Blowout 227

An eclectic mix of energy and climate news stories from around the world compiled by Roger Andrews.

This week’s lead story features media hysteria over the alleged dangers of nuclear power. Russia’s first floating nuclear plant has begun its journey from St. Petersburg to Murmansk and is already being described as a “floating Chernobyl” even though it doesn’t have any fuel loaded. We follow up with a mix of hopefully more educational stories on OPEC and Angola; oil company profits rise; Nord Stream; US nuclear plant closures;  Allianz to stop insuring coal miners; coal miners making money because of the “war on coal”; Denmark’s EV debacle; Mercedes exits the US home battery market; the enormous pumped hydro potential of Indonesia; frustration at the Bonn Climate Conference; Ireland faces EU emissions fines; energy efficiency rollouts in the UK and how you can now earn UN carbon credits by riding your bicycle:

Blowout 227

21 Replies to “Blowout 227”

  1. “According to some observers, the richer countries believe that some in the talks are trying to turn the clock back to the time when only wealthier countries had any commitments to cut carbon, while developing countries including India and China had no obligations. The developing nations are, in turn, incensed that enthusiasm for the $100bn per year in climate finance support from the rich, due to start in 2020, has started to wane.”
    That’s a chunk of change. Anyone know how much of this $100bn Canada has pledged … while it goes to court against its soldiers.

    1. $277 million. See the list here:

      This was first proposed in 2010 in the wake of the Copenhagen collapse of Kyoto in 2009. The fund was opened for contributions in 2014, and it was a principal feature of the Paris Agreement in 2015. The $10 billion gathered to date was for start-up costs for the fund. The fund is supposed to be a ‘balanced approach’ between mitigation and adaptation.

      The program has been criticized by its own supporters as having no focus and distributed across too many areas. Trump has been an opponent of this from the get-go. So despite the pledge of $3 billion by Obama, the fund has subsequently lost 30% of its initial contribution commitments. The EU contribution of $4 billion cannot be taken seriously either, as subsequently Brexit came along, and Britain has made no separate commitment of its own.

      In my view, this program is going nowhere, just as the Kyoto Trading Mechanisms in the zeroes went nowhere.

      1. Thank you for the information.

        This whole business is a world scale socialist fraud.

        1. Ken, the international Kommisariat has to have some excuse to justify their first class air tickets and four-star hotels to December holiday locations.

    2. “while it goes to court against its soldiers.”
      pfft. how else are they supposed to come up with their ‘share’ of the 100 Bs?
      Ive been known in my golden years to had out leaflets @ Remembrance Day ceremonies eviscerating LIEberals AND CONservatists on the deplorable treatment of our veterans and armed forces personnel.

      do a search on who was in office during the huge and costly court battle against the pension class action suit.
      BOTH parties.

      1. No shyte Sherlock. Very few politicians aren’t scum when it comes to how our military people are treated during and after service. I think the NDP actually hate them.

  2. $10B to date contributed for start-up costs? Are you kidding me? That should be a red flag in itself to stay well clear of this UN fraud.

    1. I don’t disagree with you. But the cost is approximately in line with what the Kyoto Trading Mechanisms envisioned. So at least they’re consistent in their inefficiency and waste.

  3. It is a fraud. The UN is a socialist body where despots and dictators have the majority vote.

    Liberals love the UN, they bow down to it and that is a low bow. Our illustrious Environment Minister, Catherine McKenna, aka Climate Barbie, Is perfect for the job, she has no clue. She has said she is the minister in charge of the weather. How dumb is that one?

    We will pay dearly for the incompetent government we have elected.


      Ottmar Edenhofer, former chairman of the IPCC: ” “One has to free oneself from the illusion that international climate policy is environmental policy. This has almost nothing to do with the environmental policy anymore, with problems such as deforestation or the ozone hole,” said Edenhofer, who co-chaired the U.N.’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change working group on Mitigation of Climate Change from 2008 to 2015.”
      “”We redistribute de facto the world’s wealth by climate policy,” said Edenhofer.”

      1. I have always felt Climate Change was a scam. I never expected a former co-chair of the IPCC to acknowledge it as having no basis in fact, but merely a vehicle for wealth distribution. First time/place I have ever seen this admission. Should be on the front page EVERYWHERE! Thanks for that.

      2. I had some of my wealth “re-distributed” a few days ago. I paid the income tax on my father’s estate, doing so at a bank branch. In the space of a few minutes, roughly 10% of my inheritance went bye-bye. I’m sure the reason why my father worked hard for 50 years, saving and investing his earnings.

        Oh, by the way, that poor, starving socialist Bernie Sanders figures everyone should have a guaranteed government job. I guess nothing will ever get done if that should ever happen. Why bother working when one can get amply paid for simply sitting on one’s backside?

      3. What adds to this irony of the IPCC is Edenhofer, who is a German economist is classed as a scientist! The last 3 chairman of IPCC are a Sociologist, a railway engineer. and Sudanese civil clerk!! And the Alarmist say they have 97% of the World scientist supporting them!!! Like in the show Jerry Macguire “Show Me The Money”!

  4. Not wanting to go off topic here but I’m just wondering when the RCMP start the search and seizure of guns and ammo down in New Brunswick. It’s been a couple of days now with the flood evacuations so I’m expecting returning evacuees will be finding their residences have been searched in their absence by Canada’s finest. Then again maybe the Mounties are too busy welcoming the new Canadians at the shelters in Roxham.

  5. “Floating Chernobyl”

    Harking back to the 1950’s, I recall a U.S. ship named “NS Savannah”, described as the world’s first (and last) nuclear-powered merchant ship.

    Remember when, like a modern-day “Flying Dutchman”, it crossed the oceans , glowing in the dark and with a zombie crew, and then went critical in port, killing millions?


    Funny, neither do I.

    1. To the best of my knowledge, there’s ever been no American nuclear naval vessel ever had an accident with its reactor. There have been, apparently, some nuclear incidents in the Soviet navy.

      I don’t recall hearing anything happening with the Savannah or any of the old Soviet nuclear-powered icebreakers, either.

  6. Between the UN and the EU “REGULATIONS” will cripple CANADA and CANADIANS…to the point that most OF US will be on SOCIAL programs to survive. Jobs going to other countries!!! VOTE OUT THE LIE BRALS IN 2019….VOTE OUT THE LIE BRALS IN 2019!!!!!

  7. I hope Russia’s floating nuke plant works better than their subs.
