53 Replies to “May 31, 2018: Reader Tips”

  1. Just watched on the National CBC (communist broadcasting communications) Funded by the government in Corrupt Canada..

    Arkady Babchenko, Russian Journalist, Shot and Killed in Kiev Is now alive and well.

    One word:


    About a minute in CBC cuts to a Russian politician living in exile (Instanbull) ; )
    His name is Ilya Ponimarev.

    Ilya Ponomarev, Founder & CEO

    More than 25 years of prominent political, management and investment experience working in high technology industries with primary focus on global opportunities in energy, IT and telecom, including Director of Business Development at Schlumberger, Vice President in Yukos Oil and 10 years as member of Russian Parliament.

    8 hours ago on his LinkedIn he posted…

    We have made the IPO of http://www.tridentacquisitions.com. First day market cap exceeded $218m!


      1. What about Ilya Ponomarev getting paid 218 million on the same day? Coincidence probaly not.

        Watch the CBC video above.

    1. The photo of his death was first published on the Facebook page of a former Ukrainian reporter who says he now works for a shadowy consultancy organization based in the Washington, D.C., area.

      “It quickly circulated among Ukrainian and Russian reporters — though few, if any, media outlets chose to publish it, mainly due to its gory content.

      Yevhen Lauer, the reporter who published the photo along with a caption reading “Damn It, Bitches,” told RFE/RL late on May 29 that he received it from a law enforcement source, whom he declined to identify.

      Lauer, who has worked for various Ukrainian media outlets in the past, has more recently been affiliated with Trident Group LLC. Based in the Washington suburb of Arlington, the company says it specializes “in law enforcement, investigations, intelligence gathering and analysis, conflict prevention and conflict resolution, international risk control, executive protection and special operations.”


      Trident – http://www.tridentgroup-global.com/

      “Trident formally launched operations in Ukraine in 2010, when Trident-Ukraine Ltd. was set up in Kiev to better serve Clients’ interests in this dynamic market. The team in Kiev consists of professional analysts and experienced former law enforcement and intelligence officers.”

    1. Murkie, l hope the recent polls are right. The left-wing Globe and Mail is in panic mode. This morning (Thursday morning) the corrupt, pro-Liberal newspaper published more anti-Ford hit pieces.

      1. Smart women don’t either. I think in time (maybe a short time), he will be identified as the worst PM ever. He is completely unqualified and Liberals should be embarrassed for putting forward this incompetent leader. I suspect some are.

        1. “Liberals should be embarrassed for putting forward this incompetent ….”

          Notice, we left out the word ” leader” in your quote? I agree totally and expressed this in another thread a few days ago. That said, these senior politicians who voted him in, amongst themselves, ought to be voted out themselves, for doing what they did. (Ralph, Garneau, etc, ad infinitum, ad nauseam) I’m for voter reform and leadership conventions. The batton of power is handed over way too easily, otherwise, and we get stuck with neophytes.

          This election was rigged anyways. I’m paining and saying it too often. We need a big rout like when 2 seats were left after Campbell was a loser, left holding Mulroney’s bag. ( HEH , sorry Brian, I don’t mean your ‘bawbag’) Remember, it was Jean Charest and Elsie Wayne who were left.

          Trudeau has to go, in that style! Make Canada Great!

          Honestly, I wish Harper were still in power. The world’s politicians respected him. He is an economist and a master wordsmith who displayed his talent at an early age. He had the patience like a good parent has but when he blew his stack in his famous “for God’s sake leave” speech in Parliament it was a great moment in Canadian history. I was smitten! He became PM after that, earned it and was excellent because he left Canadians to do their work and live life. I felt pity when I saw the nut jobs that he had to put up with at times. Those were interesting times. Those were great times. Most don’t realize it though, but we shall never surrender!

    1. “Justin Trudeau’s Political Career Is Likely In A Death Spiral”

      Would that it were so.

      1. Turdeau was never going to be anything but a disaster for Canada. The real issue is a populace that was prepared to vote him in. The instability inherent in that poll booth decision should be the topic of conversation nationally. As per usual the real national concerns in Canada are not fleshed out or discussed.

    1. That’s quite enough of that!

      There’ll be no brutally honest reality intruding into anything involving indigenous peoples!

      Just send more money!

    2. This issue bothers me as well. I doubt there were a lot of aboriginal homes in which yo place kids who were in grave danger. Would it have been better to leave them in dusfuctional homes? I do not think an apology is warranted and certainly not compensation in most instances.

    3. Agreed.
      There was no ‘scoop’. Nobody sold native kids to eager US adoptive parents for big money. The truth is native kids are harder to adopt out.
      The native community was in shambles kids were being neglected. We couldn’t sit back and watch this debacle.
      This issue is total bullshit. Read Frances Widdowson’s ‘Disrobing the aboriginal industry’.

    1. Its official
      The exemption on steel tariffs has been removed. The tariffs are back in effect
      Minister crybaby says a forceful response is forth coming…. sometime……real soon……honest.

      “Ready right now”

  2. Some not surprising information by James Di Fiore in The Post Millennial. The same thing is going on in the US with Republican swamp dwellers trying to undermine the Trump administration.

