Y2Kyoto: Breathe Easy

National Post;

Despite their reputation, flatulent cows aren’t capable of destroying the world, an environmental politics professor argues in forthcoming research paper. But still, livestock are saddled with an outsized share of the blame for climate change. And if that misunderstanding persists, and pushes policymakers to force a societal shift from meat-eating, it could lead to disaster, says Ryan Katz-Rosene at the University of Ottawa’s school of political studies.


The idea that eating meat is bad for the environment is a drastic oversimplification of an incredibly complex subject, born from a 2006 study that suggested livestock production was as bad as the transportation sector, counting for 18 percent of global greenhouse gas emissions, Katz-Rosene said in an interview. There were several problems with the 18 percent figure, he said, but it still managed to brand livestock as one of the villains in the war on climate change.

h/t Bob

21 Replies to “Y2Kyoto: Breathe Easy”

  1. The only thing worse than a faux-eco Global Warmist … is a Vegan-faux-eco Global Warmist.

    And the only thing worse than that … is a Eugenicist-Vegan-faux-eco Global Warmist … who would happily send all the “Deniers” to the gas chamber

    1. That’s a Carnegie Hall round of applause for Kenji, by a full house! Bravo!

  2. Actually, cows don’t fart very much. Most of the gas they emit comes from their mouth.

    An insignificant detail when you’re a climate scientist trying to influence an uninformed world to your way of thinking.

    1. well if that’s the case, cows would make excellent politicians, or scientists, as all they do is gas off at the yap!!!

  3. But it falls perfectly into line with the vegan animal rights agenda, so, you know, the evidence really doesn’t matter if it’s there or not.

  4. Eat vegetarians. I will never invite a vegetarian for dinner because they would be sure to complain, overtly or not, that I had not served meat-free food for them. My response would be “If you asked me to dinner, would you serve me a meat dish?” And that would be the end of another beautiful friendship.

  5. I believe that one should never entertain if one cannot accommodate one’s guests, especially if they’re invited. Otherwise perhaps a date at a restaurant might be in order. Why ruin a friendship over dietary choices? Perhaps said choices are in fact, physician ordered. There are also food allergies to be considered.

    The vegans are the most difficult to accommodate and are most challenging because ‘ animal ‘ anything is contraindicated. Cookbooks are a fun read, I’m not a vegan but I believe their diet is a mythical diet. These people are wholly undernourished, even anemic.

  6. You can always tell how misinformed an environmentalist is when they talk about converting cow patures to crop production. Cows and crops don’t usually occupy the same fields in Saskatchewan. Cows are on land the isn’t good enough or level enough to be farmed. Besides, patures are full of life and biodiversity, cropland not so much. Plant-based protein to replace meat would 1) require significantly more land dedicated to crops, likely reversing the trend of peak farmland that we’ve achieved 2) crops require significant carbon dioxide inputs for seeding, fertilizing, chemical applications, harvesting, transport, processing so I doubt there’d be much carbon benefit.

    From the standpoint of an atheist, libertarian and carnivore…I think it’s the same old authoritarian assholes who want to ban or sin tax meat. It has little to do with science. I know every religion, including the church of progressives, has dietary rules but non-believers shouldn’t be forced into conversion. Personally, most of my red meat comes from deer and moose but it would only be a matter of time before the zealots banned venison too.

  7. Since I’m sure that the output of bison would approximate that of cows I would take it that Buffalo Bill was “green” before his time.

    1. Lol! Yes.

      Weren’t there millions of buffalo at one time? Herds like a sea as far as the eye could see.

      1. Yeah, was just going to add this point.

        Maybe its just the bookkeeper in me, but if you deduct billions of similar creatures to modern cows (starting with say mammoths, moving into bison, etc.), then add the same number (roughly) of modern cows…where is the gain in gas?

        Never mind, we’re trying to bring science to a political fight. That never works…

        1. “Never mind, we’re trying to bring science to a political fight. That never works…” To the human hating Marxists every aspect of human endeavor is political. Including the personal.

  8. So the argument goes like this: someone says stop something because ‘carbon.’ Seemingly more nuanced man says it’s not quite that bad, we can do it a different way, because ‘carbon.’

  9. It appears that too much of the dark ages science is returning to plague us.

  10. Dear Eco-fascists,
    Me, my horses, donkeys, dog, cats and wife fart in your general direction.
