12 Replies to “Your Moral And Intellectual Superiors”

  1. Actually, it should be the NDP’s new slogan….

    ‘The Liberals not turning Ontario into a Wasteland fast enough for you? Then vote NDP!’

    You see, I’ve always respected truth in advertising.

  2. How is it that Sarnia has a petro chemical industry? Where does their supply come from?
    Why hasn’t that operation been slated for shut down?
    Maybe the ndp will get it done when they form government….

    1. North America’s first commercial oil well was just outside Sarnia in 1858. There’s been a refining industry there ever since.

    2. Crude comes from whoever has a supply.
      Nova Chemical processes ethylene from the Marcellus formation in Pennsylvania. They have a dedicated pipeline (own it I believe) to transport the feedstock to the refinery.

  3. links are dead ends.
    kinda like the future of ontariOWE.
    a BILLION ‘with a B’ in interest. every month, not even every year.
    buying votes, definitive PROOF voters take whatever they can get whenever they can. e-v-e-r-y-o-n-e in powah living off future income, aka DEBT.
    this includes socialists, CONservatists, Republicans, Demoncrats, LIEberals, Rhino Party, cummuniiiiiists, ANYONE temporarily or ‘taking turns’ holding the brass ring.

    moi, well, every month I plop 1000 bucks into my credit card accts, rack up a few more purchases and then WHOMP another big payment,
    I figure the balance owing will be gone, gone, gone by end of the year. I wonder if the low interest bubble will pop by then or some similar self-fulfilling financial oopsie.

    they ALL do it, dont kid yourself. soon to be extinct present provincial LIEberals boasting, BOASTING mind you how the deficits kept getting smaller with time.
    did you get that? what that says to the LIEberal mentality? ‘yawell yawell yawell, we’re soooooo good, lookie lookie, RECORD DEBT with every budget, but by shucksie, its decellerating !!! just vote fer us and it too will be gone gone gone in 2153!!! and everything else you hold dear will be gone gone gone !!!

  4. My goodness. The intellectual capacity to be an intelligent Canadian has dropped dramatically since I was wee child.
