32 Replies to “Wynneing!”

  1. Aaaannnd on the link people of Ontariowe justify it.

    All hope is lost on those poor souls. YOU must pay they say.


  2. You get what you pay for.
    Uh, no, that’s not right.
    You pay for what you don’t get.
    Oh wait, you get what you voted for. Idiots!

    1. “Administration” charges.

      It’s quite expensive to nick taxes off the general public

  3. It reminds me of when, about 10 years ago, the apartment complex I live in wanted us to pay for our heat.

    A way of measuring the temperature difference between two points on the radiator pipe was installed in each apartment and was managed by a third party. The signal was transmitted to a nearby receiver and that was used to determine how much heat was used.

    I simply refused to adjust the thermostat after that. Instead, if I felt cold, I would wear a sweater.

    However, I still had to pay a minimum fee because that cockamamie apparatus had been put into my apartment. One day, that third party company called to see if something on that device might have been broken. When I explained that I had no intention of using it and, so, nothing was being measured. The agent on the other end of the telephone line gagged in disbelief.

    Eventually, the company was taken to court in a nation-wide class action lawsuit. It turned out that the transmitters weren’t certified by the federal government and, therefore, couldn’t be used. The whole scheme was abandoned soon after that.

  4. I won’t justify it as the Hydro One workers are the biggest bunch of unionized dog f#@$ers I’ve ever seen but I’ll try and explain it for those of you lucky enough to not have Kathleen Wynne as your premiere. My understanding is that in the past only the Provincial Parliament could raise the cost of a kilowatt hour of electricity so Ontario Hydro decided to add a delivery charge which they could raise without the bother of getting Queen’s Park to vote on it. Over the years the delivery cost has increased steadily so that the politicians didn’t have to take the heat for raising the price of kWH. The excuse is that maintaining the grid by replacing poles, transformers and wires incurs the same expenses whether you use a little electricity or a lot so you pay the delivery charge even if you have been cut off for non-payment.

    My bill this month shows that I used $21.39 worth of electricity but my delivery charge is $35.98.

    1. Yup. And as you must know the City of Ottawa uses the same play book having removed water and sewer charges from yearly taxes that they say they keep at 2% per year (read constantly rising no matter what). You get 4 bills a year that rise as much “as needed” but don’t raise the overall rate of property tax above that “measly” 2%. Wynne and her crew with their Feed In Tariff give-away madness – brought to you by Dalton McGuilty and his chums, G Butts and K Telford who are the top advisors of PM Dressup in Ottawa – believe in taking as much of your money as possible so they can redistribute it as only Neo-Marxists can. Hydro One and Ontario Power Generation employ some of the richest dog-phukers in all of blue collar land and the most over-paid thumb-in-bum managers in all of ring-around-the-white collar land. Those guaranteed public sector pensions need funding dontcha know.

    2. audited those dog fvckers, and the they (forestry division ) work at about 35% efficient. Private company, same location, 95-97% efficient.

    3. When my father died, I not only inherited his house, I also inherited the need for the utilities to keep it running.

      A few weeks ago, I got the last gas bill for the place and I looked at what I was being charged for. It turned out that the cost for the actual gas that was used was about half of what I had to pay. The remainder consisted of miscellaneous taxes and charges.

  5. Ooof! That’s more than I pay a month and I actually use gas and electric! New Jersey! Hey – I may actually stick around!

  6. I fail to understand how this can be.

    I get how you’d be liable if you’d used say… 1 kilowatt, because you’re billed on delivery.

    But if you haven’t used any electricity, what was delivered?

    Aside from that, the Dr.’s tweet regarding Ontario provincial election results, are hopefully spot on, though I’d prefer the Liberals “lost their deposits”

  7. the folks at Ontario hydro are really not very bright and should not be running a business. there is a graph on my bill that shows same period last year, previous period and current month, well my bill is up 23% compared to last year, of course it is 30% colder than the same time period. fools, they are all fools.

    1. Looks to me more like it’s the people of Ontario who are actually paying these bills who are the fools. The Hydro folks are looking brilliant, whereby they are getting your money for nothing. That is a neat trick, you have to admit.

  8. “Hydro One workers are the biggest bunch of unionized dog f#@$ers I’ve ever seen ”

    That is true. They make Ontario teachers seem industrious by comparison.

  9. In the past few years Southern Ontario has suffered through 2 major ice storms. In one of them, which started Christmas Eve, we were without power for 7 days. Hydro One refused to turn power back on until all power lines were clear, including the private lines off the main roads (which we were informed in a letter that we owned and were therefore responsible for clearing). So we had them cleared at our cost and two breaks repaired. Finally, power was restored.
    The following year there was a flurry of crews sent out to clean out the trees that had grown around the power lines. This had been neglected for years. Funny thing was, when they cleared out the lines they only chose certain sections to clear leaving hundreds of meters of uncleared trees, in some cases (15 Side Road west of Highway 25) they left dead trees still leaning on the power lines.
    This year we had a wind storm during the first few days of April. Wouldn’t you know it. Power lines down everywhere (including 15 Side Road and Highway 25). Luckily our power did not go out, but why such an intermittent approach to clearing the lines?
    Interesting, when you take a ride into Milton, Ontario you can see all the new trees they have planted to make the city more beautiful – all directly below the power lines.

