

Kathleen Wynne on Saturday acknowledged that she will no longer be premier after the June 7 election and encouraged voters to elect Liberal candidates to prevent the NDP or PCs from securing a majority.


“Even though I won’t be leading this province as premier, I care deeply about how it will be led,” the Liberal leader said during a campaign stop in Toronto.


“People want change, but by and large they’re confident about where Ontario stands and where Ontario is headed. For this reason, many voters are worried about handing a blank cheque to either Doug Ford or the NDP,” she continued.


59 Replies to “Wynneing!”

  1. Her disgraceful resignation is two years too late.

    No honour, whatsoever, what a horrid, vacuous, obscene individual!

    1. She is right about the minority government, though. What a nightmare if an NDP majority was elected. I am less worried about Doug Ford PC’s having a majority, but I have some concerns about how functional that party is if they are divided (and it seems they are). Can they work together effectively for the good of the Province?

      1. First order of business: Drain the Swamp. That will only happen under a PC majority with Doug Ford in charge.

        The gay and paedo cabal that controls the Librano crime family at the provincial level needs to be imprisoned, and the keys thrown away. You bet your life the OPP have enough to send all of Queen’s Park’s perverts to prison for a long list of sex crimes, with no hope of coming out or ever harming a child again.

        The Libranos saw to it the gay mafia’s goings-on and plots were hushed up. Only Doug Ford wants to know what the OPP really know. Let’s hear it.

          1. Look into who advised on the new sex-ed program, and the crime that send him to jail.

  2. Why? So the Libranos and the gay mafia can prevent or neuter the next government’s investigation of what the thieves and perverts have been playing at for the last fifteen years?

    Sorry, no. This is the end, Kathleen—and not just for your career in politics. The Libranos are finished in Ontario. The spongers and Islamists will move on to the NDP, you’re going to prison with the rest of the perverts, and Doug is going to the premier’s office—and don’t expect him to leave it to go anywhere but go to 24 Sussex.

    Oh, and by the way, Justin’s next.

  3. Knowing that she is definitely going to lose (I thought she would have bribed her way out by now), Wynne is trying to sabotage things before she goes.


    Horvath is being Horvath. She will grip on to power any way she can.

    Who is worse: Horvath or the people who vote for her?

    1. Look at BC and judge for yourself. The ENDPs credo should be “Power by Any means”.

      They are the epitome of radical ideology, there is no common sense with the ENDP, just extremes

    2. I expect to see her leave office with a scorched earth policy. Leave as much mayhem and destruction in her wake that the electorate will regret tossing her out.

      I’m afraid the same thing will happen in Alberta next year.

  4. Obviously their internals are showing a Ford Minority at least

    The coalition they want is the new normal where losing socialist party’s combine to overturn the will of the electorate by installing themselves directly into power.

    1. The problem is that a Ford minority will never take place. If the Ford PCs win a plurality of seats, the NDP and the Liberals will conspire to form an alternative minority NDP government. Unless the PCs form a majority, Ontario will have an NDP/Liberal government, with plenty of support from the corrupt media cartel.

    1. Let’s remember how the polls are screwed these days because right wing people are not dumb enough to broadcast their support to left-wing polling organizations.

      And the left-wing polling organizations skew the numbers to suppress the vote.

      There are a few polls that are right. It is just that you have to know which ones are not left-wing poll skewers

  5. Is the voter in ON even slightly aware of the white elephant government Horwath is proposing, plus her free ride to the public sector unions, who would be free to paralyze the province?

    Ontario voters, for a decade you’ve propped up the apex of corrupt establishmentism, aka you pay as they grow government, now you want to go full socialist, with the commissars lining up office space as we speak?

    “No striking workers — including teachers — would be legislated back to work if an NDP government is elected June 7, New Democrat Leader Andrea Horwath says.

    “It’s a pretty heavy hammer…it’s very much against our values,” Horwath said Tuesday, citing her party’s labour roots in a wide-ranging, one-hour session with the Star’s editorial board streamed live on the internet, including questions from readers.”

    That would be their values, not ours; their “values;” at our expense to be sure.

    OK I’m being negative, but what a bloc of friggin political idiots. This 50:50 urban:rural divide is hurting everyone.


