We Don’t Need No Flaming Sparky Cars


Using a recent forecast prepared by the U.S. Energy Information Administration, Lesser’s analysis shows that, over the period 2018 – 2050, the electric generating plants that will charge new EVs will emit more air pollution than the same number of new internal combustion engines, even accounting for air pollution from oil refineries that manufacture gasoline.


I am so ahead of my time.

h/t TimR

8 Replies to “We Don’t Need No Flaming Sparky Cars”

    1. Indeed. Many years ago, the institution I used to teach at adopted the doctrine of student as “customer”. Presumably, my colleagues and I were to “meet or exceed” the “needs and expectations” of our “customers”.

      But that’s not really what it all meant. Appearances mattered greatly and, under that ideology, if an action was seen as “service”, then it was, regardless of whether anything tangible was actually done.

      There were times when I didn’t know whether to scream out of exasperation or to break out laughing.

  1. The electricity to charge those cars has to come from somewhere, and that involves burning large amounts of fossil fuels, even if power plants supposedly can be made more efficient than the common ICE car.

  2. The dirty secret is that the Elites plan for us not to have cars. Or individual homes or property etc.
    This is just an incremental step in the elimination of the masses. Don’t forget to line up for your flu shot. Oh! and Soylent Green is people.

  3. 30% line loss is easy to calculate.and another in the conversion and storage .plus the losses going t’other way

  4. Will Climate Barbie take these upstream emissions into account and start taxing EVs instead of subsidizing them?

    1. AND all the power to Liquify Compressed Natural Gas at all those porposed “clean” energy projects planned for the B.C. coast within the “Oil Tanker Ban”, oh, pray tell does that ELECTRICITY come from?

      Better inform BC Premier Horgan of the “Upstream and Downstream” carbon impacts….or else Climate Barbie will pull a FemBot.
