21 Replies to “There’s A Time To Be Heard”

  1. Not sure I give a damn about that actress, but does this mean when criminal charges are laid ,up to and including treason,against Valarie Jared, that these charges are racist?
    Obama’s brain needs to answer a lot of questions.
    Same “logic” applies to the Obamanation?
    Even if the zero was convicted of real crimes,it would still be racist?

    Guess we all have to remember to insist on a jury of our peers..I of course have none, thus I cannot be convicted,cuz racism.

    1. I read your entry three times, Robertson and have concluded you must be on ambien.

    2. Racism is the only response the left has left, as it were, to disbelievers and hard facts.

  2. The same people, in general, who watched Rosanne’s show, voted Trump. I expect that they will be voting with their wallets and requesting generics or stuff from other vendors for the next few weeks.

    It was refreshing for most, to see a house on TV that was not a multi million dollar mansion, and instead looked like their house. Welcome to flyover country Roseanne.

  3. I have been told that the son of a person I know, while taking Ambien and possibly other drugs, tried to kill his wife with a knife in the middle of the night. She and their son fought him, and he committed suicide by stabbing himself. I believe Rosanne’s explanation of the 2 am tweet while affected by Ambien.

      1. Or the sons of single mothers. These drugs were not designed as a substitute for a boy’s father teaching him how to behave.

  4. Not a fan and never a viewer of her, (ever, at all) but her later tweet was instructing people not to defend her or her tweet under any circumstances; and her apologies have been nothing but expressing regret and taking responsibility. Aside from that, I find it really remarkable that nobody in the media anywhere has pointed out that one of her two sons whom she has raised (they both recently graduated HS) is black.

    1. Not at all. If you know who to bribe on Capitol Hill, everything is possible.

      That’s assuming the politicians don’t actually have a vested interest in working class whites drugging themselves to death or insanity.

  5. Just watched on the National CBC (communist broadcasting communications) Funded by the government in Corrupt Canada..

    Arkady Babchenko, Russian Journalist, Shot and Killed in Kiev Is now alive and well.

    One word:


    About a minute in CBC cuts to a Russian politician living in exile (Instanbull) ; )
    His name is Ilya Ponimarev.

    Ilya Ponomarev, Founder & CEO

    More than 25 years of prominent political, management and investment experience working in high technology industries with primary focus on global opportunities in energy, IT and telecom, including Director of Business Development at Schlumberger, Vice President in Yukos Oil and 10 years as member of Russian Parliament.

    8 hours ago on his LinkedIn he posted…

    We have made the IPO of http://www.tridentacquisitions.com. First day market cap exceeded $218m!


  6. I don’t care who or how she insults anyone. There are many people who deserve the most vile of insults because that is all they understand.

  7. Okay, so they teach in school that man is descended from apes, but don’t dare call each other an ape………….

    1. Ape is an insult that islam reserves for the Jewish. To call one of the islamic cult an ape is a grave insult. But apes and pigs directed at Jews? Totes OK; no section 13 for you.

  8. ms barr’s career is truly toast.
    I cant imagine ANY production crew gathering around her, ANY advertisers lining up for some future ‘sitcom’ (or is that ‘shitcom’?
    her agency dropped her, everyone dropped her. it is GAME OVER for barr.
    good things do come in small pkgs eh? the ‘blue collar crude crassness’ ALWAYS turned me off and as such I might have seen mebbe, oh, 3 or 4 partial episodes of the former shenanigans and NONE of the now extinct revival.

  9. Yawn. More anti-drug scare stories. I guess the Reefer Madness ones lost effectiveness, time for a new prescription?
