75 Replies to “Art Of The Fail”

  1. Ha, Trudeau tried to switch from trade to climate change and gender issues so Trump leaves. I doubt Trudeau learned anything.

    1. But, but, but climate change and gender ithueth are tho important! Bethideth, the budget will balance itthelf.

      (cue facepalm)

    2. Merkel-But it says right here in para no. 6-Fuck you EU and fuck gender equality too, current women leaders have been a disaster.
      Trump-thats right! And now I am leaving.
      Turdeau-shit, maybe this was not such a great idea.

    3. Prime Minister Trudeau’s actions today are being referred to as the first time somebody has stood up to Trump, by America’s media. Why is the “right” so obedient….so subservient?

    1. She must be the security detail….those three soy boys walking around Freeland certainly aren’t.

      1. This photo is not taken from this weekend’s G7 Summit. It was featured in S.D.A.’s thread regarding the NAFTA Trade negotiations, a few days ago. Just saying….

        1. I copied the photo from the Twitter response … wow a HOT Canadian girl with a gun … she can handcuff and waterboard me anytime !

    2. Good grief! Who’s the purple troll?
      ‘Dumpy’ doesn’t even begin to describe it!

      1. It’s a rather old descriptor, but the phrase thunder thighs came immediately to mind when I saw the pic.

    3. “well I’m not the world’s most physical guy, but when she squeezed me tight she nearly broke my spine oh my Lola”

      Dude. Seriously. You are playing with ‘Crying Game’ fire talking about dating anyone associated with the inclusive cabinet.

  2. Sleep peacefully, Canada. Our country is in good hands. (sarcasm = off)

  3. In the G-7 are the worlds most advanced industrial nations. Finally, they now have an alpha male leader.

    This photo alone should be enough for Americans to re-elect Trump in 2020, and they will if their eyesight is 20/20.

    Does electing an alpha male reduce the incidence of willful blindness in a population? A working hypothesis.

    1. Interesting how being a whiny little bitch makes someone an ‘alpha’ around here. He can pose all he wants, he’s still a disaster.

      1. I see your hero is standing above the crowd in that pic. Care to comment? I think math is hard for that boy. Interpersonal relationships don’t factor in much. It appears that he hasn’t developed that talent with this group. Where Butts in this photo?

      2. A disaster higher in the polls than Reagan and Obama at the same point.

        Keep trying with those talking points. I’m sure your wife’s boyfriend approves.

  4. This photo reminds me of the STARK contrast between MY President and that former hoaxster of a POTUS who preceded him. That former Muslim Botherhood in Chief held press conferences … formally … behind a podium, where he would take no more than 3-questions each of which would be answered in a lonnnnnng tortured “adjunct-professorial” ramblings. He did this … strategically … so the number of questions fielded would be minimal. Fewer questions answered -off the TelePrompTer- kept Obama from sounding like a FOOL. OTOH … MY President, sits, surrounded by a throng of reporters shouting questions … and he delivers dozens of short, succinct, declarative ANSWERS to the questions. He never filibusters in a delay tactic designed to avoid public scrutiny or embarrassment. Damn! it feels good to have a gangstah President!

    Damn it feels good to be a gangsta
    Gettin’ voted into the White House
    Everything lookin’ good to the people of the world

    1. Interesting contrast for sure. Trump’s willingness to engage and take questions alone separates him from the puppets. I have always been impressed with Trump’s ability to speak extemporaneously. He obviously believes in what he says.

      1. Obama didn’t know what to say … didn’t know what his policies were … until he read them off the TelePrompTer. His handlers fed him his lines from Deep off stage … in the deep subversive State.

  5. And then you have the cringeworthy, classless presentation of this,


    You have to be an idiot to support the classless, clueless Liberals that endeavor to embarrass American presidents by this kind of act. Bad enough that a Liberal MP was photographed stomping on a “voodoo” figure of an American president but this presentation at a G-7 summit should be the absolute nadir of classless, clueless Liberal arrogance, but sadly it won’t. We have another year and a quarter for them to bring shame on all Canadians, again and again.

    1. Trudeau should be careful, I seem to recall a genealogy show about his mother mentioning something about a brothel in Singapore.

      1. I think I have a photo of Justin’s mommy, sans panties. Perhaps I will dig it up and tweet it.

          1. Oooh la la! That photo of Mummy was plastered all over the world! I remember the Press went absolutely WILD AND CRAZY!

            It was a hot night all across the land …this was after a wild time at STUDIO 54 in NYC. Afterwards she partied with either Keith Richards, Mick Jagger or Geraldo Rivera or all three. The men just loved it!

            Sharon Stone eat your heart out, this is how it’s done!
            ( am I thinking of the movie ” Basic Instinct” with Michael Douglas ?)

          2. My dad told me the joke once, but I cannot recall it now. Something like

            ‘Pierre __was doing something__, while Margaret laid the Stones’.

    2. I doubt it was given with the intent to embarrass. It is a piece of Trump family memorabilia which in fact has a Canadian connection. Also, brothels were so part and parcel with the times, that running such an operations does not have the same sinister connotations we associate with prostitution today. Prostitution in the Klondike was a major business, and Drumph (sp?) was not the only person to make money on it.

