42 Replies to “May 22, 2018: Reader Tips”

        1. I haven’t followed this much at all, however, I did see an article somewhere on the interwebs last week that tried to make the case that some girls trying to join the Boy Scouts were doing so because the girl scouts organization had gone all SJW and were campaigning against firearms and actively promoting Planned Parenthood.


    1. The Boy Scouts no longer exists. It’s a dead orginization. It’s been replaced by whatever sick entity is now occupying its former position.
      I guess the term ”Be Prepared” now takes on a whole new meaning.

  1. And then they cry when they find a Challenger grill with their name on it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D9avJlNdTe0 done right under the watchful eye of dressed in full body armor jackbooted thugs and msm presstitutes with a full blessing of PM Pu$$y Hat and libtards like UnMe. We may as well stop pretending that we are a nation of laws.

    1. Border War: (Faith Goldy)Attacked by Antifa

      So you think having dozens of police mere feet away means they will
      step in to prevent you being assaulted and Breaches of the Peace by
      masked thugs? Or protect a woman being attacked? Think again.

      Rule of Law? Equality under the law? National border security?
      Cult. Marxist governments reject those concepts.

      In the 20th Century, many other nations(USSR/Communist China,
      North Korea, et al) went down that road to Hell. Canada resisted.

      In the 21st Century, maybe not so much.

      1. What to you expect from a sanctuary country, which is what Prince Pixie Dust turned Canada into with that single message on Twitter.

        Of course, this was never debated in Parliament, not that it would have mattered.

        1. It just occurred to me that open borders are a Trudeau tradition.

          I’m sure many older SDA readers will remember how, about 50 years ago, PET welcomed every American draft dodger or deserter who crossed the border. The only thing that was missing was a public pronouncement by him encouraging them to head north.

    2. Absolutely horrifying. Canadians need to know this is happening. Why is the CBC hiding the damage being done by groups like Antifa? Canada has lost control of its borders. Goldy’s report deserves its own thread.

  2. I’m watching Anderson Cooper CNN show 10-11:00 MST. Haven’t watched cnn since election night 2016. Incredible feeling being woke and watching these actors push the narrative. It’s actually like watching tragic comedy. Sad, false, but funny.

    1. I don’t have the stomach to watch corrupt, pro-Democratic party broadcasters attack Trump. I am still trying to figure out how to delete CNN and CTV from my cable package.

  3. Netflix US
    ‏Verified account @netflix
    President Barack Obama and Michelle Obama have entered into a multi-year agreement to produce films and series for Netflix, potentially including scripted series, unscripted series, docu-series, documentaries, and features.

    (….which is why we dumped Netflix and now subscribe to Crave TV.)

    1. The Obama’s are good friends with Harvey Weinstein……he could provide certain ‘technical’ advice.

    2. That is so awful. I can’t imagine why Netflix thinks O and M have anything interesting to say — yeah, yeah, he is a former President, but what would be the result of someone hiring Bush to produce programming. Obama is not at all talented in this area (we know this because Bill Ayers had to write his biography.) Netflix is throwing their money away. They can produce garbage, but no one will watch it.

  4. Adler reported last night on a poll that purports to have the conservatives at something like 45%?
    That would produce a Diefenbaker result. Libranos at 30% and jagmeat 18%

  5. Check your calendar May 31 fast approaches and KM has not indicated if they are the least bit interested in trudeau’s offer of some tax payer cash to not expand the pipeline.
    Also heard that the latest on the interprovincial dispute over the expansion was that Notley was going to skip the premiers meet up.

  6. More trouble for the Catholic Church.
    Ozzie archbishop covers up for pedophile priests.

    1. That is so manipulstive and pathetic. There is no more obvious indicator that the media is out to get Trump than their dishonest claims that “Trump lies.” He exaggerates, misremembers, sometimes gets details mixed up, but to the media,this Is “lying”, yet nothing like the deliberate deceptions perpetrated by Hillary (re Benghazi) or Obama on many issues. One of Trump’s earlier “lies” was that his campaign was being spied on. I wonder if that one has been withdrawn. The Star has no business perpetrating this phony garbage. The media is so dishonest it is sickening.

  7. I looks like Sheer has given the 905 belt to dear Dustin. One can hope anyway.

    “Federal Conservatives would form government if election held today: Poll.”

    Forum found 46% of voters would cast ballots for Andrew Scheer’s Conservatives, while Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and his Liberals could only count on the support of 30% of the electorate. Only 18% of respondents said they would vote for Jagmeet Singh’s NDP party.”

