7 Replies to “The Children Are Our Future”

  1. At 70 I am still part-timing in the English department of a nifty little community college.

    I dislike Mr. Trump, but this unhappy woman’s response to his nice letter was childish and vulgar. Beyond that, she was just wrong – Mr. Trump’s letter is very good as it is.

  2. Its probably the only way the old hag could get any recognition which shows how ignorant she is because anonymity, in this day and age especially, is precious.

  3. the comments are an argument over the single/plural status of ‘none’.
    those adamantly insisting it is singular, THEN include the word correctionS in their argument, contradicting their point.
    people believe what they WANT to believe, driven by ego, not logic.

    the funniest one discussed what ‘is’ is, channeling slick willy . . . .