  6. Sometimes I think that Trudeau and his Cabinet are more like a bunch of Starbucks baristas running a country.

  7. …..Feel sorry for Canadians, you have a beta guy for Prime
    Minister and a Liberal government.
    And, if UK leaves for real, Italy, next Spain or Greece drop out of the EU,
    Canada is in the losing side!

  8. Looks like Jed Clampett is more important than Trudeau in this photo.

    1. I knew he reminded me of someone, but could not quite put my finger on it. You are correct.

    1. The G-7 did accomplish something for Trudeau, he now can blame Trump for any failures with NAFTA, and his media fans will eat it up.

      Has there ever been a more smug, self-important little bit** in Canadian politics than Chrystia Freeland?

      1. Yeah she’s chrystia freeland and your not.
        Agreed – the smuggest I’ve seen in my lifetime.
        WTF has she done or accomplished as a cabinet minister?

        1. Hey Chrystia is a reporter, so she reports to Turdeau’s handlers

      2. he doens’t even rise to the rank of B**ch. He’s a zero; even worse, an amateur PART TIME drame teacher and snow board teacher.
        He has his mother’s brains.
        And it shows.

    2. No, not exactly nothing: We saw a lengthy ~ 40 minute news announcement about a new piece of future involvement for Canada and France . There will now be a FRANCO – CANADIAN MINISTERIAL COUNCIL which will be held every 2 years between, of course, France and Canada. This announcement was made before the Summit began. I was shocked when Macron said that he was recently criticized for being too friendly with Trump. I wonder who did the criticism, the P.M. of Canada, perhaps? It does appear that Trudeau snatched Macron’s attention away from the American President. Well, I don’t know, but the President was supposed to meet with Macron, first thing before the G- 7 meetings were to commence, when all of a sudden their early meeting was called off or postponed. It was announced on FOX NEWS. I wondered why, at the time, now we all know. It must have rotted Justin’s socks to see Trump host Macron at the State Dinner put on by the President a few weeks ago. By design, we NEVER get invited to THOSE.

      ( He’s my Boyfriend, no He’s my Boyfriend…Hugs and Hearts ♡♡ )

      So, watch for it, coming to a theatre near you…the FRANCO-CANADIAN MINISTERIAL COUNCIL.

      (TO discuss well I don’t know, sh☆ t, the latest gossip, fashion, make- up, Trump and whatever else in Pepsi -Cola -Land)

        1. Yes Robert we already have la Francophonie, agreed. This body consists of 54 countries which are Members, and 4 countries which are Associate States and 26 countries that are Observers.

          The aforementioned new body,”The Franco-Canadian Ministerial Council” is for ‘just us.’ Well you know how it is between fast new friends, Justin and Emmanuel,’ just them.’
          The original Frenchies, it’s kiss and make up time for us being ignored in 1760.

  9. Actually I am getting impressed with the game of Chrystia Freeland..She has doggery determination & doesn’t give a S&it
    Maybe we could trade Canada our Rudy… for her in your face shut the F*ckup

  10. What is with Juthtins vapid, vacuous stare??
    Is he thinking “Marcons eyebrows are soooooo beautiful, and natural too”

    1. That is his normal look. Every time I see a picture of him I see a vapid, vacuous stare. I first noticed it in one of the debates in the last federal election. I spontaneously laughed out loud because he just seemed so out of it. I guess others did not notice. Now I wonder if he is on drugs or something. Really, he is not the sharpest crayon in the box.

      1. It looks like he’s been photoshopped into the picture.
        He’s so out of place it’s as if he doesn’t belong there at all……..

    1. So the EU is “punishing” Russia by banishing Putin from their socialist-Globalist circle jerk? Ha! BFD. And they’re doing it because Russia invaded part of the Ukraine and seized Crimea? What a JOKE! If the pantiewaists in the EU actually cared … they would drive the Russians OUT of Crimea … militarily … but the funny thing is … the Crimean people actually LIKE being Russian citizens (as they have been for more than two centuries …

      MY President Trump sees the TRUTH … and seeks UNITY and long term PEACE with Russia. The Empty EU suits don’t even know how to impose sanctions that hurt. And now what are they going to do? Sanction Trump on tariffs (read: FAIR and EQUITABLE trade rules)? Ha! They will be no more effective than their “sanctions” on Putin. What a bunch of wimps (yes … that includes beta eyebrow-boy)

  11. Of the $50 billion in monthly international trade done by Canada, $32 billion is with the United States (64%). Our next largest trading partner is the EU at $5 billion. You would think we would show more interest in a trade deal based on trade than on women’s rights or transgender equality.

    1. Trudeau’s agenda is to reward the bloodsuckers—Muslims, socialists and feminists—who thrust him into office in urban Ontario and Quebec, not a serious trade deal which would ensure that the US would remain open to Canadian commodity exports, in exchange for imports of high quality manufactured goods proudly made in the USA.

      The parts of Canada that produce anything outsiders actually want to buy never voted Liberal, and never will.

