50 Replies to “Looks Like Ontario Could Follow Alberta’s Lead and Elect Some Real Radicals”

  1. What, you thought sanity or intellect would make an appearance in Ontario? Ontario is the place that INVENTED the Liberal party.

    1. Feature, not bug.

      I guess us Albertans will get to ride Ontarians again with “shut up, you voted for this”. Good times.

      1. Not only Alberta. Look at the God-awful NDP government in British Columbia. One would think that the circus between Alberta and BC would encourage voters to turn from the Ontario NDP.

        1. I lived in BC during the reign of the Moe Sihota, et al, regime…….short memories and new batches of oblivious voters…a dangerous combination.

          1. Haven’t had a real recession since the Reign of Error of the 90s. So, the millenials have never been thru economic hard times, real hard times, not the “I can’t afford a condo in Yaletown” type hard times, but the “I can’t get a job” hard times. We’ll see how they like being bribed with their own money.
            Right now, we have a far left, ideologically rigid, financially inept group of Marxists, whose only strategy is to sue anybody and anything that they don’t agree with.
            MORONS, who will sacrifice every last job in BC for their ideological needs. Think Scorched Earth. Thanks compliant Media!

      2. “I guess us Albertans will get to ride Ontarians again with ‘shut up, you voted for this’.”

        Er, didn’t you Albertans vote for a NDP government? It would seem you’re inviting a round of “shut up, you voted for this” yourselves.

    2. You think THAT would dissuade anyone who is a socialist?
      Do you not know what socialism is?
      SOCIALISM; the philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy.

      So, anyone who was committed to that, what could possibly convince them to turn away from Wynne/Rae/Stalin/Mao/Castro/Horwath/whomever?

      Would starving people convince them? Nope.
      Bodies piled up in the street? Nope.

      The only thing that would turn people away from a socialist candidate, is if they elected one, and things actually got better. Because that would not be failure, ignorance, or envy.

      1. “Under capitalism, man exploits man. Under socialism, it’s just the opposite.”

        Paraphrasing John Kenneth Galbraith.

  2. And if you need anymore convincing that Ontario (and Alberta for that matter) are guaranteed to double down, refer to Maduro’s reelection in Venezuela. Jimmy Carter says it was a totes fair election.

  3. If Ford wins it sure as hell better be a majority, or opposition will simply vote non confidence and install themselves into power.

    Fully aided and abetted by the media.

    1. That’s exactly right, the Liberals and NDP are close enough to share the same bed.

      Ontario is doomed if they don’t vote a PC majority.

      1. Where can the paid off far left parasites of the so called “public service” turn to when the corrupt Liberals are no longer an option? The other far left socialist party of course, the NDPee. The greedy self interests of the massive and diseased “public servant” class will decide who wins the election and they only care about themselves. From the worst to the worst. The country should finally collapse under its own greed and stupidity.

  4. The danger with Socialist/NDP governments is not so much the leaders, but the apparatchiks who come out of the woodwork after election success. Socialists always have zero interest , or understanding of Agriculture (reflect on Stalin, Pol Pot, Mao), so Great Leap Forward supporters within Horwath’s ranks is unsurprising.
    When Bob Rae became Ont Premier he had to appoint a Bancroft School Principal as Agr Minister. An executive assistant was longtime NDP candidate in Huron Co, who championed subsistence farming and was given the chance to implement some of his ideas. Advice to Prem Rae included skipping the traditional Int Ploughing Match invitation, too focused on mechanized farming, and so on.
    NDP types should never be allowed anywhere near the levers of power, to avoid ruinous idealogical experiments. Bob Rae should be remembered by every Ont voter on election day.

    1. Add to that the fact than many of the more capable and knowledgeable NDPers associated with the federal Party have headed out West to help Notley. At least we know that Doug has some very experienced people in his Party such as Christine Elliot and Vic Fideli. I think it would be a very big error for Ontario to elect the NDP. It will be the ruin of the Province, so hopefully, saner heads will prevail.

  5. So, to turn to political theory.

    Numbers (population) give you power.
    Numbers means cities.
    Cities always go socialist. ALWAYS. There never has been, and never will be an exception to this rule.

    If you want to break the power of socialism, you have to use something other than numbers to decide things.

    Numbers equals democracy; therefore, democracy equals socialism.

    In Rome, only citizens had political power.
    The only path to citizen, was military service.

    We need something. Something besides bare numbers.
    Perhaps skin in the game. Also, all conflicts of interest/insider trading must be eliminated.
    A lot of people need to be disenfranchised to achieve a better system.