    “The Progressive Conservative Party has been fighting an internal battle during this campaign, and now a growing contingent of PC insiders believe that their own MPPs are leaking damaging information about PC leader Doug Ford in an attempt to sabotage the election, according to a senior level party source.”


    1. That is very worrisome. Some in the PC party do not support democracy. Even if Ford gets in, it sounds like there could be ongoing efforts to undermine him.

  3. PET POT Cemetery Report.

    Stupid Liberal Justine say, MAGA.


    “Trump hits Canadian steel, aluminum with tariffs”

    “But the U.S. is pressing ahead nonetheless, a long-threatened tactic sure to cast a pall over the G7 summit Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is hosting next week in Quebec.

    Some observers say a G6-plus-one scenario is already shaping up, with U.S. President Donald Trump as the outlier.”


  4. “My family is very concerned for my life. They think it’s such a dangerous and decrepit place now,” Bee told Kimmel. “My dad bought me a Kevlar vest.” Samantha Bee 5/25/18

    “You know, Ivanka, that’s a beautiful photo of you and your child, but let me just say, one mother to another, do something about your dad’s immigration practices you feckless c—!

    “He listens to you! Put on something tight and low cut and tell your father to f—ing stop it. Tell him it was an Obama thing and see how it goes,” she concluded. Samantha Bee 5/31/18

    She’s Canadian. Why would she stay in a place where she feels unsafe?? But then maybe she wouldn’t be allowed to say these vile things in Canada, so there is that to consider.

    Canada where “no man boldly goes” and the country is overrun by women and feminist male politicians with reeelly cool socks.

  5. PET POT Cemetery Report.

    “… the meeting of the heads of G7 governments in Quebec next week may now be teetering on disaster”.”

    ““There was a fair bit of effort to get Trudeau to Washington but it didn’t materialize, …”


    “John Ivison: Steel tariffs deal a blow to Trudeau’s reputation as the Trump Whisperer

    The concern in Ottawa is that the meeting of the heads of G7 governments in Quebec next week may now be teetering on disaster”

    ““There was a fair bit of effort to get Trudeau to Washington but it didn’t materialize,” said one person familiar with the matter. “Reasonable speculation is that the Americans didn’t want to give us another extension.”


  6. Next up, the “Canadian” branch plant auto industry. Look out Honda, Toyota and any other non-big 3 assembler in Canada shipping cars to the USA.

  7. 1. Malformed link (Poppy Family)

    2. Navigation pane doesn’t fully render on iOS 11

    1. These things look awful and are garbage. I cried when I first saw them ruin BIG SKY COUNTRY in lovely Alberta.

  8. Great moments in Socialism…
    OTTAWA — The national broadcast regulator [CRTC] says online giants like Netflix and Spotify should be forced to open their wallets to pay to create local content before Canadians see losses of jobs, services and content.

    The report says the proposed system would generate new revenue to save things like local news and reduce the pressures on federal coffers…


    1. Cancon 2018, just like you-know-who’s daddy tried 50 years ago.

  9. Going through a file on my computer earlier today, I came across this gem by P. J. O’Rourke:

    “In our brief national history, we have shot four of our presidents, worried five of them to death, impeached one and hounded another out of office. And when all else fails, we hold an election and assassinate their character.”

  10. Trump apparently, by exploiting the obvious, that Hillary was a tired out establishment candidate, used “Obama’s playbook,” except of course for the racism and misogyny.

    Was it also minus the narcissism, arrogant ignorance and nasty partisanship? Oh, and the (illegal?) dirty tricks?

    “But Rhodes also seems to acknowledge that Trump used some of the same lines of attack employed by Obama during the hard-fought 2008 presidential primary against Clinton – minus what Rhodes describes as the “racism and misogyny.”

    According to Rhodes, he and Obama were not aware that the FBI had begun an investigation into the Trump campaign’s dealings with Russia until after the election.”

    Well of course, only the heads of the FBI, CIA, NIS were involved; it just never came up in the discussion.

    “In footage from an HBO documentary recording on election night in 2016, Rhodes himself was seen sitting alone outside on a bench, haltingly repeating that the situation was difficult to “process.”

    Minus the racism and misogyny of course. Seconds on overconfident ignorance and narcissism though.


  11. this stuff just oozes cult, scam, ponzi scheme, deserving a tsunami of scorn and ridicule.
    my own preacher would agree. I think Im gonna ask him to be sure:

    uhuh. ‘prosperity’ for WHO mr televangelist? when my tenant told me about this story I figured it might be benny at it again.
    benny ‘hinn’ not benny ‘hill’.

    anybody want a copy of my tome ‘dealing with christians’, just gimme yer email address.

  12. PET POT Cemetery Report.

    ““Canada has been held hostage to American policy,” he added.”

    ““The benefit of free trade is gone here,” Walid Hejaz with the Rotman School of Management at the University of Toronto said. “What’s going to happen to the price of steel and aluminum?

    The price is going to rise and jobs will be lost.”

    “Canada has been held hostage to American policy,” he added.”