  10. Trudeau can STFU on his crap about the middle class and those wishing to join it as long as he is on the environMENTAL road to destruction. Ontario has gone off the rails with green shit to the point many can’t even eat and pay hydro and water sewer bills.
    Trudeau’s Climate Barbie is on the same wavelength with many signs she doesn’t know what she’s talking about.
    The motto in Ontario should be starve the people, save the planet.

  11. What are you all bitching about? I live in Saskatchewan and I pay the highest power rates of the four western provinces, just a bit more than Alberta. Manitoba and B.C. are way cheaper. On my last bill, my basic monthly charge is $31.98 regardless of my electricity charge. You can bitch about Ontario Hydro 1, but it is no different here in Saskatchewan.

    1. I live in Edmonton and I have a similar situation. It seems that no matter how I try to cut my power use, I always end up paying at least $35/month.

      At least I’m using the power I’m paying for. In the case I described in my previous post, I paid for having that infernal apparatus in my apartment, whether or not I used any heat.

    2. That’s because we built a state of the art Carbon Capture Coal Plant for $ 1.7 billion, when a natural gas plant would have cost $ 300 – 350 million. The idea was we were going to sell the carbon dioxide to U.S. companies to inject into the ground to improve oil recovery. We were going to make billions of dollars selling the technology.
      Well, they don’t need our expensive CO2 due to fracking, and nobody seems too interested in developing clean coal. Not yet, anyway.
      Let’s not even mention the wind farms which cost a fortune to build and develop a pittance of power.
      Fools are running this province, and the opposition party is worse.

  12. – Don’t fret, Ontarioweans; your hydro bill comes with a tax deduction slip as a political contribution to the Ontario Liberals. I’m telling you this so you’ll know that the money was not wasted.

  13. Not bad for 3 months. Out here in the buck brush the charges are about that by the month – without any power consumption. It ridiculous.

    1. Yeah, here in the REA standby charges are close to $40 per month if a service is on your land but not being used. Actually power bills are worse in rural AB REA’s than in many places in rural Ontario.

  14. Yup.

    But despite the economic ruin that green energy has inflicted on Ontario, a recent IPSOS poll reveals that 60 percent of Ontario’s electorate would still vote for the architects of the disaster: Liberals, NDP, and Greens.

  15. This is nothing. My parents pay over $300.00 a month while living in Florida during the winter months. The house sits at 10/C to keep the pipes from freezing, but there’s no one home (there’s a monitored burglar system, so don’t get any ideas, not that the SDA community are given to home invasions). What are the odds there are enough deluded people in the once great province to put Wynne and her crims back in a minority position? According to the post above, plenty. Stupid has no floor, it seems.

  16. And they line up again and again to vote for it. Screw them hard. They deserve every last bit of it.

  17. The person who posted the photo seems a bit upset that the Ford campaign found his example of “your fair share” and shared it. Public domain fella :). While infrastructure costs have to be factored into any bill where moving a product from the source to the consumer is involved, the charges by the electric companies, and gas companies, seem to be a whole level of out of line.

    My natural gas bill was $41.86 after all fees, transportation, carbon tax, municipal tax, and levies. Actual cost of the gas, $5.54.

    Basic charge – $12.06
    delivery charge – $14.85
    Storage and transport – $2.19
    Cost of gas – $5.54
    Taxes and fees
    Municipal Operating Fee – $1.07
    Carbon Tax – $4.02
    Clean Energy Levy – $0.14
    GST – $1.99

  18. Had a friend in BC that had an opportunity to spend two months in Florida last year. He turned the heat down in his house and shut off the water heater, figuring he’d save some money. When he came home the bill for the two months that he was away, January, February, was more than the two previous months, November, December, and was just a bit less than the March April bill. He phoned BC Hydro and was told that the reason the bill was so high while he was away was because his body heat was absent and hadn’t been available to augment the temperature of the building.

  19. Nothing will happen to costs in Ontario until the public sector Unions are eliminated. That includes the teachers, OPP, Hydro 1, LCBO and on and on. These folks get more in salary and bennies than the average of folks who pay the taxes. Anything else to reduce any costs to the consumer is just tweaking around the edges.

  20. Same here – distribution charges (inlcuding a municipal levy) higher than actual electricity or gas charges. As well, we have the carbon levy ($31.22 on last gas bill) and municipal franchise fees charged by the city to allow the utilities to gain access to our home – all part of the distribution charges. And then there’s GST on top of that!!

  21. well, Im curious. how wuz the hydro delivered? uber cabs or sumptin?
    here, I always thought >99% flowed thru those big steel towers that the utility plopped wherever they felt like.
    including cluttering up the main beach in Hamilton. (to save munny hunny !!!)
    so, WHY is the DELIVERY a fresh line item e-v-e-r-y t-i-m-e when the means of delivery was paid for LOOOONNNNGGG ago? jist askin’.

    ooooh. all the earmarks of a gubbamint scam.
