98 Replies to “Art Of The Fail”

  1. From the comments on Solo’s twit..so many Canadians have an extremely exaggerated concept of our importance in this world, the old understanding is long gone.

    1. The only difference between the Duchy of Fenwick (The Mouse that Roared) and Canada…is that the Fenwick realized they were in fact a non-entity in the world. Beginning in the late 60’s, Canada became the bratty brother who got in the way when real work needed to get done, and maliciously sided with the enemies of the USA. The charlatans and idiots in the Liberal party actually believed Obama when he kept repeating “Canada punches above its weight” (we did during WW1 and WW2–not so much anymore considering all we could afford to send to Afghanistan was one infantry battalion (commanded by a lieutenant-colonel), its supporting arms, near the end of the deployment a squadron of helicopters and supply/maintenance/administrative personnel to keep the wheels turning. But man, we had a lot of generals and colonels over there while it was happening)

  2. And yet there are people who cheer Trudeau on, thinking he is “standing up to Trump”. Their glee will be short lived.

      1. Lmao, Trump accuses Justin of being weak and dishonest. How does he do this? Not to his face, but on Twitter after he leaves. What an absolute coward and hypocrite.

  3. I can’t stand Trudeau but the “trump can do no wrong” tone of the this blog is getting ridiculous.

    No Canadian should expect a Canadian politician to not respond in public forum to the real problems with Trump’s demands: the 5 year expiry and an end to the enforcement mechanism (which in practice means the US ignores its obligations while Canada is stuck with them). If Trump took those off the table I would expect Trudeau to give in on dairy but as long as those absurd demands are on the table there is nothing to talk about. Remaining silent while Trump tweets about dairy and tries to make himself look like he is on the side of the angels only undermines Canada. Trudeau deserves to be criticized for many things but not this.

    1. Trudeau is playing poker with a crib hand. No chance he can push trump around and thus is obliged to manipulate/suck up to/cajole the POTUS. if he cant do that we are done. Trump can demand anything he wants, doesn’t have to be reasonable or sensible. We have to live with the elephant that is the U.S. and had better learn how to manipulate or at least “get a long” with the man with the great hair.

    2. Could you explain why 5 year expiry is a deal killer? Consider this – no landlord/tenant signs a lease in perpetuity. 5 years is a reasonable length of time. If either party decides that some aspect isn’t working, then it is renegotiated. A 5 year expiry doesn’t benefit Canada or the US.

      1. What business person is going to open a factory in Canada based on deal that could be gone in 5 years? Business decisions will be made based on the assumption that deal will be gone in 5 years which means there is no real benefit for Canada to agree with such terms (i.e. businesses will be in the same situation they would be without a deal). If the deal is not working there is a withdrawal mechanism and that would remain. The only reason that is not good enough for Trump is he knows it will be tough to get congress to revoke a deal which gives Canada even more reason to refuse such a condition.

        1. Ask Trudeau that question given his disdain for the oil and gas industry. Trudeau is a mental midget. With any luck, Doug Ford can talk with Trump and push Trudeau aside. Otherwise, Ontario and Quebec are both going to really get an ass kicking.

        2. Tim, quit being stupid, that is Undork’s and allenS’s job in here. A trade agreement is nothing like opening a business, so don’t try equating them. When you open (or even buy an on going business, as I did) business, there are NO guarantees, you take your chances and work like hell!
          Trade agreements should be up dated on a regular basis. Just think if certain products are eliminated and others replace them, but aren’t in the agreement!!!!

      2. Very large capital investments are likely to take more than five years to pay back and turn a profit. Essentially if you have that in there you are not going to get very large capital investment like auto plants. But again the idiot is simply saying no no no no no to everything and I think Donald Trump understood he would before he Engaged in this fight

    3. “but the “trump can do no wrong” tone of the this blog is getting ridiculous.”
      You might see it that way,I guess you do.
      Perhaps you might consider how others see this, A pompous retard attempts to torment a bear.
      Cries when arm is removed.
      You feel any real sympathy?
      Our flyweight PM ,seems to believe himself a world heavyweight,has entered the ring against a real contender,engaged in a whole lot of ridiculous posturing and got blown off.

      No need to cheer for Trump,however competent people do recognize competence in others.
      Very hard not to laugh when stupid and clueless meets unmovable object.
      Even funnier when Master Showman owns Bad Actor.

    4. Why do you expect Trudeau to give in on dairy? A 270% was levied to make the Canadian market open only to the de facto Canadian dairy cartel. And how is Trudell on the side of the angels when he is sticking it to Canadians who consume milk and dairy products by defending the tariffs?

      Trudles certainly does deserve to be criticized on this – He is wrong both on the dairy and the tariffs assessed on softwood lumber cut on Crown lands. In the end you have to understand that he has to give an a on this because Trump will certainly take retaliatory measures if he does not. Simply being PM No on any and all tariff disputes is not a defensible position for any premier of Canada. Trudo can either negotiate an amicable agreement as best he can or it will be imposed on him. And it is a very very bad idea for any so-called leader to publicly insult another With whom he has to do business. He’s not a leader of some Soros funded resistance, he is the national leader.

