27 Replies to “April 11, 2018: Reader Tips”

  1. The Syria Chlorine video looks contrived… The common antidote for Sarin Nerve agent is WATER… They are treating victims with water hoses and that works for Sarim… The claim is that Chlorine gas was drooped which attacks the respiratory system….Wrong Video!

    1. Dion was on some news program being interviewed (while he was still the foreign minister). He made some comment that the job was not hard when your Prime Minister is Justin Trudeau (implying that Justin was loved everywhere.) It was an embarrassingly sucky comment. Now it appears the the comment may have been intended to ingratiate himself with Trudeau — still sucky, but likely not something he really believed.

      1. dion. heh-heh. migawd, every time I hear that smudge’s name I think of the time he bleated about the regular verbal knife fights that happened in politics.
        “iszz nod fair”. not fair? lOOking for a ‘fair’ fight in friggin politics?
        no wonder he didn’t last. I also remember a HUGE criticism he refused completely to listen to advice.
        no wonder he didn’t last.
        and that sound bite about the hot dog and the knife and fork.
        no wonder he didn’t last.
        then another election cycle and looky looky, a LIEberal zombie !!!!

    2. Maybe Dion wasn’t quite as thick as he appeared…..

      My guess is he either had a deep seated dislike for anything trudeau probably going back to Baby Doc1. The other explanation is that he rightly saw bongo as a threat to his leadership.

    1. The day is coming when the act of questioning these fake crimes will be a hate crime. And truth will not be a defense.

  2. AGW RIP.

    The polar bear expert cited is Canadian Susan Crockford (see sidebar).


    “Environmentalist Slams ‘Xenophobic’ Concerns About Knotweed, Grey Squirrels” (bbart)


    “Delingpole: Climate Alarmists Maul Inconvenient Polar Bear Expert”

    “Susan Crockford is a polar bear expert with a message that climate alarmists don’t want to hear: polar bear populations are thriving and are certainly in no danger from thinning summer sea ice supposedly caused by ‘man-made global warming.’

    That’s why the alarmist establishment is currently trying destroy her.

    “First came a hatchet job in Bioscience, described by climate scientist Judith Curry as “absolutely the stupidest paper I have ever seen published.”

    Crockford’s rebuttal is epic and can be read in full here.

    Now, the New York Times has weighed in with a piece entitled ‘Climate Change Denialists Say Polar Bears Are Fine. Scientists Are Pushing Back’.”


  3. Bolshevik Wynnetario.

    “Communism is Soviet power plus the electrification of the whole country.” – Vladimir Lenin ”


    “Gas Busters Part 79: Whatever Happened to McGuinty’s Key Gas Scandlers?

    Tomorrow is the sentencing day for former Premier McGuinty’s last chief of staff, David Livingston. I’ll be reporting here on what happens. While we’re all waiting for Judge Lipson’s sentence, another question is where are the other key gas scandlers now?

    Aside from David Livingston and Laura Miller, McGuinty’s gang relied on nine other key staffers during the gas scandal. These nine played direct roles in either screwing electricity ratepayers directly or covering up the gas scandal. You can find more details on these operatives in many posts in this series including Parts 46, 57, and 64.

    Here’s more details:

    Of those nine, one is in the private sector now, and one other recently left the extended Ontario public sector after being Exec Director at the Brick Works ($135k/yr). The other 7 are still in highly paid positions in the extended public service in Ontario. Over the last few years, the lowest pay in this group was $154K and the highest $301K — all taxpayer money all the time. I bet their pensions are awesome too. They are tapping into public cash mostly through lotteries, booze, gov’t think tanks, universities, the mostly faux university Ryerson, and healthcare.”

    Jamison Steeve, who worked with Sean Mullin to screw ratepayers in the TransCanada deal, now Executive Director of Martin Prosperity Institute and describes himself as a leading intellectual. Taxpayers paid him $174K in 2017 for his services.”

    Sean Mullin, Executive Director, Ryerson University, $181K in 2017.

    Neala Barton, worked in McGoo’s Premier’s Office and signed off on an affidavit claiming to have no gas scandal documents during the key scandal period, $301K in 2015 with the PanAm Games, now Vice President at the Canadian Institute for Health Information, last year made $232K.

    Craig MacLennan, found by the Ontario Information Commissioner in a 2012 report to be a deliberate lawbreaker, now Director Government and Stakeholder Relations, Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corporation, $145K in 2017.

    Wendy McCann, another document scorcher for “central”, now Senior Director, Communications, Council of Ontario Universities Holding Association Inc., $173K in 2017.

    Kevin Spafford, Director, Public Affairs at Rogers Communications.

    John Brodhead, another McGoo document scorcher, last Ontario-taxpayer-funded-gig, Executive Director, Evergreen (they operate the Brick Works in the Don Valley), $135K in 2015.

    Karim El Bardeesy, another McGoo document scorcher, now Special Advisor to the President, Ryerson University, $154K in 2017.