    There are only two ways to influence the political; money or vote.
    You have to pick one; no double dipping.
    Only people who have a job can vote.
    A job, means private sector.
    Anyone paid with tax dollars, cannot vote; if you are Paul, and you make money by robbing Peter to pay Paul (ie yourself), why do you get a say on how much Peter owes Paul (ie YOU)?
    Politicians, do not vote.
    Political staff, do not vote.
    Civil servants, do not vote.
    Teacher’s union, does not vote.
    Public sector unions, getting all their money from government paychecks, are not allowed to use money to influence the political.
    On the poverty line thing, GIVE SOCIALIST WHAT THEY WANT. Let them set the poverty line as high as they want. ONLY PEOPLE ABOVE THAT LINE GET TO VOTE.

    1. I can and would vote for that. The lives of communist party members were much better than non-members in the USSR. We see that here with all public servants and their gold-plated pensions. Find me a worker from any level of government who won’t vote for the party that will enrich them the most and I’ll find you a filthy liar.

      1. Of course. In a one-party state membership in the party is the path to a life of relative ease, security, and wealth. Not all party members truly believe in Communism, but they all believe in the Party. In a multi-party democracy the civil service is a more reliable sinecure. We may elect one party or another, but whoever is in power is in government, so the civil service is recruited from people who believe in, above all, government.

    2. So no one in the Military can vote because they get paid in tax dollars, sowing the seeds of a coup by a military that is forced to execute government edicts at home and abroad.Might not happen right away but give it a few years with an unpopular PM and his/her followers and you have Venuzeula North. Sooner or later Canada will become a complete socialist non-national entity. We are already half way there with multiculturalism diluting Canadian culture everywhere except in Quebec, the language police and the sign nazis ensure that multicult bullsh!t is not allowed.

      1. So no one who is a professional in the military votes, but everyone who isn’t professional is conscripted to military training (or in the case of those not physically able, some other form of public service) and a term of service on subsistence only, and only qualified to vote after fulfilling this obligation. Eligibility for citizenship may be a birthright, but full citizenship must be applied for and earned.

      2. multiculturalism diluting Canadian culture everywhere except in Quebec

        Last week, I was on an Air Canada flight from Vancouver to Edmonton. I sat in the row behind one set of emergency exits and most of the passengers were caucasian. I was flabbergasted when the flight attendant asked if there was anyone on each side who spoke either English or French.

        I remember a time when even immigrants to Canada knew at least enough English to get by. Not only was it seen to be necessary, but it was a way of showing their determination to become Canadians.

        Now, courtesy PM Sparkle Pony, that’s no longer needed. He abolished this country when he took office. Thanks a lot for nothing.

  6. Only the NDP leader of Ontario would defend a candidate for refusing to wear a poppy and demeans veterans. Or her candidate that believes in 9/11 conspiracy theories. But then she has the federal leader campaigning with her today that believes no pipelines should be built in Canada.

    1. Yep, the party of “we are for the working person” once again protesting projects that would provide good paying jobs.

  7. When I was travelling through China a couple of years we noticed a few, very few, large beautiful detached homes. Our guide told us only the very rich and politicians would live in those homes.

  8. The easy way out voter will force a major mauling on the rest of us before anything changes.

    They vote for somebody who says I will make things easier on someone else’s dime and it won’t cost a thing.

    We fall for it every time. Harper helped us pull away modestly from the clutches of collectivism.

    When he seemed ready to finish the job, the faithful sycophants praying at the altar of regressive progressivism simply made up a false narrative (which power as the only end types always do, it’s not about ideas and policies), to prevent the final roadblock to the treasury trough, aided and abetted by “real conservatives.”

    Then again, when the chips are down, they often put the socialists over the top.

    What easy way out types fail to understand again and again is, when the damage inflicted truly harms them, not just the working poor or others (has Trudeau increased funding to the public sector at the program delivery level – not in your life) – BIG GOVERNMENT HAS BECOME TOO BIG TO BRING DOWN VIA ELECTIONS.

    The DeMarxists are providing a root example of real corruption, not just the stealing of pittances, but the assault on our most basic and natural rights to not be harmed or have our stuff arbitrarily confiscated by the collective.

    It happens again and again, and ON is ripe for the easy way out. Zimbobrae redux anyone?

    Anything less than a PC majority dooms us, not that it will not do much to push back the collectivist crush.

    I am finally concerned we are really screwed, that bad government can indeed and in fact will take us down.

    1. “I am finally concerned we are really screwed, that bad government can indeed and in fact will take us down.” That is also my concern. We currently have bad governments in Canada, Alberta, and Ontario, and Ontario may get even worse.