      Trudell is going to find out shortly that he has a sea of troubles to contend with in Canadian industry as it gets more and more nervous about access to the US market. At that point he will be told what to do and he will be a whipped dog slinking back to Trump for whatever deal he can get.

      Tootles has really wounded himself with this one, And he will discover it shortly.

      1. Well said. Trudeau and sycophants have been insulting Trump since before the US election.

      2. Yes very well said and true. I am sad for Canada and for the victims of Zoolander’s ignorance. That said, Zoolander not only doesn’t understand issues and policy, he doesn’t make policy. He is a mascot, the face of the current Liberal Brand. He is an idiot insulated by the Trust Fund he was born into. He has never born the costs of every day Canadian life and will never know hunger nor lack of shelter.
        May the Lord have mercy on the rest of us and may He guide and protect Donald Trump. POTUS Trump is doing the best he can for his people.

    5. But isn’t the core problem that Trudeau did not engage Trump with these issues earlier, but raises them in the closing statement after Trump has left. It is the duplicity and lack of candor on Trudeau’s part that has caused the misunderstanding.

    6. What kind of moron retaliates on steel sanctions by slapping tariffs on the necessities of life such as food and toilet paper imports? Only two morons Maduro and Trudeau.

      Trudeau has punished Canadians for buying food and toilet paper because he couldn’t be arsed to stop dumping cheap rebranded steel.

    7. TimG, I don’t care for the “art of the deal” nonsense that has been pushed out regularly, either, but here Trump can hardly be faulted.

      Justin is not an economist and his sympathies do not lie with the average Canadian consumer/farmer/worker. If an entire industry tanks because of his recklessness and idiocy (SEE: oil, pipelines), what does he care? He still has daddy’s money to fall back on.

      Justin surrounds himself with activists, not experts in the field, and does not spare a thought to what even a half-good deal could salvage or how he could reform things in the country he is running into the ground (I wouldn’t say he was elected to lead Canada because he planted as the leader of the federal Liberals and he certainly doesn’t do any real work or give a damn).

      Trump was elected to look after his country’s interests. Justin is doing what he has always done: turned the attention on or away from himself. He’ll talk smack about Trump behind his back but NEVER stand up for Canada.

      How many deals has Justin made that greatly benefit the Canadian economy and through his own ingenuity and persuasiveness? I suspect this event will end as the others, with Canada losing out.

    8. A big part of Canada’s trade deficit with Mexico is in auto parts.
      Now Trump will ‘kill birds with stone.’ This isn’t rocket science.

      Since ’94 U.S. is 1 Trillion in the hole (literally) with Mexico AND
      900 Billion with Canada. 300 of that might be acceptable as status quo.
      Deficit trade in one region is not a bad thing in itself.

      Canada is screwed with trade deficits. While Trump gets US out of crap deals I’m sure he wouldn’t mind tipping the cart in Canada’s favor too. But Noooooooooo, Canada could have picked up deficit savings AND manufacturing jobs.

      Freshly soggy sock puppet.
      (I’m beginning to think for openers they make the kids have Trudeau while they watch.)

    9. Dear Tim:

      Justin Trudeau has absolutely no idea what is going on.

      He thinks that being the captain of a ship means simply donning the uniform.

      Justin Trudeau is being fed a script, but does not know it.

      DOUG Ford needs to call a press conference Monday and call Trudeau out for trying to scuttle Nafta in order to try to get re-elected next year. And be blunt about it.

      I truly think part of this move by those who actually control the LPC, is to try to Force Ford into criticizing Trump.

      Ford needs to turn this back on the LPC hard.

  4. What is wrong with President Trump looking for fair trade? Free trade doesn’t seem to be working for a lot of people.

  5. Canada is about 3% of world markets. The U.S. is about 35% . Obviously Canada should dictate the terms . And we should be able to protect any trade areas we choose. If we can’t well ,we will just increase trade with Europe/China as they will give us what we want . Never mind I have been hearing we were going to do that for the last 50 years . And the budget will balance its self .

    1. Concerned,
      Your trade right now with Asia consists of them dumping their surplus production for you to “sell” on the US through the existing “free trade” agreements. In return, Asia reinvests its earnings by inflating your property markets (see real estate prices in Vancouver as evidence).
      You are delusional if you think that Europe and Asia want to “trade” with Canada or that they will accept your statement that Canada can protect any trade area they wish or will tolerate the same tariff structure you have with the US. Try running up the balance of trade deficit that the US has with the rest of the world and see what happens to the value of the Canadian dollar.

