16 Replies to “This Is My Brother Mohammed, And This Is My Other Brother Mohammed”

  1. In the aftermath of 9-11, I read a column that stated that American’s spent more money on cigarettes than all
    of the Arab nations combined military expenditures. The author went on to say that the primary function of
    the military in Arab nations was not foreign threats but keeping their own people down.

    The two primary reasons Israel defeated combined Arab armies are that they are small, poorly trained and
    equipped and once Israel realized the threat was existential, they took off the gloves and met savagery
    with something worse. America did this in the Pacific Islands campaigns. Once the Marines saw the beheaded
    and mutilated corpses of GI’s, no further prisoners were taken alive.

  2. ??? It is more like how crappy is Thomas Wictor’s analysis. For starters, the ZSU-24-4 Shilka is most assuredly armoured. 15 mm on the front and sides and 9 mm on the turret. With the exception of the thicker frontal plating on the APC it is very similar to the armour on a M113 APC. Must be some pistol Thomas is packing. But apparently it just isn’t Thomas’s pistol that can slay a Shilka crew, the muzzle blast of a 100 mm cannon covering them can as well. It would seem that the Shilka is the most deadly vehicle to its crew ever devised. Hopefully there was no hail forecast in Damascus the day this was filmed, otherwise that crew will have died for the third time that day.
    Then their is the crack about the new sandbags. Twitter warrior Thomas is aware that the SAA has been steadily advancing in the Yarmouk camp as well as Hajar al Aswad? Although Thomas’s Twitter military strategy might not call for fortifying newly seized areas, there are a few out there that might not consider it the worst idea in the world. Shame they used new sandbags instead of retro ones to get Thomas’s respect. Of course, the final insult was that they dared to wear new kit. Bunch of posers. The nerve of them simply fighting a war while Thomas is bringing it to the next level fighting on Twitter.

  3. Two things regarding the video. Using a self propelled anti aircraft gun to fight ground based insurgents seems pretty stupid. Also I take anything with a grain of salt that comes from Russia Today. RT has about as much credibility as the CBC.

    1. Using a self propelled anti aircraft gun to fight ground based insurgents seems pretty stupid.

      Not really, there is a long history of using systems originally designed for anti-aircraft use against ground targets. Among these are, for examples, the quad 50s towed and mounted on vehicles (used from WWII through Vietnam), “technicals” with ZPU-2 & 4s, and the M163 Vulcan Air Defense System which has also been used to support ground operations. Among the advantages of using a ZSU-24-4 or M163 is that they have a greater stand off range than RPGs and the 23 or 20mm (respectively) cannon will defeat cover from most buildings in an urban environment, not to mention the fear factor.

      1. Exactly. There was as well the WWII feared German 88 AA artillery gun that killed thousands of allied tanks.

  4. It is standard practice to observe the effects of tank HE fire on a hard target (like a building). The Shilka crew is not dead. At the VERY worst they are shaking their heads – “WTF was THAT dude?”. Most armoured fighting vehicles (yes, 15mm/9mm is armour, unlike trucks and jeeps, say, or HMMVs) have sound- and blast- damping inside the vehicle…

    And gun discharge is NOT the same effect as an IED. Ballistics, kids,… Ballistics…

    1. agreed.
      it isnt like those 16 inch guns on a battleship.
      loud? fcukin right. shakes stuff? ditto.
      lethal? nah.

  5. To quote one of the Twitter respondents … “Syria Army has defeated a US armed and financed Islamist rebellion. They can’t be too shitty!”

    Obama’s Army are on their way ay ay

    Don’t start me talking
    I could talk all night
    My mind goes sleepwalking
    While I’m putting the world to right
    Called careers information
    Have you got yourself an occupation?

    Obama’s army is here to stay
    Obama’s army are on their way
    And I would rather be anywhere else
    But here today

    There was a checkpoint Charlie
    He didn’t crack a smile (until Reagan tore down THAT wall)
    But it’s no laughing party
    When you’ve been on the murder mile
    Only takes one itchy trigger
    One more widow, one less white nigger

    Obama’s army is here to stay
    Obama’s army are on their way
    And I would rather be anywhere else
    But here today

    Hong Kong is up for grabs (nahhh, ceded back to the commies)
    London is full of Arabs (no shit, and how!)
    We could be in Palestine (aka make-believe land)
    Overrun by a Chinese line (nahhh, they’re building islands in the South China Sea)
    With the boys from the Mersey and the Thames and the Tyne

    But there’s no danger
    It’s a professional career
    Though it could be arranged
    With just a word in Mr. Churchill’s ear
    If you’re out of luck or out of work
    We could send you to Johannesburg (to defend white farmers)

    Obama’s army is here to stay
    Obama’s army are on their way
    And I would rather be anywhere else
    But here today
    And I would rather be anywhere else
    But here today
    And I would rather be anywhere else
    But here today, oh oh oh oh oh, oh oh oh oh
    Oh oh oh oh oh, oh oh oh

  6. Just to throw this in, the Shilka is bad news, no matter where on the battlefield it rears its ugly head. Able to traverse 360 degrees in seconds, and elevate the guns 170 degrees, that system would be a devastating urban warfare platform. The 23mm guns would quickly punch thru almost any type of building material in 1-2 short bursts. Remember the final bridge scene in Saving Private Ryan? Multiply that cannon by 4 and put it behind light armor and on a tread. As for the cannon blast, all Russian armor maintains a positive seal and airflow in case of a chem warfare attack. I do not believe it would have hurt the vehicle at all, the crew however may be a different story…

  7. Posters here are quite correct the ZSU-23 is a very dangerous weapon in urban warfare and most have been stripped of their AD radar and uparmoured for ground threats. Most of the poor quality tankers have been killed earlier in this conflict and most now are far more skilled than they look. Syrian regime tactics have been changing, mostly with advice from Russian officers, another nasty weapon is the mine clearing charge used to clear out insurgents. I have been following ANNA News, for excellent frontline footage. they invented “Tankcam” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_ZrtIYgTuGE
