
44 Replies to “Har”

  1. So, when he actually gets reelected; what are you all going to say then? Trudeau is primarily and foremost, a symptom of Canada. He really does represent this country. Really.

    Justin Trudeau, is the best the Canada can do. That is what you are all loyal to.

    1. “Justin Trudeau, is the best that Canada can do. That is what you are all loyal to.” Unfortunately you’re right… the Trudopian empire is being ruled over by the exact right person for the job, a brain damaged pathological narcissist imposing his casually malevolent agenda on certain parts of the country while rewarding other parts, just like dear old Dad. Electing a drama teacher because, trudeau, reflects a shallowness, a superficiality and a dangerous lack of sophistication in the electorate… truly a people adrift in myth and estranged from reality, just like their ruler. Sad, but this outcome was always inevitable.

      1. What you said.

        Consider Justin’s various corrupt dealings, his total lack of sense and pi$$y attitudes in general. Had he been a South Korean heiress of an airline, he would have been booted out and made to publicly apologise.

        South Koreans don’t take that kind of crap from “f—ing stupid” people but Canadians do. That says a lot about the electorate and none of it is redeemable.

    2. One of my best friends used to be a raving leftist. He waxed poetic how good Trudeau would be in 2015 and would criticize the “He’s not ready” CPC campaign commercials.

      Ffwd to 2018 and he is now openly waiting for the next election. Trudeau has done the impossible, make that guy admit that Harper was a great PM.

      Everytime he brings it up I assure him that Trudeau has at least two more majority terms left. While he was fortunate enough to see the light he also now finally recognizes and admits that the MSM is a full on arm of the Lieberal party and thus most of the rubes that cite for him are ignorant of how bad he is and the rest will still vote for him anyways, just because sunny ways mental illness.

      1. “Are ignorant of how bad he is and the rest will still vote for him anyway, just because sunny ways mental illness.”

        Old saying- Definition of Insanity.
        Voting for the same tax and spend liberal over and over again, Knowing you are getting a different tax and spend liberal.

    3. I find it sad to say but I agree. Canadians have long past the ability to vote for anyone who refuses to take what they have worked for and give it to someone who does not work, or when they work produce nothing, ie bureaucrats.

    4. “Trudeau is primarily and foremost, a symptom of Canada.”

      Aye, indeed. He is a perfect reflection of a depressingly large segment of the population: shallow, stupid, and self-obsessed.

      1. hay, ya ever bin to a RCC for a funeral. Shallow and ritualistic doesn’t even begin to cover it.

    1. 65% of the population is dumber than average and half of those have university degrees.

  2. Rimshot!

    Thank you, you’re a wonderful audience!

    I’ll be here all weekend – try the veal piccata!

  3. Wait, I’m confused… does that mean that some people think he can’t fuck us over and chew gum at the same time?

  4. So much disrespect… The Prime Minister is an Idiot. The LPC has one hell of alot to answer for.

  5. Reality is not disrespectful.
    The problem is the ignorance and stupidity of well over half the population and the MSM.
    I heard some ridiculous things said about Harper before, during and after his terms. Utter lies and pathetic untruths. The MSM hated him and still do.
    I don’ think I’ve heard one negative description of Justin Trudeau that wasn’t true, but I’ve heard almost nothing negative about him from the MSM.
    Its not “fake news”. Its fake reality.
    But the reality of Justin Trudeau’s existence appears to be the demise of Canada.

  6. Hahahahaha… Canada is starting to make South Africa look good. Give Canada 15 more years of rule by the Media-Liberal Complex, and y’all will be applying to move to Zimbabwe, being by then no different to Canada, but with a way better climate!

  7. With Zombie Canada,when do the bits start falling off?
    Already the thing stumbles from stupidity to the absurd,destroying lives,dreams and our future..
    “Brains..brains.”..not our creation.
    “Taxes,infrastructure,trust and private wealth”
    The Kleptocracy known as Canada munches on,stealing over half of current taxpayers life force and representing a plan to take all from generations unborn.

    The West must separate before Ontario implodes.
    Think of it as dine and dash from a meal, except it is a meal we were forced to watch someone else eat.But we get the bill?
    Our Local Liberal Comrades will lead the charge to duck paying the cost of central Canada’s stupidity, for this is what they do..Spend other peoples money to solve nonexistent problems, while taking a huge “finder fee” for their “help”.
    It is amazing how well parasites feed in a liberal democracy…kleptocracy.

    1. Think of it as dine and dash from a meal

      Nope, bad example. The West has paid for this meal so often Quebec eats for free.

  8. Juthtins ascent to the liberal leadership was done courtesy of the socialist-liberal wing of the LPC.
    Their standard is one of fashion and transience that disregards lack of character and knowledge. That and the fact that the blu-lib faction has been overwhelmed by their presence in the party due to successive leaders from MacKenzie-King to the present co-opting the extreme elements of the left.
    I’m not accusing the majority of the voters of stupidity, but they do exhibit symptoms of gullibility which was demonstrated by selecting this totem of minimalism as PM.