  12. So…what exactly is the point here? Sitting and posing don’t change the fact that this idiot president has essentially alienated everybody except Putin.

    Funny thing is, as Corcoran points out, Trump is just continuing what Obama started on trade. He also makes an excellent point that the correct response to America’s protectionist spasm is to lower tariffs.


    1. Oh, nosies! Trump doesn’t agree with six nations with left/far left ideologies! German Hillary, Macron and his mother and Schoolmarm Theresa are upset!

    2. “…the correct response to America’s protectionist spasm is to lower tariffs.” No shyte Sherlock, that’s the message I’ve been getting from Trump that seems to escape our A-Team traders’ focus, on both side of the political isle. Scheer is looking like a liability on trade right now & Junior is just a sock puppet of the SOROS/Chink/EU crowd. With NAFTA crashing, car-bon taxes rising, where does anyone think those automotive factories in Central Kontrol are going? Giant sucking sound on brains & talent & industry, leaving the Remainers holding up this house of cards. Welcome to the Gulag.

      Trump’s body language & the expression on his face in this pic, says it all.

      1. Trump wants freetrade? nope – he wants cheap oil from Canada. The discount on Canadian oil saves the US 10 to 15 billion a year. That is far more than Trump could get from a new NAFTA deal.
        Yes Trump “approved” the keystone pipeline, but it hasn’t started construction.

        1. As well he should. An ample supply of oil is something useful Canada actually has to offer in exchange for manufactured goods proudly made in America. It is not Trump’s job to prop up uncompetitive Canadian heavy industry

          The sooner Trudeau is replaced by someone who understands this, the better.

      2. “that’s the message I’ve been getting from Trump ”

        No it’s not. Trump wants to turn NAFTA into something like a customs union to impose content requirements on its members. It’s garbage.

    3. “So…what exactly is the point here?”

      To make the world believe they are raising hell to keep tariffs that benefit the US……….

    4. “He also makes an excellent point that the correct response to America’s protectionist spasm is to lower tariffs.”

      And the 240 percent tariff Canada imposes on US dairy products would be a great place to start….you know, the tariff that MSM and federal politicians won’t talk about….the one that has been in place for a long, long time.

  13. It’s not Trump who is the problem on the oil discount it’s Canada.
    Let’s shut the pipeline in if we don’t like the price. Oh, yeah, we don’t have any other markets……darn.
    Canada put itself into the position it finds itself in. Too bad for us we can’t get world price.
    Fix it.

  14. Your right bongo is photoshopped into the pic.
    Look at the size of his coconut. Way outa proportion. Ha ha
    Same program as the last G7 – nobody talks to the bone head.

  15. Everyone in that picture seems engrossed in something, or deep in a ponderance, except Justin. Justin looks like he just scored sprinkles AND chocolate chips on his free-with-kid-meal sundae and no one noticed.

  16. I can’t believe Trudeau fcked this up. Where are all those omniscient liberal public servants who are there to be, like, omniscient and advise the PM?. Didn’t they see this coming? Now, we have Americans more hostile to Canada than Mexico!


    1. Part of the problem is that Justin is just a figurehead. At an international gathering he is simply supposed to be polite — not actually negotiate. Later, for the press conference he is given his lines, so he delivers those. He can not be honest with Trump in a one-on-one or leader’s gathering, because he does not know what he is supposed to say. It is the price we pay for having a faux Prime Minister.

      1. Agreed.

        But we are still in deep do-do and the liberal establishment doesn’t understand the game has changed.
        [omniscient mode on]I reckon we should go to the 1-1 trade deal, bring in the financial “services” AKA US corp profit flows, and marketing boards and end flow-through trade deals with third parties. What’s more important, Quebec dairy farmers or Canadian free-flow trade with the US? OK we all know the answer to that, but something has to be done, the Quebec dairy farmer will be better off in the long run, not havng to pony up $50k each year to buy quotas. [omniscient mode off]

        As for future global multi-lateral deals and treaties, they pass power from local governments to non-electeed international bureaucrats, A LA EU, and therefore not good in my books. The so-called free trade deals are actually managed trade deals.

    2. If you were surprised you might be as dumb as Trudeau. This was exactly what I expected.

  17. This is when Ford should step up and ask Trump for some time to tune up the spud. This will damage Ontario more than Quebec. When Justine said absolutely no sunset clause and he would not be pushed around.. That ended NAFTA negotiations…No reason to talk!

    It is been reported that John McCain had told Trud-o (Canada) to ignore the president of the USA… John should be buried next to Ted Kennedy such that one can piss on them both from the same bladder dump….Brain dead sickness leaves no room for Honor or dignity

  18. Trumps tweets after Justin’s news conference says we are back to the war of 1812.

  19. BTW, here’s a photo taken moments earlier (I’m guessing) where (almost) everyone is smiling that was published by a Brazilian news agency where everyone is smiling…

    And here’s one with Justin behind Trump not looking “threatening” like the Merkel et alia photo being pushed by the MSM.
    [Goes directly to a JPG of the photo]
