9 Replies to “When The FBI Does It, That Means That It’s Not Illegal”

  1. Impeachment of both Wray & Rosenstein is in order….The Justice portfolio is beyond Jeff Sessions pay group… He could not lead a flock of sick sheep…..Stop the wild nonsense by Commy’s Russian witch hunt… The raid on Trump’s Lawyer better not be about Stormy… That is a civil case & those involved from the DOJ would be subject to disbarment.

    Provide the FISA warrant with the FBI & CIA names & Magistrates…Not redacted, or be impeached & be transferred to Guam… Losing One’s position of command is a hard pill to swallow…..

    1. FBI and DOJ indicted for “obstruction of justice” should make for an interesting news story…just to ensure that the world is really upside down.


      Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
      1st Saint Nicolaas Army
      Army Group ‘True North’

  2. When there is no Rule of Law, it works BOTH ways. “Law Enforcement” and the “Legal” system – at all levels – would do well to understand that, lest they and their families have to deal with the consequences. Time is short.

  3. A tale of two “investigations.” The FBI elitist establishment echelon are the ones who need to be raided.

    This is cover for talking points when it becomes clear Rosenstein, probably Mueller, and many others are co-conspirators in a seditionist plot. This wasn’t ad hoc; they, the DeMarxist, including the outgoing administration and the DeMedia have been in cahoots the whole time. This will be via the DOJ IG Report, due soon, for which the IG asked for an extension to report, ostensibly to conduct more investigations leading to criminal charges against some deep staters.

    IOW, Unme et al, this “raid” indicates deep fear in the deep state. They should be very afraid when the IG does issue their damning report, allowing Trump, for the second time, to take off the gloves and slap some elitists around.

    Last time they tried to crush Trump this way, it was the infamous groper tapes, again about women, so baked in the cake, affecting nothing.

    Trying to dress this up as criminality (oh it must be serious if a judge singed the warrant – in the advent of FISA world, are you kidding?), when if this turns out to be a fishing expedition, which it likely is, we will see, Cohen and Trump will have a field day with these statist miscreants.

    I’m storing up beer and popcorn for the entertainment to come and the just desserts that will surely result. Can’t wait.

  4. A tale of two “investigations.” No need to describe each. The FBI elitist establishment echelon are the ones who need to be raided.

    This is cover for talking points when it becomes clear Rosenstein, probably Mueller, and many others are co-conspirators in a seditionist plot. This wasn’t ad hoc; they, the DeMarxist, including the outgoing administration and the DeMedia have been in cahoots the whole time. This will be via the DOJ IG Report, due soon, for which the IG asked for an extension to report, ostensibly to conduct more investigations leading to criminal charges against some deep staters.

    IOW, Unme et al, this “raid” indicates deep fear in the deep state. They should be very afraid when the IG does issue their damning report, allowing Trump, for the second time, to take off the gloves and slap some elitists around.

    Last time they tried to crush Trump this way, it was the infamous groper tapes, again about women, and not decisive, again.

    It was a costly mistake (probably motivated Trump to barnstorm, taking him over the top), and is again, imho.

    Trying to dress this up as criminality (oh it must be serious if a judge signed the warrant (in the advent of FISA world, are you kidding?), if this turns out to be a fishing expedition, which it likely is, we will see, Cohen and Trump will have a field day with these statist miscreants.

    I’m storing up beer and popcorn for the entertainment to come and the just desserts that will surely result. Can’t wait.

  5. The raid on Trumps Lawyer SEEMS to be Media driven. They needed NEW material…, Stormy, Hollywood Video, and Hillary left her panties @ the Trump Tower after visiting Donald & Howard Stern


  6. So the clowns roll over and provide the document… not that hard after they get a one-way ticket to Guam

    1. Yes … and now? My fellow Trumpers are growing impatient with the swamp draining operations. Lock HER up was much more than a slogan.
