5 Replies to “She’s A “Leader in Journalism,” You Know”

  1. Laurie writes:

    “Most leftists do have an idea of the sort of world they would prefer to see. Many of us have several. It’s just very hard to get us to talk about it, for the simple, human reason that we’re worried we’ll be laughed at.”

    Laughed at? In a normal society, for letting us know what you had in store for us, Laurie, you would be confined to rubber room in a mental institution.

    Her leftism, like in so many other cases, derives from her sexual deviance (“genderqueerness”) and hatred of men. That in turn is invariably the result of sexual abuse, most likely by an “open-minded” male relative who got off on the thought he was doing the girl a favour.

    Admitting that sexual abuse of children by paedophiles is the root cause of almost all other sexual abnormality would be a major step forward in solving both problems.

    Unfortunately, rich paedophiles have spent the last generation and untold millions on a propaganda campaign designed to persuade the gullible that sexual deviants aren’t dangerous lunatics and in fact the insane ones are the “homophobes” who don’t care to live inside Laurie Penny’s head and resist the official “embrace” of perversion and recruitment of children for sexual abuse by adult perverts.

    1. You well may be right about her being abused in some manner, as she is sure some sick person.

      1. Yes, I’m not sure sexual deviancy or obsession with “gender” issues is always caused by sexual abuse, I would entertain the possibility that problem personalities of that sort could sometimes be formed by other sorts of abuse or by neglect. But it seems reasonable to suspect that for most cases the abuse would have had at least some sexual component.

    2. Doubtless this is the reason why they went to great lengths to shut Tommy Robinson up and shut him away.