    “What U.S. steel, aluminum tariffs mean for Canadians — and their wallets”


  13. Wow – who’da thunk it???

    Some service stations in Calgary/Edmonton are closed cuz they’re outa gas…..in Alberta!
    Service stations have wrapped their pumps with yellow police tape as they apparently have no gas to sell.
    Third world here we come…..
    Where’s Mr Chavez?

    1. This sounds like the station operators might have got caught with their pants down. Station operators are just like you and I. When prices are high we will take our chances and run on an almost empty tank hoping that the price will come down. A station operator does something similar and waits for the wholesale price to come down before filling their tanks. And guess what? Sometimes the tanks run dry. Also it was just a long weekend in the U.S. so perhaps a lot of supply got diverted. Just my guesses.

  14. PET POT Cemetery Report.

    Stupid Liberal Justine’s War Against MAGA.

    “The strongest trade action Canada has taken since the Second World War slaps tariffs on more than 100 imports from America”


    “‘$16.6 billion of retaliation’: Canada hits back with ‘dollar for dollar’ duties on U.S. goods”

    The strongest trade action Canada has taken since the Second World War slaps tariffs on more than 100 imports from America”

    ” Foreign Affairs Minister Chrystia Freeland told a news conference Thursday.

    “This is $16.6 billion of retaliation,” Freeland said.”



    “Freeland knew her grandfather was editor of Nazi newspaper”

    “Foreign Affairs Minister Chrystia Freeland knew for more than two decades that her maternal Ukrainian grandfather was the chief editor of a Nazi newspaper in occupied Poland that vilified Jews during the Second World War.

    Ms. Freeland’s family history has become a target for Russian forces seeking to discredit one of Canada’s highly placed defenders of Ukraine.

    Ms. Freeland, who has paid tribute to her maternal grandparents in articles and books, helped edit a scholarly article in the Journal of Ukrainian Studies in 1996 that revealed her grandfather, Michael Chomiak, was a Nazi propagandist for Krakivski Visti (Krakow News).”


    1. Well she did apologize but unlike Roseanne she hasn’t lost her show. But it’s Trump’s fault anyway because media bias.

  15. PET POT Cemetery Report.

    Stupid Liberal Justine say, doan woerry ’bout this MAGA War;

    “because extra money is typically set aside for unexpected circumstances.”


    “U.S. tariffs on steel will hit Canadian defence industry: minister

    OTTAWA – Procurement Minister Carla Qualtrough predicts “significant consequences” to Canada’s defence industry as the U.S. moves to impose tariffs on Canadian steel.

    The minister says she doesn’t believe the tariffs will alter the government’s plan to purchase new military gear from the U.S. because extra money is typically set aside for unexpected circumstances.

    But she says they could hit Canadian businesses, some of which say they are watching closely to see how the dispute unfolds.”


  16. PET POT Cemetery Report: Moi War Against MAGA.

    Stupid Justine Liberal dons the whole armour of liberalism in this report from his rear.

    As the perfect patriot scoundrel did, the SJLiberal wraps itself in the shroud of patriotism.

    Listen up: It’s PET’s ghost cackling in the rear with the Hun’s pickelhaube on his dome.


    “Trudeau: Trump Tariffs ‘Totally Unacceptable’ — ‘An Affront’ to Canadians Who Fought and Died Alongside Americans”

    “He added, “These tariffs are an affront to the long-standing security partnership between Canada and the United States, and in particular, to the thousands of Canadians who have fought and died alongside their American comrades-in-arms.”


    1. He didn’t cry. I wanted to see him cry.

      What is the Shiny Phoney going to do? Pick up our army and go home?

      We can’t possibly have fought alongside the Americans for 150 years. Wasn’t it only weeks ago that Sock Boy was celebrating Canada being a country for 100 years?

  17. PET POT Cemetery Report.

    Stupid Liberal Justine throws up “a sweet spot” barrage of maple syrup in its MAGA War.

    ” … the cabinet committee on Canada-U.S. affairs met Thursday morning to discuss an
    appropriate response, describing its efforts as “finding a sweet spot.””


    “Canada hits back at U.S. with dollar-for-dollar tariffs on steel, aluminum, maple syrup” (cbc)

  18. PET POT Cemetery Report.

    Moi said, Non! to NAFTA deal.

    Moi said, Oui! to MAGA War.


    “Trudeau: I said no to NAFTA sunset clause”

    ” … Trudeau said in French.”

    “We already had the bones of a very good agreement for all parties, and I thought it might be opportune for all of us to sit down for a few hours and discuss it.”

    Trump seemed to like the idea, Trudeau said.

    Then on Tuesday, Vice-President Mike Pence called to say the White House would host the meeting — but on one condition.

    “I had to agree to a sunset clause in NAFTA, which is to say every five years, NAFTA would come to an end unless the parties decided to renew it, which is completely unacceptable to us,” he said.

    “So I answered that, unfortunately, if that was a precondition to our visit, I was unable to accept — and so we did not go to Washington for that day of negotiations.””


    1. Well we know Justin is not really making any decisions, so that phone conversation would have had to be several conversations while he consulted with his masters. Just as an aside, I don’t think Justin us all there. He seems like a mannequin to me.
