13 Replies to ““Animals””

  1. We gotta get out of this place, if it’s the last thing we ever do. (2 times)…
    Cuz, girl (oops, wymin) there’s a bitter life fer me and U…

  2. MS13
    Replace “13” with the 13th letter in the alphabet and you end up with MSM.

  3. What is it about the left and its obsessive sympathy for violent murderers? It supports those who celebrate ram-a-van, almost cheering them on as they spread “peace”. Now the left’s latest pets are members of MS13.

    Is the left a death cult or something?

    1. If Trump announced tomorrow that he was starting a campaign to help abused children, leftards would run to the defense of filthy pedophiles.

      The left are soooo shallow, they are simply anti-anythingTrumpdoes.

      1. they are simply anti-anything Trump does

        So’s our PM. If Trump were to say “black”, Monsieur Pomme de Terre would reply: “white, because Canadians are better than that”.

        Then again, PET did pretty much the same thing.

    2. Thinking of several souls:

      Sergeant First Class Christopher James Speer, US Army Medic, died August 6, 2002, murdered by Omar Khadr. Omar received 10.5 million taxpayers money from Justin Trudeau, of the Federal Liberal Party. (2017)

      October Crisis 1970
      James Cross, British Trade Commissioner…..
      Pierre Laporte, Labor Minister, Liberal Provincial Gov under Lesage.
      The F.L.Q. murderers received a paid vacation to Cuba as a reward / punishment. These terrorists were Bernard Lortie and the Rose Brothers, Paul and Jacques. This slap on the wrist was bestowed by none other than Pierre Trudeau, of the Federal Liberal Party.

      In these cases the punishments do not suit the crimes. Interestingly, both settlements happened under the Trudeaus, “pere et fils”.

      1. Don’t forget that champion of peace and human dignity, Ernesto Guevara. He’s such a hero to the Alberta NDP that Red Rachel wears a Che watch and MLA Rod “Chavez is good for Venezuela” Loyala wore a Che T-shirt.

        From what I’ve heard about him, Guevara could make MS13 look like Sunday School teachers.

        Oh, and Spawn’s daddy quietly let the aforementioned FLQ “freedom fighters” back into the country a few years after they arrived in the socialist paradise of Cuba.

        1. Right, of course. Apparently, after awhile they wanted to come home, the big babies no longer liked living in the socialist paradise. No poutine perhaps? I digress, forgive me.

          As an aside, someone once gave me a souvenir from Cuba. This beautiful black T- shirt had a white side-view ‘Che’ face on it. I could never bring myself to wear it. I was afraid of getting tomatoes thrown at me. Nice cotton though.

          1. While I was an undergrad many years ago, I met the parents of one of my classmates. They had recently returned from a vacation in Cuba and his father brought along some cigars.

            He gave me one, but I never smoked it. For one thing, I wasn’t a smoker and, even if I was, I didn’t want to support Castro’s regime by smoking it.

  4. So many of those cartoons are totally on the money and funny to boot.
    There is even a hint that leftists are animals. Now I could vote for that.

  5. B A :
    If they would’ve had e-bay back then, perhaps you could’ve got big bucks in a bidding war. Americans love Cuban cigars.

    ( from Bill or Arnold perhaps ! )
