you ‘ve referred to, is available besides anonymous quotes and speculation? Meanwhile, the FBI had a boatload of evidence on Hillary, she was clearly gross negligent. What happened to her lawyers.

        Were they raided? No, they were given immediate immunity and allowed to sit in on Strozk’s coffee clatch with Hillary.

        BTW #2, why do you insist on sabotaging any hope of freedom from progressive slavery with pure laine conservatism, which you admit is dead? Can you not help real liberals with the top down stuff, so their less ideologically pure elements don’t defect to the pork party at DeMarxist land?

    1. Wishful thinking that is. Oh right in stupidland that is “evidence.” Mueller in the one who has flinched with this hail Mary.