    1. If that happened, Ontario will turn into another UK.

      Edward Heath was chucked out of office in the early 1970s because of a nation-wide coal miners strike. He was succeeded by James Callahan and in ’79, as I recall, there was yet another strike. This time it affected the delivery of coal to certain power stations and the British had to deal with blackouts. Sunny Jim was given the boot after that, resulting in Maggie Thatcher becoming PM.

      The question is whether Ontario can withstand something similar.

      1. Unfortunately Ontario does not have a Maggie Thatcher, sad to say but true. In reality Rob Ford is our only chance to get away from the socialists that keep promising people free every thing. Who do these fools think will write the checks to pay for this socialist damp dream. As Maggie Thatcher said many years ago ” sooner or later you run out of other people money “.

  6. Between all the civil services, provincial, federal, municipal, and city, there must be almost sufficient votes to elect a minority government, and with the additional seduction of a few more suckers, lead the Dippers to a majority win.

    Wynne is a bitter and vicious person, filled with hatred,who would rather see Ontario suffer than Ford and the Conservatives win, thus her call for voters to move to the NDP. We shall see in a few days if her plea is successful, but I wouldn’t bet against it.

    And IF Ford should win , even with a massive majority, don’t expect that anyone will be prosecuted or go to jail, that isn’t how the system is set up in the Political Club de Canaduh.

    1. As with the Liberals federally the OLP was too focused on ensuring LGBTQ influence in the education curriculum, general society, pandering to the illegal immigrant population, and destroying the economy through idiotic free energy scams.
      Their only focus is on social engineering because engineering a strong economy is foreign to them. The public finally woke up to the stupidity. Even many unionized workers are realizing this as they see their friends, neighbours, and family members lose their jobs due to stupid legislation and economic decisions.
      An NDP government would make it worse but all the leeches are being loud about their support of our Ontario communists. But, many unionized workers aren’t buying into the NDP because they too will continue to take from the middle-class and give to the leeches.
      I see a PC majority. Ford has run a strategic campaign allowing the Liberals terrible history to destroy them. The media continued to harp on how he didn’t release a list of his promises. Why do that? Ford figured out no matter what he ‘promised’ – even if it were releasing a cure for cancer and AIDS – the media would have savaged his platform. The platform is….look at how the Liberals have f%&ed up your life and do you think their sidekicks (NDP) will do better?
      Once they started to attack Ford many realized the desperation in their comments and advertising. Equating Ford to Trump will be the NDP undoing as well considering those who follow US news sees unemployment down and a leader that is focused on helping legitimate citizens not every one else.
      If we don’t get a PC majority we are finished.

  7. She is right about one thing, the cheque will be blank alright because liberals have had the keys to the vault for 15yrs and there is nothing left in it.
    I really do think though ndp/lib coalition in the works.

  8. Not to draw attention to anything the CBC says on their website but… line 2 under the heading:

    “Some polls suggest the Liberals could lose official party status with fewer than 8 seats”

    Finally! the CBC is throwing us some candy.

    1. The mainstream media only started serious reporting on the crimes of communism after the Berlin Wall came down and it was no longer possible to hush them up.

      That’s all this is, the CBC pretending they were never cheerleaders for a pack of crooks and perverts headed straight to prison. If the Corpse is admitting the Libranos might lose, the party is headed straight for the dustbin of Ontario history.

  9. The Ontario swamp is deeper than the Marianas Trench. Draining it is a hurculean, not a human job. Doug Ford cannot turn this supertanker around.

    The only course now is to let it hit the iceberg. Once Ontario collapses it would be time to declare bankruptcy and start all over again — minus the socialist baggage.

    If Canada can have two queens, Ontario can have two premiers — Ms. Andrea Hogwash and Mr. Kathleen Wynne. Let them have the keys.

    Enjoy the decline.

    1. That is how I feel. Ford isn’t inheriting much. Let Andrea open the bare cupboards and then explain why our electricity rates can only go higher.

    2. If Offtariowe were to declare bankruptcy, voters would elect a govt further to the left to fix the problem. Only when there is nothing for the takers to take is there a chance for a turnaround and that means that govt services would cease for lack of funds. By then, the printing presses would have stopped printing money because no one would accept if for payment of any kind. That point is many years away.

      However, twixt the bankruptcy and the death of the beaver buck, there will be much misery.

  10. The fact that both commie parties are already talking about coalition tells you everything you need to know: they’re desperate.

