May 7, 2018: Reader Tips

As I mentioned earlier, I still have two busy days ahead with really no time for blogging at all. My apologies, and in the meanwhile, the tips thread is open. Things will be back to normal by mid week.

40 Replies to “May 7, 2018: Reader Tips”

  1. Eureka Station, Nunavut is at -19°C at this hour. Since 1947, Average low temp for this day is -20.1°C !!

    Darned global warming!

    1. Montana has to want Alberta to join it.

      Does Montana want 4 million new citizens ready to impose a more progressive system on them? I doubt it. Although, all that oil wealth might prove enticing…

  2. This is quite bloody unbelievable.

    The wise guys that never had a real job, stayed in the isolation of the schools that are supposed to teach the generations of future economists are saying that a lot of employment is bad for the country.

    Of course there will be those that will theorise and intellectualize about the economists being right.
    Well, OK.

    Who the hell gives a damn about people that can’t find a decent job because wise economists thing they should not.

  3. Obama and Kerry (“Allah willing”) *both* seem to think they’re still in power:

    “During an interview with Fox News’ Maria Bartiromo, Lieberman said Kerry is acting inappropriately by negotiating without being in an official government position.

    “Former secretary of state John Kerry is reportedly working with world leaders to undermine American foreign policy and try to salvage the Iran deal.”

    1. That beyond useless sack of dung needs to be charged, tried and convicted…right along with his boss, the Muslim who recently vacated the white house…

      The arrogance and complete disregard of the Constitution shown by all on the Left needs to be challenged & and soundly defeated. It will be interesting to see how this plays out….

    2. Kerry should have recused himself from any Iranian negotiations. His bias was already tainted …

      Kerry’s daughter Vanessa is married to an Iranian national and physician. His best man at the ceremony was the son of Mohammad Javad Zarif, Iran’s Minister of Foreign Affairs. Zarif was also and Kerry’s chief counterpart in the nuclear deal negotiations. Cozy crew.

    3. We know that the CASH, in USA funds, belongs to Kerry & Obama…and the treasonous Republicans who enabled the DEAL…Huge amount of USA cash for USA folks… CIA ops & the Iranian in the WH.. The Brennan & Valerie Stash

    1. hay Rizball. GW Boosh had NSA collected evidence of Iraq’s WMD’s, and never let that out just to keep NSA’s nonsense secret.

    2. So then … the NSA already HAS HER 33k “missing” emails about yoga and wedding plans. Then let’s have the details per multiple FOIA requests!

    1. … and JUST STOP telling me that the “rank and file” employees in the FBI are all “top” people … really “top”. “Top”. people. No, they aren’t. They’ve all been hired according to their leftist political beliefs. Tear it all down, and restart!

  4. Re Merle Haggard’s songs:
    Here’s a quote I saw recently:
    ‘Yet through words literature elevates and transforms experience beyond “mere” pleasure. Literature also functions more broadly in society as a means of both criticizing and affirming cultural values’
    When Alberta joins Montana Merle Haggard’s songs will help ‘affirm the cultural values’ of the new state.

    1. Well, Vlad got that right about Canadian trade officials, especially the politicos directing the trade officials.

      CTV trying to interject Toronto values onto Alberta.

      Poll on the right.

      1. That’s what happens when you elect a student council to run a country.

        1. That’s what happens when you elect a student council to run ruin a country.

    1. Setting aside “tribalism” as the root cause of the pipeline blockage for a moment … what in THEE HELL does the … “lower mainland” … have to do with the Trans Mountain Pipeline Dispute? Where’s the National PRIDE of Canada to tell the “lower mainland” busybodies to mind their own business … and stay the HELL OUT of Canadian issues?

      1. I started grad studies at UBC nearly 40 years ago, moving there from Calgary. The blockheaded mentality that is described in the video was prevalent there even then.

        The fact of the matter is that Lotusland really doesn’t consider itself to be part of what used to be referred to as Canada and probably never did. It felt it was a law unto itself and even the seemingly level-headed people there think that way. The Lower Mainland isn’t so much a geographical location but a state of mind.

        When people say that B. C. ends at Hope, which is roughly an hour’s drive east of Vancouver, that’s not a joke. Lotusland behaves as if the rest of the country doesn’t exist and treats it accordingly.

        1. ‘When people say that B. C. ends at Hope, which is roughly an hour’s drive east of Vancouver, that’s not a joke.’ Exactly!
          We visited our son and his family in Chilliwack and had arguments with them about the pipeline rebuild and all they could answer was “the bitumen might leak”. They believe the local lying media and politicians, even though they vote Conservative.

          1. Ken, mention to your son that every single day Canada loses $97M because we must sell our oil to the US at a 40% discount. If the pipelines were built we would retrieve this staggering amount of money and not have to buy 85,000 barrels a day of Saudi oil for the east coast.

