27 Replies to “It’s Only Fair”

    1. I was very suspicious of the Incel excuse for the Toronto attack, but did not realize it was a 4chan thing and that the account was fake. So the media should now be digging to find out the real story. Has Toronto experienced a major terrorist attack? Where is the media, or is this recent attack now considered yesterday’s news and no longer of interest? To what degree is the government involved in shutting this story down?

      1. I figure they’ll treat it as about the same level of “terrorism” as the Edmonton attack last fall. It will disappear about as quickly. They have a non-terror angle they can run with ad infinitum, so they can bury it or reframe it appropriately. There are none so blind as those who will not see.

        Though one wonders if it truly is a form of aggressive cognitive dissonance, or if it’s full-on marching orders to hide this s..t.

    2. Facebook has confirmed the account and the post are from the suspect. He is a self-declared incel and that is the most likely motive for his attack.

      1. All of that is peripheral. Facebook can only confirm (?) that the post came from his account — not that he physically posted it. I think it is a cover-up, primarily because other scenarios make more sense, but also because the police are being very cryptic about the investigation. They have not come out an declared it is NOT a terrorist attack. Did Minassian even rent the van himself? I believe he was a vulnerable individual who could easily have been manipulated. The posting could easily have been done by those manipulating him and attempting to disguise the nature of the crime. Do we even have a history of him posting on the incel discussion area? If yes, I have not heard about it. I know this is highly speculative, but I am angry that we are not getting concrete information about what is currently being investigated. Politicians commentary on this is vague. Police may be investigating the incel motive, but they also have been vague. Plus, Minassian himself must have given them some clues in the interrogation. They will have more information about motive and they simply are choosing to keep it from the public. I think government is only too happy to let the incel rumour stand.

  1. Ironic that there are 70 million more men in China and India directly because of misogyny. (“Here you go Billy Blueballs, your very own self-inflating Blow-up Belinda with 9 different orgasmic noises. She can’t walk or cook, but she can roll-over and you can beat her daily because so many fathers don’t want shameful, sub-human daughters.”) And Liberals in Canada argued against any type of interference of abortions due to knowledge of the fetus’ sex. Funny how all this mad weirdness gets “tied” together by some nut-job in a rented van.

    1. “you can beat her daily because so many fathers don’t want shameful, sub-human daughters.”

      Matchmakers are part of both of the above cultures.(look it up) Fathers have to pay dowries for daughters in those cultures.(look it up)
      Homosexuality has long been accepted by both of those cultures and holds no stigma.(look it up) None of that translates to our culture.

      1. If you think female “(“circumcision”) mutilation and treating women as chattel or “rape slaves” is a cultural norm, good for you. If “Matchmaking” is what you call it when a pre-pubescent girl is married, good for you. If you think when they come here by the tens of thousands every year that they don’t affect and mutate our culture, good for you.

        1. So you didn’t look up Matchmaking. There are these things called search engines. You should avail yourself of them.
          You might learn something or even overcome some of your ignorance.

          Come here by the tens of thousands? Sure, go ahead and move the goal posts.
          “there are 70 million more men in China and India ” that is you writing. In China and India. Not here.
          While you’re busy not looking up ‘Matchmaking’, you might not look up ‘coherent’ as well.

          1. Read up, Sunshine.
            “In the future, there will be millions of men who can’t marry, and that could pose a very big risk to society,” warns Li Shuzhuo, a leading demographer at Xi’an Jiaotong University.
            That’s from the Washington Post for whatever that’s worth, Bright Star.
            Just Google, if you know what that means, “70 million more men than women.”
            “In the period from July, 2015 to July, 2016, a total of 320,932 new immigrants landed in the country as permanent residents. ” This is from the Canada Immigration Newsletter. If you want to know more, just keep typing and Immigration Canada or Statistics Canada will give you the break-down. Cheers.