    David Phillips…”


    1. “Craig MacLennan, found by the Ontario Information Commissioner in a 2012 report to be a deliberate lawbreaker, now Director Government and Stakeholder Relations, Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corporation, $145K in 2017.”

      He’s my favourite!

      Where better for a “deliberate lawbreaker” than a lottery and gambling shop?

  4. PET POT Cemetery Report.

    Liberalism’s Mrs. O’Regan and his husband under suspicion of ……


    “O’Regan may face inquiry for failure to disclose Aga Khan vacation with PM to ethics commissioner

    O’Regan and his husband were guests of the Trudeau family during the trip, which was organized by Trudeau’s wife Sophie and the Aga Khan’s daughter”

    “Dion is also considering investigating another Liberal MP, Raj Grewal, …”


  5. PET POT Cemetery Report.

    Stupid Liberal Justine’s Kingdumb of Sikhs Crashes.

    “it has nothing to do with the controversy over his suggestion that factions in India’s government sabotaged the prime minister’s trip there in February.”


    “Daniel Jean, Trudeau’s National Security Adviser At Heart Of India Trip Furor, Set To Retire

    Insiders say he notified the government back in January.

    Justin Trudeau’s national security adviser is on the verge of retirement — although insiders insist it has nothing to do with the controversy over his suggestion that factions in India’s government sabotaged the prime minister’s trip there in February.

    Daniel Jean notified the government in January — well before the furor erupted — of his intention to retire, said one source familiar with the matter. Another insider echoed the notion that Jean’s plan to leave predates the current controversy.

    Both sources spoke on condition of anonymity because they weren’t authorized to speak publicly about the matter.”


  6. The Liberanos – Ontario chapter
    An attempt to delete documents related to the Ontario government’s decision to cancel two gas plants struck at the heart of the democratic process, a judge said Wednesday, as he sentenced a former top political aide to four months in jail.

    In his sentencing comments, Lipson said Livingston had directed the indiscriminate wiping of hard drives in the premier’s office in a deliberate effort at sparing the government embarrassment over its costly decision to scrap two gas plants ahead of the 2011 provincial election.


  7. Mao Strong Report.

    Mao slaps a rejection on Stupid Liberal Justine.


    “China rejects ‘progressive’ elements of free trade deal with Canada”

    “Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has been unable to persuade China’s leaders to formally entrench labour, gender, environment and governance issues in the negotiating framework of the free trade talks.”


  8. Bongo is off today April 11,2018. A ‘personal’ day were told.
    Getting ready to go on an holiday….er extended business trip.
    Yup, when the going gets tough the tough get going….and going. They’ve moved the coward outa town.

    1. The most disgusting people in (post-national, sharia-compliant, gender-balanced, Soros vassal) Canada right now (yes, there is someone worse than the Shiny Potato):


      So the accident is a tragedy only because it involves white males? Words fail me….

  9. Max should cool his heels. He lost. He’s been at this game a long time and knows it’s a blood sport. He became a single issue guy in a province who loves the issue. Supply management is a f’ked policy but are you going to die on that hill? It will come to an unnatural death not unlike the Wheat Board.

    I like his libertarian ideas and the conservatives can benefit from him to cool down all the social conservatives who want government to control individual behaviour.

  10. sign of the times:

    anybody know whut happened to spot lites?
    went to a big box (aka host of inventory selection) lOOking for one to put under my now full grown japanese birch aaaaand apparently I waited too long.
    lotsa ‘LED’ types with the bright, bright hospital white shade, ALL ‘FLOOD’ lights. naturally the store employee clucked about ‘insufficient demand’. BULL. some bean counter decided they could max profits if they shoved the *lesser* demand SPOT lights OFF the shelf and replace them ALL with LED FLOOD lights.
    anybody got a fix for this sit’n?
    jeezuz murphy. cant even pick up a SPOT light anymore because of greeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeen energy.

    1. Looking to shine it up into or onto the tree?
      The LED lights have very little to no heat, so pick one you like and build an extension from a non-reflective material (ABS pipe just a little bigger than the base) so the light is tunneled and and not spread out.
      The bright white is 5000 dg Kelvin, the intermediate yellow is 3000 dg Kelvin and the real yellow glow is about 2000 dg Kelvin. Pick the colour you like if available. If only the bright hospital white is available stick a piece of coloured plastic (multiple layers of plastic bags work, just poke some vent holes) over the end of the extension and tape it down. There is very little heat off the LED so only a little venting is needed.
      I’ve built similar spots for photography when I started switching all my super hot spots to LED. Still have a couple of studio spots available, though wouldn’t suggest them for outdoors. 🙂

      Edit: You can also shape the extension to control how the light falls. A slope bottom to top floods the ground and directed light up, as an example.

    2. If you have a Princess Auto where you live I am sure they would have what you are looking for mate.