  11. The province is doomed. The neo-Marxists don’t take losing well and barely acknowledge democracy. Financial reality and hard facts are not in their vocabulary. They control the MSM, every tax swallowing PS union and cop/firefighter association and the cities. Things are wayyyy worse than when Harris got in and he didn’t do nearly enough. 15 Years of Liberal Madness Will Take More than 15 Years To Fix! It ain’t happening. Too many weakling, epsilons with power. Too many scumbag thieves with power. Too many financially illiterate voters who want “free stuff”. Voting in the Corrupt Lesbo in the last election was the tipping point.

  12. My Original thought:

    If she really wanted people to still vote for her she would have reminded them that she was down and out last election and pulled it out. This was an effort to get the undecided left to move to the NDP and deny the PC’s the win.

    Then I thought:

    The Liberals are all about the money. This is a desperate attempt to avoid losing official party status.

    I don’t know which one it is.

    1. Kathleen is trying to keep herself and the rest of the gay mafia out of the slammer. A PC majority means she’s going to prison. How hard is that to understand?

      1. Being a great fan of conspiracy theories, I like this post. More the pedophile mafia I would suspect. I would have thought Horwath would want to take her out , then I remembered the time she let the Liberals off the hook and could have taken down their minority.

        1. “More the pedo mafia?” A distinction without a difference. Perverts only ever wanted the right to molest children with impunity, not the right to marry.

          1. Yes, I will agree that it is basically the same thing, but you have to admit the Pedo Mafia is incredibly strong. Not so much (Except for Ontario where one of their members set the sex ed curriculum) here but in the UK. That stuff with Tommy Robinson is incredible.

          2. ITT, the mentally ill/sexually unsure obsess over the ‘pedo mafia’. This is like PizzaGate right? ie for retarded people?

          3. UnMe is closer to the truth than usual…. the grooming going on in Ontario schools IS pizzagate for retarded people. One of the groomers got caught, you see….

          4. Ah the ‘grooming’ ie the bat shit insane fever-dream you’re having.

            Drop it. This is embarrassing.

  13. This is a pathetic and transparent for Wynne, finally realizing the voters have deserted her, to gain what power she can as a kind/queen maker. Ford needs to tell Ontarians stable, right of centre politics is the only answer, that the NDP’s platform is a monstrous fiscal joke on anyone purporting they represent responsible government, that they plan on giving public sector unions, particularly teachers, a veto over the public delivery of services.

    Voters who don’t do basic research are the fly in the ointment, allowing their self-inflicted ignorance to guide them into another statist web, thinking the state delivers prosperity. There’s your sellout.

    1. Don t forget the NDPs intention to turn Ontario into a Sanctuary Province which means that anyone who get into Ontario by whatever means will be entitled to the same rights and privledges as all legitimate citizens. Even though they have never paid a nickle toward taxes or any other support of our system they will be entitled to free health care,access to public housing , probably free prescriptions and dental care also. Welcome to the first Post National State where all you have to do is get here to get a free ride courtesy of Gerry and the sock puppet.

  14. As David Murrell post above: Ford must absolutely win a majority. A minority would last only as long as the socialists could form a pact and move a non confidence motion. In 1985 Frank Miller lasted about 2 months when (Who else Bob Rae) formed a deal with David Peterson to defeat his government as soon as the legislature met. These talks are definitely underway now, maybe without Rae’s influence, though he is always involved in such scheming.
    Still E Grenier’s Poll Tracker gives Ford an 85% chance of a majority compared to Horwath at 6%. And Grenier has a solid record predicting elections, even though employed by CBC, he is his own man. It is very hard to win a majority with zero rural seats; McGuinty did it once but there were 3 competing parties then, with just 2 Horwath is very disadvantaged with no rural support.

  15. Great article by Candice Malcolm. Her listing of NDP candidates could read as a whose who of Lenin’s first government.

    “Ontario has suffered for fifteen long years under a corrupt and increasingly left-wing Liberal government. Replacing the Ontario Liberals with the NDP is like going from a frying pan into the socialist hellfire.”


    1. problem is that for much of the electorate, voting is an emotional event, and if they don’t like some one for any reason, they will not vote for them. Trump is an excellent example of this. No matter what his accomplishments are, they (lefties and never Trumpers) just keep on whining. Untard is a good example in here for that.

