

Lysyk said Wynne’s budget underestimates government deficits for the next three years by $16.6 billion, or 84 per cent, for two reasons.


First, it fails to reflect the true cost of its scheme to temporarily reduce electricity rates, known as the Fair Hydro Plan.


Second, the government improperly treated surpluses in the Ontario teacher and civil service pension plans as assets, since it can’t access that money without union permission.


“When expenses are understated, the perception is created that government has more money available than it actually does,” Lysyk wrote.


“Therefore, more money will need to be borrowed to pay for the unrecorded expenses, even when government reports an annual surplus or a balanced budget.


“A perception is also created of an improving trend in the relationship between the government’s financial obligations and its capacity to raise funds to meet them when the burden of net debt is actually increasing.”

h/t David Southam    who adds a few comments of his own.


17 Replies to “Wynneing!”

    1. When have liberals not resorted to excuse making to explain away their failures. Trust liberals to figure out another excuse ad infinitum.

      And when they are not making excuses they are making allegations.

  1. Kleptocracy in motion.
    There is no limit to the lying and stealing by an addict to OPM .
    The wynning ways of the fools and bandits will never stop,while they draw breathe.
    The likelyhood that the Wynne government sees the union pension fund money as theirs to steal is 100%, the likelyhood that their union supporters will recognize this?
    About zero.

  2. Doug Ford should highlight these disasters but not provide a financial plan to deal with them as he will be attacked by Wynne’s thieves and waste valuable time responding to them. He should frequently stand with Lysyk and the FAO staff and just emphasize the incredible task to even begin to address the staggering corruption and waste of the Liberals.

    1. That is good advice. As Kim Campbell said long ago: a campaign is no time to discuss issues. That may sound sarcastic but it’s not meant to: you’re saying stay away from plans with too much specificity. Focus on the general rot and corruption. You’re right.

    2. Unfortunately Ford has his own dumb ideas including a tax break for childcare costs and lowering electricity prices…the latter is what the current government did.

  3. Fed liberals have been eyeing the CPP for their next source of income
    “Liberals Robbing CPP Fund” Prince George Citizen Sept 2/16
    Top that with increases to payroll contributions, and smoke and mirror GIS increase whereas get a gis increase get a
    OAS clawback.

  4. People in Ontario are idiots. This Liberal crap started with Dalton McGuilty on his second day in office when he broke his written promise not to raise taxes. That was 2003. Fifteen years later and the same types are all still in power because people in Ontario are idiots. I have no faith that that the percentage of idiots within the voting population is diminishing or that some miracle is forthcoming to cure them of their idiocy and the idiocracy they empower. Even if Fatso Ford wins power I have no faith that he and his crew have the stones to do what is necessary. And even if they did, it would be political suicide because people in Ontario are idiots.

  5. Glad to hear that Tory, the so called conservative, is so vocal about the precarious finance of his province. Very enlightening.

  6. If Ford has the cojones, this AG report is solid gold for a debate platform. All he has to do is hound Wynne for being a bald-faced liar. Preface every rebuttal to a Wynne statement with a direct allusion to her lies about the deficit. Call her a liar at the start of every point. Every once in a while, change it up to lies about the gas plants. But, he has to be relentless. Anything less is half-assed.

  7. thus the current handle ‘LIEberal’.
    anyone who can explique WHY in the face of numbers like THIS, the LIEberals still have *any* poll support whatsoever is worthy of a nobel friggin prize.
    I certainly cant explain it.
