Things You’ll Never See On The CBC

Kathmandu Tribune;

Central Investigation Bureau (CIB) Nepal has arrested sixty-years-old Canadian Peter Dalglish in pedophile case from Mandan Deupur-1, Kavre on Saturday morning around 6:30. Danglish was staying at Chil Kaji Maharjan’s home and was found with two children aged 12 and 14. The children have been rescued and Dalglish is now under investigation for pedophilia.


(Via BCF)

36 Replies to “Things You’ll Never See On The CBC”

  1. JUSTIN and one of his sleaze ball friends is right….this does prove he is an idiot. VOTE TRUDEAU OUT 2019!

    1. The sexual proclivity of this pederast is revealed in the manner in which he pulls the young tossle-headed PM tightly to his breast …

  2. Don’t bet on this working against him in the next election. The Soy Boy will be portrayed as the friend of humanitarians and Order of Canada winners.

    1. There certainly ARE – are you forgetting those UN workers who support Palestinian terrorists and/or bribe young women with much needed food for sex?

      Calling them ALL pedophiles is quite unfair!

  3. Seems to like kids..perhaps a little too much. From wikipedia:

    “Peter Dalglish CM, is a Canadian humanitarian and founder of the Street Kids International charity and the Trails Youth Initiative program”.

    Also authored the book ‘The Courage of Children: My Life with the World’s Poorest Kids’ – sounds like he left out a little bit of info from his book.

    1. Pedophiles are notorious for getting involved in organizations which will put them into close contact with kids – especially vulnerable kids.

      1. That’s because, when you go hunting, you go where the prey are; you don’t hunt rabbits in the middle of Lake Ontario.

  4. first, 14 is the age of consent in much of the world, and until a few years ago, was so in kanada, so CHILDREN, is a misnomer. 12 is accepted in many countries as well. So lets be honest here, the guy is a pervert, but until more investigation is done, “children” will be attached by libtards, and that is why language is important. Lefties love to play word games to justify lieberal sins. This clown, along with some other despicable characters will certainly make good material for erection….erm, election day. Not all voters will support a pervert supporter!

    1. Omar Khadr was a Chee-ild, Trayvon Martin was a Cheeee-ild, every future doctor,scientist or future President shot by a crazed cop was a Chi-i-i-ild, so why not a victim of a good buddy of Justin’s who also happens to be a pedophile?

      I always figured Justin took after Dad, swung both ways as they say, but never imagined he hung out with guys like this and Ben Levin for anything more than a sincere Liberal friendship. Call me naive.

  5. Geez, what a creep, eh. I mean, look at the photo.
    Not only does he get off on little kids, but retarded ones at that!

  6. Just waiting on the PMO to claim it’s another rogue Government Official trying to embarrass, his Sockness.

  7. I will wait and see what happens at trial, if there is a trial. Canadians get accused of things in Asian countries that are not crimes in Canada, like those girls in Cambodia recently who were basically out on the town in provocative clothing. There is some chance this starts to look like a cultural divide issue, once evidence comes to light. Maybe in their culture, you don’t spend time alone with kids in somebody’s home, but just doing that is not criminal behaviour in our culture. Let’s wait and see how this plays out in court. I don’t like this rush to tar and feather people on mere accusation by any justice system — even ours, if it comes to that, but people have the right to a fair trial and presumption of innocence. The real crime here apparently is having your photo taken with the PM — that makes a lot of Canadians criminals then. I wouldn’t go out of my way to get a photo with him, but you never know, he might just grab you and have the selfie stick out. Then you’re an instant criminal on SDA.

    1. Please give us more information about the girls in Cambodia who were wearing “provocative clothing”.

    2. “Canadians get accused of things in Asian countries that are not crimes in Canada…”

      It doesn’t much matter whether they are not crimes in Canada. It matters whether they are crimes in those countries.

  8. A UN lackey turns out to be a baby-toucher. Sadly, par for the course with those creeps. And our tax money is funding their pedophilia.

  9. The true test of friendship is how comfortable Justin is with this guy around the Prime Minister’s children.

  10. I punched this guy’s name into the Postmedia data base and all his donations were to Conservatives. If he’s the same guy, perhaps he considers the Spawn one of his young playthings but not a political ally.

  11. Rumor has it that Ontario premier is lobbing heavily for his release, apparently she may be planning further revisions to school sex ed curriculum and the previous expert is not available.