  5. Embrace Hollywood…
    On Tuesday’s episode of Roseanne, a Muslim family living next door to the Conners elicits such fear in Roseanne that she starts to believe they’re about to build a bomb out of fertilizer piled near their garage.

    …with Roseanne ultimately realizing there is more to the folks next door than a pile of stinky dirt.

  6. Near the middle of today’s Toronto Sun there’s a poll asking if we approve of Ford’s dumping of Tanya Granic-Allen.

  7. “… Where’s the National PRIDE of Canada? … ”
    Up in smoke … atomized …. too, too many ANTIFA social science degrees … about to learn some very hard lessons from which they will only learn only deeper bitterness.

  8. More on the moron, John Kerry:
    “Trump is expected to pull out from the deal after senior Trump administration officials confirmed the findings reported by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu as authentic and praised the Israeli prime minister for disclosing thousands of secret documents proving Iran lied about its past work on a nuclear warhead. Officials told the Washington Free Beacon the revelation was a ‘powerful presentation’ by Israel outlining why the Iran deal must be fixed or killed.’ Kerry and other former Obama officials, including former Secretary of Energy Ernst Moniz, are not only lobbying foreign leaders but also members of congress, according to the Globe.”

    1. what would be any consequences if kerry were a former business partner/manager type and decided to ‘revisit’ deals made at the time?
      ya, thats what I thought. summon building security. aka wtFCUK do these foreigners think they’re doing issuing an invitation?
      mebbe he’s a big Frank Zappa fan:
      “Havel was forced to conclude his collaboration with Zappa under pressure of the American government.”

  9. Serving and Protecting

    Ontario woman arrested, jailed in U.S. for driving with a Canadian licence

    An Ontario woman is looking for an apology from the Georgia police officer who arrested, handcuffed and charged her because she was driving with a Canadian licence.

    “It was the most horrendous incident of my life,” said Emily Nield. “It was mortifying. I was terrified the entire time.”

    About a month ago, the 27-year-old was driving through Georgia to Tennessee, where she had just completed a master’s degree in geology. Nield’s route took her along the I-75, which is often used by Canadians making the trek to and from Florida.

    That’s where she was pulled over for speeding, and the officer asked to see her licence. Nield handed over her Ontario driver’s licence, but wasn’t prepared for the officer’s reaction.

    “She kept saying, ‘No, Canadian licences are not accepted,'” said Nield. “I was flabbergasted. I just kept saying this can’t be right — a Canadian licence is always valid.”

    Nield told CBC Toronto she was then asked to prove she was Canadian and although she had copies of her passport, Nexus card, and birth certificate on her phone, the officer wanted to see an original hard copy.

    “When I failed to produce it, she reached through the window of my car and she put handcuffs on me,” said Nield.

    “She told me that I have just been arrested for driving without a licence and that I needed to go to jail.”

  10. This probably does not surprise SDA readers.

    Study: Greens Believe they have a “Moral License” to Pollute

    The leaders of the green movement are not duping followers with their hypocrisy, they are an expression of the top to bottom hypocrisy of their entire movement. The most vocal climate supporters are actually the people who care least about the planet – all those noisy expressions of concern are camouflage to conceal the fact they are deeply selfish people who can’t be bothered to make a personal effort to improve the world they claim to love.

    I pick up trash outside my house – because I like having a nice house, I like living on a nice street. I don’t think it is someone elses job to make my little corner of the world a better place. If I thought CO2 was a problem I would make a personal effort to reduce my carbon footprint.

    Perhaps that sense of personal ownership, of responsibility for one’s actions, is what is missing from the green movement – a point made by the authors of the study.

  11. Here is more info on Granic-Allen being dismissed as a PC candidate:

    I think this was a very cynical move by Ford, but he was responding to a video of her speaking in Croatia where she disapproved of gay marriage and another comment she made about some Muslim women wearing face masks. I don’t think any of her comments are bigoted — but they express a strong opinion and they clearly do not meet the political correctness test, so out she goes. It was the Liberals who dug up this stuff — clearly seeing Granic-Allen as a potential threat. At this point I am mad at Ford for caving on the issue, and also at the Liberals for their perpetually dirty politics. It may come as a surprise to Liberals, but a lot of people still oppose gay marriage, often based on a religious view of marriage, and I would bet a lot of Muslim women oppose the niqab. It was after all banned on the campuses of Syrian universities as it sent the wrong message. Calling these positions homophobic or Islamophobic is a distortion. Another problem is that we are all muzzled by political correctness and someone having the courage to express views honestly automatically becomes “tainted” as a politician, when honesty is what is exactly what is needed in politics these days.

    1. After having been on both sides in the post-secondary educational system, I know what the author’s referring to. But the BS is necessary because if it was removed, the system would collapse. People would actually have to work for a living and justify their paycheques.

      Meanwhile, another example of academic political correctness in action:
