25 Replies to “May 19, 2018: Reader Tips”

  1. Happy May Long Weekend everyone.
    This thread advises to take a hold of your camera, and why not, life is short. Here’s a tip for you all to see what people are doing and where they are going with their cameras. You want, be voyeuristic too! I generally try to check this site out every day or 2, though not as often as SDA of course, on account of you all! You’ll see stuff like
    street photography shots, photos taken seconds before disasters, sports photos, animal shots, perfectly timed photos, funny photos etc.

    The site to bookmark, if you’ve never seen it is entitled:


  2. A camera falling into a pig pen and then the pig taking a selfie. Reminds me of someone we Canadians know.

  3. Joint Statement by Poland and Hungary to the EU on migration

    This is how normal, responsible leaders protect their nation
    and it’s citizens. Yet respond rationally to 3rd world crises.

    1. wtf is wrong with europe?
      they all forgot what happened in the 30s when the nazis ignored restrictions on the size of their military.
      that went well eh?

  4. Red-Green Blob’s Foul Dirty Hypocrisy Unmasked.

    h/t Old King Coal Kills Maotians.


    “B.C. eyeing oil shipments from Washington state if Alberta does turn off the taps” (FP)


    “The Port’s Dirty Secret-Vancouver Biggest Exporter of Coal in North America”

    “Alberta Oil Magazine reports that Vancouver is now North America’s largest coal exporting port. Imagine-even though 66,000 people in China died in 2013 due to pollution from coal according to Tsinghua University (Beijing) we think it’s a good idea to flog it offshore. Burning coal to create electricity creates twice the greenhouse gas per unit of energy as natural gas, and about 30 per cent more than oil. ”


  5. oh lordy that clip is hilarious.
    didnt take long for the porker to check out the manna from heaven.
    Im still laughing 5 minutes after.

  6. The Altering of the Deal


    After much anticipation that following Trump’s ZTE gamble, China may relent in the ongoing trade war – stoked in no small part by Larry Kudlow’s false statement that Beijing had offered to reduce the US trade deficit by “at least $200 billion” – on Friday the U.S. and China wrapped up the second day of trade talks, and while Beijing made a vague, unenforceable commitment to buy more U.S. goods and services, it resisted Trump’s core demand that it cut by more than half the $375BN bilateral trade deficit.

    …it appears that the trade war with China … is about to return to its prior, dormant state as the status quo wins again and US trade relations with Beijing – for better or worse – remain virtually unchanged.

    1. And what have the Republicans been spending their money on?
      #1: Health care ($1.57 Trillion)
      #2: Pensions including social security ($1.37 T)
      #3: Education ($1.1 T)
      Those 3 alone represent over 50% of all government spending. Are you accusing the Republicans of being even better socialists than the Democrats, or are you calling for budget cuts to American social programs?

      1. Yes and yes (but even just not increasing spending would be an improvement). Also, it is actually entitlement spending ie SS and Medicare/aid that are driving America to bankruptcy.

  7. …_

    “WATCH: Jordan Peterson Backs Brexit: ‘As a Canadian, I Bet on Britain’

    Outspoken academic and author Dr. Jordan Peterson has suggested he backs Brexit in an appearance on the BBC, after presenter Jo Coburn asked if he was a “spiritual Brexiteer”.
    Dr. Peterson became something of an online sensation after taking a public stand against speech codes concerning gender pronouns in his native Canada, denouncing them as an attack on freedom of expression.

    He is also known as a forthright critic of left-wing identity politics, the many myths surrounding “white privilege”, and the alleged gender pay gap — as well as for a viral interview with Channel 4 presenter Cathy Newman in which he successfully defended his positions.

    On Brexit, the University of Toronto lecturer told the BBC he had “sympathy with people’s desire to disentangle themselves from rulers who are too far away in the power hierarchy from them”.”


  8. Interesting take on the Kinder Morgan pipeline by a CBC “analyst”. If the United Conservative Party under Jason Kenny wins the Alberta election in 2019, support for the pipeline could “evaporate” if the UCP scraps the carbon tax. The reason is Justin Trudeau and his stand on climate change. You (Albertans) don’t like a carbon tax, we (Federal Liberals) don’t like pipelines.


    News flash CBC. There is another election in 2019, a Federal election (and one in Ontario in 2018). There is a good chance that the provinces fighting the carbon tax will soon be led by Ontario in 2018 and joined by Alberta in 2019.

  9. …-

    Socialist NDP fields a Bolshevik “911 truther” candidate.


    “NDP’s Horwath rules out corner store sale of beer and wine in Ontario” (sun)

    “Ford promises beer & wine in corner, grocery, big box stores” (sun)


    “NDP candidate says she won’t wear a poppy”

    “Laura also is one of those who questioning if in fact 911 was an Al-Qaeda attack?

    “Enough about September 11…for the US. For the world. Enough already,” she blogged.

    Originally an American who came north in 2003 out of protest of her home country’s political stance on wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, Kaminker …”


  10. Why does that video remind me of a couple of drops during my Airborne training?

  11. Professor Pipes: RIP.

    “He shed new and harsh light on the Bolshevik campaign against the peasantry…”

    cf. Bolshevik Wynnetario.


    “Richard Pipes, Historian of Russia and Reagan Aide, Dies at 94”

    “He presented the Bolshevik Party as a conspiratorial, deeply unpopular clique rather than the spearhead of a mass movement. He shed new and harsh light on the Bolshevik campaign against the peasantry, which, he argued, Lenin had sought to destroy as a reactionary class. He also accused Lenin of laying the foundation of the terrorist state that his successor, Joseph Stalin, perfected.”


    1. I think I have every book Richard Pipes wrote. May he rest in peace as he did a great job of exposing communism and Marxism for the evil that it is.

  12. AGW RIP.

    h/t Little Ice Age.


    “Minnesota Governor issues Executive Order due to late spring”

    “Farmers “facing a delayed and shortened spring planting season.”

    “Emergency Executive Order 18-07

    Mark Dayton, Governor of the State of Minnesota, issued the Executive Order, which says in part:…”



    From Comments:

    “As for Canada? They will be facing starvation too and are going to suck up to us very quickly. It would be very good for the people of Canada to elect Jordan Peterson as their leader since they are going to need a very level headed intelligent leader to get them through the hell that is coming.

    Hold on, folks, for the ride of the Millennium.”

  13. PET POT Cemetery Report.

    MAGA: “the maverick President”.

    Stupid Liberal Justine “is at Donald Trump’s mercy, as is Canada’s trading relationship.”

    “He has no option now other than to curry favour with the maverick President …”.


    “Trudeau – and trade – are now at Trump’s mercy”

    ““We are not going to arrive at mutual respect, which is where we solve common problems” Justin Trudeau declared in New York Wednesday, “if we cocoon ourselves in an ideological, social or intellectual bubble.”

    The Prime Minister decried trends toward “polarization and aggressive nationalism.” He deplored “tribal mindsets.” He could have equated Donald Trump with each. But he passed on the personal put-down, not naming him.

    It’s a good thing because now that the NAFTA renegotiation process is on life support, he is at Donald Trump’s mercy, as is Canada’s trading relationship. He has no option now other than to curry favour with the maverick President in the hope of getting him to set aside some of his tribal and polarizing tendencies.”

