22 Replies to “April 29, 2018: Reader Tips”

  1. Unfunny and outright nasty comedienne at White House Correspondents Dinner:


    Evidently, someone doesn’t know the meaning of the words “give it a rest”. Of course if such comments were made in a similar setting in the land of the Shiny Rainbow Potato, that person would be out of a job by the end of the proceedings.

    1. She looks like Debbie Wassermann-Schulz and has a grating nasal voice like Fran Drescher. What’s not to like?

  2. You’re going to have to give me some reason to spend 2 hours watching some preening celebrities.

  3. Donald Trump claims to respect the military. However he does not trust the military with guns in his presence.

    Sauce goose, sauce gander.

    1. I think that is a reasonable security measure. Trump does respect the military. That does not mean you will never find a traitor or hostile rogue in the military. I am sure that most in the military do not take it personally.

      1. So you are an advocate of gun control (of the military) when the president is present?

  4. More food for the leaches @ the clinton news network
    And wait until monday all the socialist networks will be playing the reruns.

  5. Another Clinton Scam
    “Clinton nonprofit wont let donor cancel $10.48 monthly contribution” FOX NEWS
    Onward Together, the politician action organization Clinton formed after her 2016 election defeat.
    Wants to cancel because they dont say how the money is spent.
    IMO clinton ranks right up there with door to door A/C, Furnace salesman.

  6. University of Texas to Treat Masculinity as a ‘Mental Health’ Issue

    Though you might enjoy “taking care of people” or being “active,” MasculinUT warns that many of these attributes are actually dangerous, claiming that “traditional ideas of masculinity place men into rigid (or restrictive) boxes [which]… prevent them from developing their emotional maturity.”


    1. Wanna bet this is all being orchestrated by LGBTQewwwww activists? The Gays want to redefine manhood to fit their lack Thereof … hint: it won’t work, because you can’t fool Mother Nature.

      1. What if the “patients” become Monty Python lumberjacks? If so, who provides the backup Mountie chorus?

  7. AGW RIP.


    “Cold evidence in France”

    ““This photo is from the south of France, 15 kilometers (9 miles) up the hill from St Tropez at 360 meters (1,181 ft),” says reader Ed Hoskins.

    “We have had it like this twice this winter, ” says Ed, who lives in southern France.

    “Prior to that we have had snowfall twice in the last 20 years.”


  8. “After a massive refugee influx, Germany is confronting an imported anti-Semitism” (NP)


    “All European Life Died in Auschwitz”

    “By Sebastian Vilar Rodrigez

    I walked down the street in Barcelona, and suddenly discovered a
    terrible truth — Europe died in Auschwitz. We killed six million
    Jews and replaced them with 20 million Muslims.

    In Auschwitz we burned a culture, thought, creativity, talent. We destroyed the
    chosen people, truly chosen, because they produced great and wonderful
    people who changed the world.”


  9. Mohammed walks its talk.


    “Trudeau, Wynne to join mourners and attend vigil for victims of Toronto van attack
    Listed speakers at the event include rabbis, an imam and a Buddhist monk. Before the vigil, attendees will take part in what’s being billed as a walk of ‘healing and …” (NP)


    “Jihad Report

    Apr 21, 2018 –
    Apr 27, 2018

    Attacks 34
    Killed 207
    Injured 279
    Suicide Blasts 4
    Countries 9”


    1. Well, after a short flurry of people expressing doubt about the “official narrative” (incel motivated) regarding the attack in Toronto, the media has stopped investigating. News stories are all at least 5 days old. The current story is about the vigils and how people are coming together. That’s nice, but people are also being brain washed. The media is complicit in a government cover-up. It has been reported that Minassen has Aspergers. I know someone with Aspergers. He is pretty much a gentle soul . . . but easily, easily influenced. Is it possible that in his neighborhood Minassen might have come into contact with extremists who recognized his vulnerability?
      I know it is reasonable to take time to investigate this type of crime, but the public needs to know whether or not there is a threat of terrorism. I felt Ralph Goodall’s reassurances were a bit too carefully worded. Since we know that the media (probably under pressure) downplays difficulties related to immigration or religious-based crime, because we know ISIS has been encouraging just this type of crime, and because the van attack has become a common strategy for actual ISIS attacks, there is good reason to speculate that we are not being told the whole truth.