    1. Gullibility… interesting.
      Fool me 17 times or less, shame on you.
      Fool me 456,000,000 times or more shame on me?
      Apparently, Amy Wong IS Canada.

    2. No, the bourgeois middle; the people who CAN afford middle-class morality. Problem is, we et stuck with the bill.

    1. LOL He of the Dreamcatcher. The economy shall grow from the fart outwards.

  9. It is a cheating game all around, man. Don’t call us stupid, when they’ve sent out more voting cards than there are eligible voters. We need electoral reform. Now. And term limits not 20 more years of Trudeau.

  10. I’ll bet some of the longstanding, serious Liberals are heartsick about Trudeau’s incompetent tenure — people like Dominic LeBlanc, and Marc Garneau. Most must realize that there is a great deal of damage being done and that Trudeau is a fool. It would be interesting to know what Stephan Dion thinks of the wonder boy.

    1. Nobody would be able to understand Dion plus he’s daffy duck. Garneau sold his soul. Its the price of membership in the LPC.

    2. Stephane Dion must be still angry at Trudeau. Apparently the two had an argument and Dion quit politics after being ousted from the Cabinet. There’s no match intellectually between them. Leon Dion, Stephane’s father, a PhD political scientist taught at Laval University and all over the world also wrote many books. Of course, Stephane taught at the University of Montreal. In comparing their two fathers, Pierre Trudeau was a dilettante, just a lawyer. Dominic LeBlanc and Garneau are shy followers too. Nice guys, but no bawbag on either. Ditto with the rest, asleep at the wheel.

      So yes they are enjoying the Gong Show but I agree with you, Linda, they must be mourning the loss of the country now that we are post national, etc as per BA Rupertslander says.

      We have to fix our problem. The debts are crippling us.

  11. -I disagree with the sentiments on this thread. It is not that voters are stupid, it’s because that Canada has followed the US lead, in that the social/political system has evolved into a corrupt, one-party Chicago-styled system. The corporate media are all bought off; the federal civil service are all pro-Liberal; and nearly all lobby groups and the judiciary are far left. Btw, the Ontario political system likewise is corrupt: look for an Angela Horwath minority government.

    1. Robert Conquest’s Second Law: “Any organization not explicitly right-wing sooner or later becomes left-wing.”

      Explains the Federal bureaucracy beautifully.

    2. of course voters aren’t stupid, and most will never rise up to that level. Even in here we have a lot of sub-stupid twits that have the right to vote, Unthing and Strapon cum to mind!!!!

  12. I don’t know who Cory Morgan is, but boy did he nail it.

    Trudeau is merely a mirror reflection of half of the electorate.

  13. Actually Harper was treated much worse, but we all know that.

    The visceral hatred of this competent and caring man has only been eclipsed by the pathological malevolence in the hearts of all Trump haters, appealing to their “worst instincts.”

    Oh right, Grits get a pass on that because they are cooler and their leader has nice hair, though nothing below beyond platitudedom.

    Just remember from his point of view if you criticize him amazing acumen you are most definitely supporting sharia law; and lack of refining capacity has nothing to due with sky high gas prices, it’s because people are delaying the pipeline he’s delaying. Oh and our differences make us one; that too.

    I remember a friend saying just before the election, God help us is he gets a majority. Gulp.

    I continue to pray for His freeing me from this bond of governance by waste, indifference and neo-regal whim.

  14. I’m reminded of something Curtis McManus wrote in Clio’s Bastards, “We come to our world expecting to see light and so we see light. But it is not light at all. It is, rather, twilight. If we look closer, we see that the shadows have already begun growing longer.
    And there, off in the distance, we dimly apprehend a darkness, gathering, and it is coming our way.”

    McManus’ observation is so apt, not only for Canada, but for western civilization.

    1. McManus was suggesting the 7th century darkness in an earlier paragraph, but I would add it is two fold and maybe he did mean this also. The Marxist darkness is as big a threat and he could have mentioned this in his ending as his book is all about this Marxist darkness engulfing us.

    2. “And there, off in the distance, we dimly apprehend a darkness, gathering, and it is coming our way” For me, this is a chilling quote. A couple of years ago I saw a German painting at an exhibit. The painting done shortly before WWII and its associated horrors. A group of people are gathered in a busy train platform. There is light around them and they seem somewhat animated — but in the distance is an ominous darkness. The painting was haunting in the light of Germany’s tragic history. Its message reverberates as we witness so much violence and destruction in our own era.

      Thanks to your suggestion, I have got Clios Bastards on Kindle, but have yet to tackle it.

  15. C’mon – don’t just tell me it happened, show me the videos! Allow me to revel in the disrespect that public figures are showing our Little Potato.