    “The prime minister is seeing a high level of disapproval right now that could account for the lack of support for his party.” Sarc alert: never saw that one coming.

    Even Grit friendly Nanos has CPC/LPC in a dead heat with vote splits likely favouring the Tories.


    1. Scheer. Liberals can spell “Trudeau”, Conservatives should be able to spell Scheer. I hate to be a spelling fascist, but I’ve yet to see the correct spelling of the leader of the CPC anywhere.

  8. so what’s the next schtep o justine TURDoo?
    uncle fidel cleaned out cuba’s prisons and asylums when jimmy cahtah flung the florida beaches open back when.
    you, well, butterfly effect, twitter post, 100,000 illegals.
    are we going to take in all ‘refugees’ attempting to cross the border between ahfricahn shythole A and ahfricahn shythole B?

    1. What? You don’t think that Canada deserves its own version of Al Pacino’s portrayal of Scarface?

    1. Wow! Second grade math is much harder than I remember. Though I knew it was more than 36, I wish I could say I got the answer right away …. well, I didn’t.

  9. Anti-GE activists typically use the term “genetically modified organisms” or GMOs, a pejorative coined simply to disparage the use of the most modern techniques. In fact, genetic engineering with molecular techniques is merely a more modern, rapid and precise way than traditional crop breeding methods to change or improve the genetic makeup of plants. It also enables scientists to enhance crops by introducing helpful properties like resistance to droughts, standing water or insects from one organism to another.

    Organic farming prohibits modern manmade pesticides. But some are used surreptitiously anyway – and many organic farmers employ “natural” but still toxic pesticides like copper sulfate and neem oil. Though they oppose Bt-engineered crops, many spray live Bt bacteria on crops, killing good and harmful insects.

    Studies by Stanford University and other researchers have found that “organic” fruits and vegetables actually have lower yields and are no more nutritious than conventional or GE alternatives.

    However, certain organic practices, such as fertilizing with manure, have led to contamination with dangerous fungal toxins or listeria, salmonella or E. Coli bacteria. These problems are far more common in organic produce and can lead to serious intestinal illness, kidney failure, brain damage or even death.


    Just like Climate Change/AGW, the anti-GE movement is a fraud.

  10. Is the ontario progressive conservative party not running tv election ads?
    Seen lots of liberal and plenty of the ndp, And now latest polls have pc’s and ndp very close. But have not seen anything from the pc’s.
    Anyone know ?

  11. Socialism’s natural end result:

    “… keepers sometimes forced to feed one form of wildlife to another, just to keep some animals alive.”


    “‘Death spiral’: Canadian oil flows into U.S. Gulf Coast market as Venezuela falls apart

    Canadian oil shipments to the key U.S. Gulf Coast refining market outstripped Venezuela shipments for the first time this year, and the trend is set to continue” (FP)


    “Venezuela’s hungry hunt wildlife, zoo animals, as economic crisis grows

    Venezuela is suffering a disastrous economic crisis. With inflation expected to hit 13,000 percent in 2018, there has been a collapse of agricultural productivity, commercial transportation and other services, which has resulted in severe food shortages.

    As people starve, they are increasingly hunting wildlife, and sometimes zoo animals.

    Reports from the nation’s zoos say that animals are emaciated, with keepers sometimes forced to feed one form of wildlife to another, just to keep some animals alive. There have also been reports of mammals and birds being stolen from zoo collections. Zoos have reached out to Venezuelans, seeking donations to help feed their wild animals.

    The economic crisis makes scientific data gathering difficult, but a significant uptick in the harvesting of Guiana dolphin, known locally as tonina, has been observed. The dolphin is protected from commercial trade under the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES).

    The grisly remains of hunted pink flamingos have been found repeatedly on Lake Maracaibo. Also within the estuary, there has also been a rise in the harvesting of sea turtle species, including the vulnerable leatherback (Dermochelys coriacea), and the critically endangered hawksbill (Eretmochelys imbricata).”


  12. Great White Balkans Bitumen War Report.

    h/t Stupid Liberal Justine.


    “B.C. taking legal action against Alberta over bill allowing province to cut off gas”

    “The B.C. government is asking the B.C. Court of Appeal to determine whether it can pass legislation that would require companies to get permits from the provincial government before increasing the flow of bitumen through the province.

    If the appellate court approves, the new provincial rules would derail the Trans Mountain pipeline expansion project.”

