18 Replies to “Wynneing!”

  1. He fights. Thank god. We can only hope that if he wins he doesn’t burn out and lose interest like Harris. Oh for the old days of the evil Tory dynasty of decades and decades of relatively competent government.

    1. Livingston has already launched an appeal as anyone would expect…..he will be home in his own bed tonight.
      Not sure what an appeal will change unless he squeals, decides he is not going to go down on his own. It’s hard to imagine a smart person knowing what he was doing was illegal and be willing to do it without direction from the top. IMO the act of doing it tells us the reason he did it was to cover for shyster politics. In this case it’s obvious who was to gain from his deleting of the emails.

  2. I miss Rob Ford whose life style and demeanor was more befitting that of a politician, particularly all those do-gooders that see themselves as his betters. He also reinforced Friedman’s saying that rather than finding the right politician to do the right thing, we need to work at establishing an environment where the “wrong” person feels compelled to do the right thing.

    1. Thats a bad sign for sure. Hopefully you just forgot to change your name before posting.

    2. well Unthing, you are pretty stupid, and that can be determined from your past performances. But your negative opinions can be seen as a positive by those you opine about, you are that stupid!!!

      1. Given the delusions I hear from Trump supporters about what Their Guy is going to do for them, it’s pretty clear they do.

        1. Funny, I’m working in the US..all I see are businesses end masses recruiting Labour, the mood is upbeat and their economy rocking.

          The swamp of UnME LIke creatures is being drained, illegals being rounded up…whats not to like..??

          UnMe, I’d be happy to sponsor a one way trip to the Socialist Shithole of your choosing….Venezuela perhaps, where you can fight with Feral dogs / humans for your sustenance.

  3. Current Ontario Liberals should be jailed. Dalton McGuilty and his old crew should be hanged, drawn and quartered.

  4. Ford’s comeback to Wynne is good and bad, IMO.

    A quick-witted jibe is always effective. With the exception of Churchill, who was, quite apart from his oratorical skills, the master of the jibe, memorable excerpts from political speeches are pretty rare, and almost always involve a clever turn of phrase. The jibe always does the most damage in the heat of electoral warfare, and this one nicely reframes Wynne’s misdirection. So, to the extent that Ford’s comeback presages a campaign with a certain resolve of purpose delivered with a bit of back-at-you humour, that’s good.

    On the other hand, he appears to have unconditionally agreed to three debates with Wynne, which is bad. Adding the word “if” in his response would have made his jibe supremely effective. Back here in the real world, the number of party leader debates that need to occur between now and election day is exactly zero. The issues at stake in Ontario are stark, pretty well understood among available Conservative voters, and can be adequately discussed by Ford during his regular campaigning activities. There is zero need to muddy the waters by giving Wynne yet another platform or three to offer up a bunch of bafflegab about “investments” and “only we care, blah, blah, blah…”. Shut ‘er down, Doug.

    1. Ford just has to keep cool, get her muddled, having to search for words, she does often stammer. She’s got no more capital to spend, she was overdrawn by real life standards before she began her election promises/giveaways. It’s at a point where we really can’t stand the sight of her let alone listen to her.