    2. Very insightful, re: China’s exploding blue balls epidemic (sounds like the final scene of a Tarantino film – “Kill Peng”). Of course these sex dolls … let’s be honest … “male masterbation toys” … are the direct result of a totalitarian State run amok. And just WAIT! until America perfects its sex-selection abortion industry. Think of it! No more weddings to pay for! No more dowries! What’s a parent not to like (except for all that “toxic” testosterone).

      1. Paddy O Lantern
        May 3, 2018 at 2:26 pm
        Read up, Sunshine.
        “In the future, there will be millions of men who can’t marry, and that could pose a very big risk to society,” warns Li Shuzhuo, a leading demographer at Xi’an Jiaotong University.”

        Yeah, I have several dozen posts through the years here at SDA saying just that. I don’t need to read about it. It’s new to you?
        The ChiComs have a reason for having so many military age men with no females for them at this time in history.
        Bet you can’t figure out why and how the Mandarins in Peking plan to get them sex partners.
        for making this happen.

        1. So its cultural matchmaking or invasion planning? Make up yer freaking mind dude.

          1. Who the feck are you and does your daddy know his bum buddy is accessing the computer without supervision?

  2. Trannies being old news now, they have to find something newer and even more freakazoid. And they have to keep that cover-up going, or a [gasp!] Conservative might win an election!

  3. If there’s no right to sex, there’s no concomitant right to “redistribute” it. If there is a right to sex…well…use your imagination.

    1. In my experience … I believe that “imagination” has always been an essential component of sexual relations …

    2. Of course there’s a right to sex. Everyone has the right to go f*** themselves.

  4. A right to sex? And you can’t turn me down for being a fat, smelly old man? Damn! Where do I submit my list of women who owe me sex?

  5. Well shit, are we going to have government run free brothels to deal with this?
    The employees would have character and job titles worthy of most senators and bureaucrats.

  6. ?
    is that stat part of pm socks adoration of chirese ‘cum’unists?
    once in a while gotta indulge my enjoyment of word puns. esp at the expense of LIEberals. oh, there, I did it again.

  7. Anyone thinking that politically deemed “rights” premised on the state’s “right” to steal from me under the name, taxation, must logically agree that sex, being an act of labour for some could be no different than a tax to satisfy state-deemed “rights” for others. It all boils down to actual rights versus all the “privileges” masquerading as rights in progressive post modern nihilism. The author is confused about libertarians preferring robots to legalized prostitution. Prostitution, while lacking in wholesome life style, psychological health and not without with elevated risk, is still more honorable than the vast majority of those engaged in politics.

  8. Let’s be very clear about this … there’s no such thing as “Incel”. At all. It doesn’t exist. There is definitely “Volcel” … but “Incel” is just another made-up term of the snowflake generation. Every “involuntary” celibate I’ve ever met (both male and female) were so by CHOICE. They were “Volcels” … voluntary celibates. They CHOSE a life of masterbation. They were … Grotesquely fat. Dressed shabbily. Put out creepy vibes. Had no job. Had no car. Had acerbic personalities. Didn’t bathe quite regularly-enough, etc. But in our current climate of … entitlement … the snowflake generation believes that the opposite sex OWES them a slap and a tickle. How DARE nature cock-block these (snow) flakes! “Mommy always gave me everything, and told me I was special … (although I WAS bummed-out when she stopped breastfeeding me at age 7)“ sheesh.

    When I was 16, I wanted only 2 things … with all my might. To drive, and to … well, you know. But back in the days of the dinosaurs (aka 1972) I knew that in order to drive, I needed a drivers license. And in order to … not be celibate … I had to not be a queeb. I had to not be a sad sack of shit. Seems as though a few generations of helicopter-parenting has erased all primal instincts, rules of the jungle, and logic from the minds of the Millennials.

    Which reminds me of one of my favorite Squeeze lyrics

    Never chew a pickle
    With a little slap and tickle
    You have to throw the stone
    To get the pool to ripple

    1. You are singing and talking about…you know!
      Oh, yes it’s a full moon!
      You can count on it!
      Happens often!
      Like it!
