We’ll Make You Neurotic And Dishonest, Just Like Us

During the intervening five years “white privilege” seemed to have mushroomed from a zany preoccupation of far-left professors into a mainstream pedagogical trend. Just a few days ago elementary-school teachers in Raleigh, N.C., sent second-graders home with a sheet for their parents titled “11-Step Guide to Race, Racism, and White Privilege.” The sheet proffered such injunctions as “Drop ‘colourblindedness’ (which is arguably an ableist term anyway)” and “Only white people can be racist.” The white-privilege movement had become serious — and a serious threat to those who declined to be indoctrinated or to have their children indoctrinated.

Charlotte Allen attempts to cover a “white privilege” conference in Grand Rapids, Michigan.

6 Replies to “We’ll Make You Neurotic And Dishonest, Just Like Us”

  1. These ‘progressives’ are racists who believe that anyone not of white skin is incapable of succeeding on their own merits.

    Simple as that.

  2. Apparently the school admitted these kids were too young for indoctrination, like contact sports or throwing the curve ball.

    It seems their brain circuity is too young and innocent to be malleable to brainwashing.

    Soon, though.

  3. this white priblige crapola is really getting to me.
    how ‘privileged’ was THIS white kid growing up so go&^%^$#*&mn poor I had to fish thru waste bins at the beach for refund pop bottles sose *I* could enjoy one? hmmmm?

    how ‘privileged’ am I with my face-like-a-horse getting snubbed for decades by the very superficial north american women? a phenomenon I noticed waaaaaaay back in grade 2 I might add. how go&$#&^^$&$mned ‘privileged’ was THAT?

    but it was a real good lesson in life. at a very very early age I sensed that ALL MY ‘privileges’ would come from hard WORK. like WORKING full time at the same time as WORKING at my university tuition paid courses in STEM, *AND* WORKING at renovating my first home purchased at the age of 28. yup. the WORK paid off early. the ‘white priblige’ WORK ethic I was born with and manifested itself the first chance I got PAID OFF RIGHT FROM THE START.

    gawd help any minority whiner type getting in my WHITE face about ‘privilege’

    1. Well said. All I can say is that … I didn’t grow up a “Kennedy” … or “Pelosi” … or have my mommy and daddy BUY me a $3.5 million Townhouse in NYC, and give me a “job” that pays $999k/yr for their “Foundation”. Now THAT is white, liberal, guilt … er, privilege.

      No, instead, I had a routine daily search pattern on the streets of my upper middle class community. A search pattern of checking the coin returns of every public phone booth, soda machine, and newspaper machines in town. I knew them all … and often found multiple quarters in the change slot. I didn’t receive an allowance from my single-parent, alcoholic, father.