  16. Here in Manitoba we finally dumped the long overdue NDP for the Conservatives a few years ago. Our ship is finally pointed in the right direction.

  17. Many great comments above; Wynne, simplified: “We may be out of office, but, with your help, we will not be out of power.”

    A look at the EKOS poll .PDF released yesterday tells us all we need to know: “WITHOUT SIGNIFICANT CHANGES, DOUG FORD ON TRACK FOR MAJORITY GOVERNMENT”. This finding confirms the whip-lash Forum Research poll of two days earlier — recovery of Tory support is underway, while the NDP has begun to fade. Undoubtedly, all the private party polling is showing the same thing.

    So, Wynne, in reading the EKOS headline and her own internal results, is trying to introduce the “significant change” needed to stop a Ford majority: “Vote for Liberal candidates who can win; vote NDP everywhere else.” Clearly, the Liberals are indifferent as to whether it’s a Tory or an NDP minority; a Bob Rae-David Peterson-style “coalition” is in the offing under any minority outcome.

    On the other hand, there is only one way that this treachery can be stopped, by my reckoning: people need to vote for Doug Ford. I know from my own circle that there is silent PC vote out there; in fact, as narrowly as in my own household, we all cast PC votes in the advance poll on Wednesday, even though as of last weekend there was great uncertainty as to whether there would be any more than 1 or 2.

    And there is no need to hold one’s nose, either — there is actually much to commend Ford, whose approach makes a lot of sense, in the circumstances. Conrad Black’s great column yesterday should help quite a bit:


    1. David, I agree with your points. And I sure hope a lot of “closet” conservatives, too afraid to admit to pollsters they’re voting for Ford, turn out to vote, such that Mr. Ford wins his majority. I think Wynne engineered her announcement to tilt some voters to the NDP. She wants to derail the Ford campaign, such that the NDP forms the government

  18. Ford majority is in now guaranteed. This is all an effort to get libtards hardcores to show up. Not happening. This thing is done. I’m even starting to feel upbeat federally. We could win with the absolute worst conservative leader. Even worse than Joe who Clarke. Scheer is actually worse than John brain tumor McCain

  19. Bet the paper shredders are over heating at Wynnes office.
    Are those guys that wiped the hard drives clean……are they outa jail yet cuz their services are needed.

  20. “Even though I won’t be leading this province as premier, I care deeply about how it will be led,” the Liberal leader said during a campaign stop in Toronto.”

    She cared so deeply about Ontario, she drowned her followers in debt!!

    What a loser!!

    Go Rob–Go!!

  21. Concede before an election? Who does that? Telling voters to vote for someone else? She is cracking? We’ve never heard of this. Is it the vegan food?

    1. if anything, it is, resoundingly, and 4+ years too late, THE definitive proof how inept the woman really is.
      the irony; it is HER WORDS that will scare LIEberal voters to conclude its time to select their 2nd choice because . . . .
      the self-fulfilling prophesy thing. who the friggin double hockey schticks spouts this days before the vote?
      migawd. the WORST of the worst. and she thinks it ‘virtuous’ or some such to be ‘frank’ (is that her pillow talk nickname?)

      yep. this is it. anyways, tq tq tq wynnedfarm, you FINALLY got *something* right !!!!

  22. Canadians have been screwed over by every government elected in the last 70 years. Does anyone with half a brain think this election will change anything? the bureaucracy runs the country and they are all hard core socialists. nothing will change, the size and cost of government will continue to increase, freedom will still be eroded, government control of our lives will still be expanded. Stupid Canadians. Ontario is part of Canada for those who are going to criticize my use of the word, country.

  23. At least the Conservatives know you have to make money to spend money. The NDP just keep spending and spending, because it is someone else’s money.

    1. agreed somewhat. may I point out it isn’t really money per se in its many forms. it is pure DEBT.
      colossal DEBT.
      unrecoverable DEBT.
      irretrievable DEBT.
      snowballing, hyperinflation inducing DEBT

      voting nude demo crap is a continuation of the fondness LIEberals have for spend spend spe… er, DEBT DEBT DEBT.
      welcome to the twilight zone folks!!
      p.s. I just made another big fat payment against my credit card debts, on target to record reduction by the end of the year and total elimination in 2019.
