13 Replies to “Dragon Energy”

  1. Breaking the Democrat’s fragile coalition of identity groups should actually be easy, most of these groups have little in common outside of their desire for handouts at other’s expense. The only thing better than Kayne West would be to really school these groups that they are consuming *each other’s* seed corn, and really watch the fur start to fly.

  2. I’ll take any advantage available. But it doesn’t speak well of this sub-set of black males if they’re that shallow and so easily swayed by a not that bright celebrity.

    Kanye is still Kanye…. but if he can have some of his cohort rethinking their position, so be it.

    1. Kanye isn’t making them re-think their positions.

      Kanye is saying that other positions are ACCEPTABLE. Kanye is saying Black and Democrat are not synonymous. That is heresy to the Black Grievance Industry Leaders. They can see their power, prestige, and their paychecks disappearing.

      What job is Congresswoman Crazy Maxine Waters qualified for, other than leading the “Hate Trump! Hate Whitey!” Chorus? Congressman Hank “Guam will Tip Over” Johnson? Al Sharpton?

      Kanye is saying that you can thank Trump if you want, for that job you now have, after eight long years of Obama. He is saying that maybe you can credit the Republicans for the tax cut money in your pocket.

      He is saying that you can run from the Democrat Plantation. We will see if the Democrat slave catchers can put Kanye back in chains?

    2. I don’t know if it is so much a matter of being shallow and easily swayed as a matter of setting up a preference cascade where average people behave the way they think they ought to, even though that behaviour might not reflect their own personal feelings. When they discover that their personal feelings are shared by a sufficient portion of the population their behaviour may change dramatically. Kanye just made it okay to discuss these things openly, and as people talk about if they support him, they encounter others who feel the same way, thus normalising the opinion and making it safe to act upon.

      Remember when everyone thought Trump was a joke candidate, and he would have no support. The early polls were spiked by the chans because they thought it would be fun. The same people successfully manipulated polls to have Taylor Swift play a concert at Horace Mann School For The Deaf, and Justin Bieber open his world tour in North Korea. Once these polls came out showing Trump with significant support, it became a lot easier for everyone else to jump on the Trump Train.

      In preschool terms, Kanye is like the little kid saying “The Emperor has no clothes.” Now we can watch all the people admit they knew it all along.

    1. Thank you for the reminder that I don’t EVER want to see a “moderate” Republican EVER again. Look at what “moderate” “Republican” McCain has become? Laughing and shaking hands on the Senate floor with Chuck Schumer as he SAVES Obamakkare. And Romney? A Nevertrumper.

      1. It wasn’t trumps lack of moderation that got him more support than Romney from black voters. It was a combination of fewer white voters voting for trump and trump being far less Conservative on debt, entitlements, free trade and abortion. Immigration which trump positions from a jobs perspective than conservatives like Cruz who frame it as a national security issue also attracted more blacks.

        Also trump is far better known to blacks than any gop candidate before him.

        All that noted trump presents an excellent opportunity to attract enough black voters to destroy the democratic coalitions ability to win anything anywhere. He isn’t doing it alone – note the rising number of gop mayors in big cities and governors in democratic states.

        1. “All that noted trump presents an excellent opportunity to attract enough black voters to destroy the democratic coalitions ability to win anything anywhere. He isn’t doing it alone – note the rising number of gop mayors in big cities and governors in democratic states”

          Delusional. Trump is driving the youth vote and various minorities that comprise The Future away from the GOP. I expect Team Red has seen its latest peak. There’s really no way they avoid extinction in the coming decades.

  3. They are pulling out all the stops. Dr. Oz was on (Page Six?) saying, “That Kanye guy, He is Crazy, Crazy, Crazy.” Not too much pushback either.

    Can’t discredit the message? Discredit the messenger.

  4. Condoleezza Rice said it well.
    ‘You know, I’ve been black all my life. You don’t have to tell me how to be black.’

  5. Meanwhile, back on planet Earth, Trump still has terrible numbers and the GOP is still going to get reamed in November despite an excellent map. ‘Dragon Energy’ is just another form of renewable energy…
