He Admired Their Basic Dictatorship

Well darn.

China’s ambassador says his country firmly rejects Canada’s attempts to entrench labour standards in a free trade pact.


Envoy Lu Shaye says Canada’s so-called progressive trade agenda has no place in a free trade agreement.

18 Replies to “He Admired Their Basic Dictatorship”

  1. It’s getting better every day for bongo isn’t it. Wonder how the yanks are responding to his gender based trade demands?

    He’s a Hollywood type who finds himself in control of a major country. The world gushed over the fool and are now finding out who he really is. A good looking circular logician who has spent his very privileged life hanging out with drug addled fools of like mind. He’s never had a serious thought in his life.

  2. Unfortunately if he gets tossed I don’t think a lot of people will stop and think about who exactly sold this loser to them.

  3. Quote – “Envoy Lu Shaye says Canada’s so-called progressive…” Hold it right there! It isn’t Canada’s, it’s Trudeau’s! Put the blame where it belongs.

    Trudeau’s ‘progressive’ agenda has no place in a free market either, but he’s imposing it on us just the same.

  4. You have to love the hypocrisy of the Liberals. Their mantras of “Diversity is our Strength” and “All cultures are Equal” are the epitome of hypocrisy. “Diversity is our Strength” goes right out the window with “All cultures are Equal” as soon as we start trade negotiations because WE are superior to you because WE have gender equality and better environmental protection. So if you want to negotiate with Us you have to change your culture. 40% of Canadians have to be the stupidest people on earth to have elected this would be ponce to be Prime Minister and set him loose on the world stage.

    1. I worked with an educated businessman from China may years ago,we often discussed politics and philosophical themes during the days together. One thing I learned very quickly,China does NOT believe all cultures are equal, not even close. China believes there is one culture that is supreme, one people that are better than all others on the planet, China’s. They consider everyone else barbarians in various states of civilization,with Africans coming in dead last in their estimation. China is, to put it bluntly, racist as they come, but they are brilliant at never showing their true feelings to the enemy, and everyone who isn’t Chinese is the enemy.
      All those old proverbs and books we are so fond of quoting, from Confucius to Sun Tzu, were authored by Chinese, we may be their students but they are the masters. China produced,”The Art of War”, Canada produced a gender balanced Cabinet.

      When I see the photos of China’s team versus Canada’s team it fills me with dread for our future.

  5. The Chinese (i.e., the People’s Republic of China) inhabit the real world.

    You know, the one where your country’s national interests come first.

    1. With the pipeline crisis looming, Junior has decided to get out of dodge – he’s leaving on a trip to Peru, France and England. I wonder whether the wife and kiddies are joining him?

  6. Sun sez:
    “China’s ambassador says his country firmly rejects Canada’s attempts to entrench labour standards in a free trade pact.”

    Who the hell does the airhead think he is?
    A little bitty nobody that is bent on screwing Canadians out of their money.

    Like the Chinese with 1 bill + people are gonna listen to some pipsqueak nobody, legend in his own mind.

    A likely story.

  7. well shucksamiti.
    if’n any of youse wuz wundrin whut it’s like to have a teenager running things, lOOk no furder.
    the other good news . . . . ummm . . . . . at least he isnt in India anymore embarrassing the entire country.
    I dont think he is *capable* of feeling the embarrassment himself. comes with being a trust fund bratola.

  8. Didn’t Mr Dressup say he didn’t read the news because people will tell him stuff when its important? Isn’t it time someone let him know the important news: he’s been declared the Prime Idiot of the country, he should resign and he may as well come out of the closet just to make the trifecta.

    1. There is that…the way he holds his hands in front of his empty crotch, the way he sits sideways on a chair…tis like he was wearing a dress. That he is Efette, a dilettante is not in question….that he messes with Goats..? that my friends is the real question…after reading some of the high points in C-75, I’m not so sure. No outraged wailling from his favorite demographic, that’s for sure.

      I guess it Butts n Barbie running the sbow…unreal.

      1. The ‘effete’ complaint would be boring and dumb even if he hadn’t kicked Brazeau’s ass. Substance please.

  9. I make a prediction.

    for the next 20 YEARS I will recollect and tell people about TURDoo’s fondness of dictatorship a la chirese variety.
