
17 Replies to “Wynneing!”

  1. People who want the government to control everything really just want the government to control people’s lives including their own and they’d happily forfeit their liberty and personal responsibility.

    1. It seems we are approaching that threshold at a breathtaking pace.
      They know what they are asking for.

  2. Meanwhile many olp voters are moving to the ndp making it a possible win for them.

    I would welcome that with mixed emotions – ontario would move from the fat to the socialist fire but it would greatly improve the chances for a cpc victory next year.

  3. You mean the NDP and the Ontario Liberals don’t think their citizens are as responsible as Albertans. Not that we have alcohol in every corner store, but we do have private liquor stores very conveniently located – some are nearer than the local groceteria. Hasn’t turned us into uncontrolable drunks at every corner.

  4. We can’t let people in Ontario get their own beer or wine off a shelf, there must be an Agent of the State available to do that, so there is a cooling off period where the consumer might change his or her mind and just walk away.

    Make sure that the people in Ontario are held tightly in the grip of the nanny state, otherwise, they will turn into western libertarians or something. They might even conceive of a social order where everybody gets to say or do whatever they want. We can’t have that, we did not train these elites for nothing.

  5. Honestly, it is time to push Ontario over the cliff. Every conservative candidate in the province needs to drop out of the election.

    Ontario wanted socialism; make sure they get it good and hard. Make sure they have no other choice. The problem cannot be fixed at this point; don’t be the guy left holding the bag.

    Stop paying your power bill; get an ice saw, store blocks of ice during winter, get the ice box out of storage. Heat with wood. Candles for light. If you still have the old coal monster in the cellar, it still works. Learn how to construct and maintain a root cellar.

    Let Toronto pay for every windmill in the province by itself

  6. “[W]arning of a booze-in-corner-stores apocalypse…”

    They were no doubt thinking of Québec where, as we all know, the availability of wine and beer at just about every dépanneur in every petite ville et petit village since forever has created a provincial alcoholic apocalypse.


    1. Indeed JJM, Quebec has its problems but I don’t think any of them are rooted in the availability of beer and wine at corner stores.

  7. it has become so depressing I can’t tolerate the BS from these moron liberals. we need to get rid of all government right now.

  8. pucks.
    ya, get yer video cameras at the ready folks, for that split second moment when the LIEberals get hit in the head with a puck labelled ‘2018 ontario election’.

    pucks can do that.

  9. Beer wine and liquor has been sold in variety stores in Ont for about 55 years; LCBO Agency stores have been around that long. McGuinty greatly expanded the program before unions demanded it be stopped, which it is. Still about 240 stores sell alcoholic products every day, just not in Toronto. Still Ont extends somewhat beyond Mississauga Road, Wynne and the TO media should get out more.
    Nothing new or novel about liquor sales in variety stores in Ont, the prototype is there and has been for a very long time and the sales have caused absolutely no problems, the unions would have reported any and they haven’t.

  10. The latest Ipsos poll has the NDP leading in Ontario. This is a likely fiction since Ipsos systematically over-represents the NDP and Liberals and under-represents the PCs compared to other pollsters. But it does likely mean the race is tightening.

    Get ready for phase II of the election: the PCs and NDP try to scare all the remaining Liberal voters into their camps. By the end of next week, you’ll swear this race pits Trump, Rob Ford, and the Nazis against Bob Rae, Hillary Clinton, and the Communists.

    The only good thing here, is that the Liberals could be completely wiped off the map (seat-wise), which they richly deserve.

  11. Mommy Wynne has made it clear, she does not want booze among the “candy bars”.

  12. of necessity, the following occurs “outside the T.O. bubble”….
    Upsala, NWO. the “only” store for miles hosts;
    Canada Post
    convenience sales

    Schreiber, NWO another lonely outpost hosts;
    gas bar
    Fast Chicken
    “Boston” Pizza
    Robins coffee

      1. Absolutely, Any rural Ont resident must be familiar with these Agency stores, the program was expanded by the government Wynne was a member of. Groceries, hardware, tobacco, vodka. bread, beer,snacks all on one bill. Perhaps Wynne went to the bathroom when the plan was discussed, but she cannot be dumb about their existence. Her comments, and the silent press listening just reinforces the idea of the two solitudes, Toronto and rural Ontario.