      It does seem that the good government bar is continually being ratcheted downward with every decade or election cycle. Have Canadians really been that brainwashed by the media?

      People deserve the government they elect, but we all suffer the pain.

    2. If your choice is to vote for someone who promises to give you or anyone something other than a tax break, DON’T VOTE. By the way, not voting will not change a damn thing, just like voting.

  9. As I said months ago, Conservatives would be better off if they didn’t win the Ontario election. After so many years of Liberal gov’t, the province is circling the bowl : highest subnational debt, big structural deficits, high electricity rates, large public service liabilities, etc. Whoever forms the next government will inherit all this mess and, most likely, a recession. Given the massive debt/deficit, I suspect the recession will bring debt rating downgrades so debt payments will take an even bigger chunk of provincial revenues.

    If it follows the Saskatchewan NDP route, the debt crisis will lead to cuts and tax increases for everyone but public employees and politicians which then drives out business, young people, young families and the most ambitious citizens. So fewer productive people paying bigger and bigger bills. It’s a viscious cycle.

    Whichever party wins actually loses because they will be the fall guys who get the blame for the awful economy and tough decisions.

  10. In Alberta, most people didn’t know they were radicals. I suspect in Ontario, they seek them out.

    1. anyone in Alberta who did not know what the NDP represent must be very stupid.

  11. I’m a born skeptic. I don’t trust political candidates who don’t question the powers that be, especially regarding the Climate Change religion and global governance.

  12. The progs of Ontario, likely a representative proportion for the ROC, realize that Wynne is done. They either stick with party loyalties and allow a Conservative government or support their fellow, slightly more demented progs in the form of the NDP. Most progs would rather eat their young than allow conservatives to hold power even when most conservatives are simply thriftier welfare-nanny state protectors. Generations of entrenched statist education and cultural degeneration is yielding their desired benefits – an ever growing leviathan state under progressively incompetent political human ballast.

  13. But that is what elections are, voting for a pack of trough sucking degenerate losers that that convince you they are better than the last pack of trough sucking degenerate losers, until you find out they aren’t….

  14. Works for me,harder faster.
    Did anyone believe the province was salvable?
    Any more than this country can be made whole again.
    Sure the parrot is just resting…
    Canada can spring back into being,cancelling the distrust,anger and huge financial losses inflicted on the citizens by too much government.
    What is in this for the productive citizen?
    That the state might let us keep more than 50% of our own income?
    As we pay interest on debt, debt that built nothing of value to us.
    And continue to be “managed” by the numerical tyranny of the city dwellers of Eastern Canada.Where and when might the interests of Western Canada get an honest airing?
    Let alone a rational discussion.

  15. As always, the real enemy is the media.
    The same media who convinced a number of LIV voters in Quebec that it would be trendy to get on the “Orange Surge” back in Jack’s last days.
    With the Libs thoroughly discredited and disliked, the media party will double down on trying to convince voters that the NDP are a viable, trendy, thoughtful, progressive alternative.
    Progressing towards what is never mentioned.

    1. What motivates the urinalists’ you ask, well they can’t do math, so they picked an easy degree. And were thoroughly indoctrinated by Gramski’s long-march-through-the-institutions cabal that rules all the make believe faculties at uni.

      And then there is this!

      “Journalists drink too much, are bad at managing emotions, and operate at a lower level than average, according to a new study.
      Journalists’ brains show a lower-than-average level of executive functioning, according to a new study, which means they have a below-average ability to regulate their emotions, suppress biases, solve complex problems, switch between tasks, and show creative and flexible thinking.

      The study, led by Tara Swart, a neuroscientist and leadership coach, analysed 40 journalists from newspapers, magazines, broadcast, and online platforms over seven months. The participants took part in tests related to their lifestyle, health, and behaviour.”

      Read the rest here: http://www.businessinsider.com/journalists-brains-function-at-a-lower-level-than-average-2017-5

  16. If Ontario wants some NDP, we still have some overused reject NDP still here in Manitoba that you can have, thankfully replaced by the PCs. It always amazes me that the NDP says “we are for the working person” then are the first in line to protest new projects that would provide good paying jobs, they obviously prefer the welfare state.

    1. Trudeau is doing that by allowing “irregulars” to cross freely into the country. Like Trudeau, no mention as to how Horwath plans to deal with the influx. There’s a four letter word that goes with hole to describe what these fools could make this country.

  17. Stupidity and helplessness are inevitable by-products of urbanization. Lots more of it to come…in every province.

  18. ndp.
    new democratic party.
    NOTHING ‘new’ about the ‘new’ democraps.

    why am I seeing so many LIEberal and ndp election signs?
    oh. right. short term memory syndrome.
