25 Replies to “I, For One, Welcome Our New Self-Driving Overlords”

  1. Just imagine what would happen if the driver was a senior citizen driving his eco-unfriendly 1990 F-150 with 300 six and a straight pipe where the catalytic converter should sit! They`d have his license in a minute!!

  2. Posted this in yesterday’s tips but it fits in here.
    Center for Auto Safety and Consumer Watchdog are asking the FTC to investigate Musk’s misleading advertising tactics.

    Request for Investigation of Deceptive and Unfair Practices in Advertising and Marketing of the “Autopilot” Feature Offered in Tesla Motor Vehicles (PDF)

    Dear Chairman Simons:
    Two Americans are dead and one is injured as a result of Tesla deceiving and misleading consumers into believing that the Autopilot feature of its vehicles is safer and more capable than it actually is. After studying the first of these fatal accidents, the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) determined that over-reliance on and a lack of understanding of the Autopilot feature can lead to death. The marketing and advertising practices of Tesla, combined with Elon Musk’s public statements, have made it reasonable for Tesla owners to believe, and act on that belief, that a Tesla with Autopilot is an autonomous vehicle capable of “self-driving”.

    Consumers in the market for a new Tesla see advertisements proclaiming, “Full Self-Driving Hardware on All Cars.” They are directed to videos of Tesla vehicles driving themselves through busy public roads, with no human operation whatsoever. They see press releases alleging that Autopilot reduces the likelihood of an accident by 40%. They also hear statements like “the probability of an accident with Autopilot is just less” from Tesla’s CEO, Elon Musk. Or they hear him relate Autopilot in a Tesla to autopilot systems in an aircraft. Such advertisements and statements mislead and deceive consumers into believing that Autopilot is safer and more capable than it is known to be.

    1. If Elon can improve the stopping distance of your Tesla’s poorly programmed ABS braking system from a central computer in Tesla headquarters … what do you think a hacker could do to your eco-virtue signaling automobile? Enjoy your hands free commute!

  3. The police car jumped right in front of him!
    The poor Tesla couldn’t do anything.

  4. After it causes an accident by driving without due care and attention or a programming glitch, whichever applies. How does a Dept. of Highways revoke a driver’s licence to a Tesla autopilot controlled vehicle?

    Does the autopilot have a “legal fiction” status in administrative law, or is being a figment of some utopian programmer’s imagination sufficient?

  5. The most surprising thing from this CBC article is that CBC acknowledges that Tesla is a cult.
    ” Analysis
    Tesla’s troubles are piling up — but the Elon Musk cult is still full of true believers”

    I do believe a random act of journalism has broke out or stick a fork in Tesla because your leftist champions are acknowledging the end times.

    1. Not at all. The media are just furious because Elon admitted in a tweet what everybody knows, viz. that the mainstream media work for the same people who signed the death warrant of South Africa and “Zimbabwe.”

      The idea of the self-driving car or truck mostly appeals to the same people who laugh at the sight of poor white South Africans being reduced to begging in the country they built while black kleptocrats sell the country to the Chinese for a fraction of fair value.

      I look forward to his apology for fleeing like the coward he is to Canada rather than serve in the South African army and fighting communism.

  6. More on the wonder that is a Tesla – Tesla 3 gets 600 miles on a single charge.

    This feat was accomplished by driving on a one mile closed loop, at 20-30 MPH, with the A/C and all other accessories off (it only got to108F inside).

    The best part is the next day the car had to be towed to the shop because it wouldn’t take a charge.

    Great product for the eloi, Elon!

    1. ha ha!!!
      reminds me of the olden days selling desktop systems, where hard drive mfgs boasted about access times.
      then my boss explained the tests were rigged; the mfg would create a ginormous buffer in RAM and various other skullduggery to come up with a result that could not be repeated except in the ads.
      ha ha !!!!

  7. Is there a glitch or “feature” in the Tesla software that attracts the car to a police beacon?

    Something that could send a report when these cars exceed local speed ordinances?

  8. Que the unthing,”You are all old luddites for pointing and laughing,just you wait the flying car will be in every garage but real soon..”
    Never thought of it as a cult,just mass gullibility.
    Bleat like sheep nameless moron.
    Every accident report to date, tells us the promoters were lying,we have yet to see an autonomous car.
    Sim World does not cut it.

  9. To whom does Officer Friendly give the ticket? Self-driving cars that can not drive. And some call this progress.

  10. The Tesla is simply an enlarged iPhone 30….comes with all the std cell phone capabilities, comes in 3 sizes, has wheels, intelligence, can drive autonomously & is powered by a lithium battery. It knows where you go, what you do, what you say….all recorded for “posterity”.

    Please line up at your local iCrap Outlet for 5 years…

    Uhuh….Fancy junk for the Urban virtue signalers. Wait till they find out the cost of getting rid of (recycling), said Lithium battery….ha.!

  11. You can’t make this up: “The carmaker says the function is not designed to avoid a collision . . . ” (Kind of like a severely impaired drunk on Saturday night). Okay, I’ll bite, if not “avoid a collision” a la the first driving lesson a dad ever gave his teenager, what exactly is the “autopilot” function designed to do? Is there anything else it is not designed to do, like drive off a bridge? If only Ted Kennedy had been driving a Tesla he could have had a lifetime of excuses.

      1. There were a lot of jokes about that as well. Never get in a car that does not have a real driver and then make sure he/she is from your country and understands the rules.

  12. Tesla, and Elon Musk, will be forgiven this as they are everything.

    They offer our betters the prospect of relieving working-class white men of one of the few career options still available to men who don’t care to spend four years at a university being accused by leftist professors of everything that’s wrong with the world.

    Have you heard the news from Brazil? The nation was paralyzed for days because Brazilian truckers refused to pay gas taxes that had been raised to crushing levels, going on strike instead.

    Without the prospect of truck drivers striking if gas prices rise too high, government officials will be able to gouge you at the pump even more without fear that their posh grocery store will run out of organic strawberries.

  13. Thanks for the close up picture, all the liberal news media showed are helicopter pictures.

    Also saved me from buying that junk, My dear wife thought she wanted to buy one of these- ‘Great Idea,’ she said.
    Now- not so much.
    The one she looked at is white, the stupid thing might run into itself.

    1. OMG! Is that what a Tesla motor will sound like … right after it goes out of warranty?

  14. Elon’s claim that Tesla’s Autopilot is (at least) 40% safer than a human-driven vehicle is … surprise, surprise … JUNK “science”. JUNK statistics.
    Cue the Tesla fanboys to insist Elon’s statistical mumbojumbo … IS … “science”! Settled science. Tesla is “proven” to be “safer” than your Ford F-150… PROVEN! Because Pope Elon said so …

    1. When Musk says his Tesla can reduce crashes by 40% that is saying more about the people “driving” his cars than it is about the safety of his cars.