        1. Thank you. Greg. I was absolutely trying to point out the absurdity of our response . Since the time of the first Trudeau I have been hearing how we were going to replace our best customer. And I am aware that China is using us as a trade conduit .Most of the points have been well covered here. The one thing I would point out is don’t underestimate the Liberals or believe they are that stupid. Trudea may say we are post national , but he is totally willing to stir National anger . They were in trouble politically and they need a cause and an enemy. If you read the comments on articles pertaining to this , the Liberals are gaining a good portion of support. We need to make a resonable deal for Canada . The thing that scares me is I don’t see a limit to what the Liberals will do to retain power.

      1. Do not forget the 800 pound gorilla in the room, which is that the USA must supply the rest of the world with USD as long as the USD functions as a global reserve currency. Thanks to my very good President Trump (best since Reagan and looking to be best since Lincoln, in a sense), we have addressed, partially, the tax and regulatory part (regulatory being redundant, since the effects of stupid regulation is the same as stupid taxes and yes, no business pays taxes) of our economic situation. I would not be surprised if the USA quietly resigns the role of reserve currency status. It’ll hurt some, but as long as we strive for a free market economy, we will survive that and thrive.

        I’ll give you a contrived analogy here. Imagine a world where gold is the only possible form of money and there is only one country that can produce gold along with producing much of the rest of its needs. In order for the rest of this contrived world to engage in free trade, the gold nation has to export gold. The result will be a ‘trade’ deficit in goods, since ‘money’ isn’t counted as goods.

  6. Nearly all of Trump’s demands are in the interest of Canadian consumers. Bad for political reasons domestically of course. So here we are with hair lisp playing the same old liberal playbook of “standing up to the Americans” while losing badly. I’m tired of losing

    1. Standing up to the Americans always plays well in Canada. We are a nation of people proud to be cutting off our noses to spite our faces. The media is already trying to make Trump the culprit in this, when in fairness, Trump was reasonable to expect candor from Trudeau.

  7. Canada’s answer now has to be that we are raising prices on everything exported to the US.

    In the mid-1980s, the US was going to apply a 40% tariff on Potash exports to the US because of “subsidized dumping”. Devine responded that we would just raise our prices by 40%. No tariffs then applied and PCS made so much money that they bought out the Utah potash mines and just closed them down.

    See? You are fighting a smart negotiator. You don’t respond with gender-neutral breakfasts. You find out what the other side reall wants and what pain they don’t want and you make a good deal for your side.

  8. “Standing up to the Americans” is page 1 of the CBC playbook. Everything my extended Saskatchewan family knows to be true is from the CBC/CTV/CNN point of view. In order to argue against it, I simply visit a few sites showing this view, and I’ve heard all their arguments. There’s no deviance from it.

    and all their arguments are distilled into what Justin Trudeau has been saying for the past few years.

    I don’t know how Justin Trudeau sees this playing out, knowing his past as a drama teacher, perhaps there’s always a happy ending? But that’s not the real world.

    For anyone well versed with President Donald J. Trump’s view, never be so caught up in your negotiations that you’re afraid to walk away. Did he not just show this with the North Korean negotiations a month past?

    It would have been nice to see Ontario start to bounce back over the next 2 Doug Ford Conservative terms… Can’t see that happening with the crater formed from not being able to sell those cars to the USA market.

    imbecile Trudeau. I can’t even think of anything else remotely civil to say about this idiot.

    1. Yeah, It is impossible to imagine Stephen Harper getting the nation in this kind of a fix.

  9. ” If Trump took those off the table I would expect Trudeau to give in on dairy but as long as those absurd demands are on the table there is nothing to talk about.”

    Sorry, I beg to differ, with all due respect. You mustn’t have heard of the Milk Marketing Board nor who bought memberships to the Conservative party to keep the status quo in place. You will continue to pay higher milk and dairy prices because of this board. There are some things that the P.M. cannot touch and this is one of them. The Canadians who live near a U.S. border, shop in the U.S. It is nearly impossible to get a gallon of milk at Cost Co in Bellingham because Canadians buy dozens at once and clean them out. I suspect the same is happening throughout the R.O.C.

    Did you not see Andrew Scheer drinking milk when he won the leadership of the Conservative party? It wasn’t because he was thirsty. Max Bernier didnt stand a chance, poor fella, ” he could’ve been a contender”.

    When the early wars in Upper and Lower Canada occurred the farms were raided and burned to the ground. Some of these dairy farmers’ families still own the same family farm passed down from generation to generation. These people are not only the salt of the earth but are Canada’s first citizens. Gonna mess with that?

    I’m not defending it, I do not like paying through the nose for stuff, it is just the way it is.

    (I once rented a cottage in beautiful Vermont, it was like heaven for a summer.)

    1. Right on Nancy.
      There sits Andrew Scheer on his hands.
      No comment on twitter, unable to respond because he has been bought and owned by the dairy farmers of Quebec.
      He is Liberal lite in supply management and thumbs up to a Carbon Tax.
      Resign already or let Maxime Bernier be your chief consultant in these troubling times.

      To the supply management sector.
      Adapt or die. New Zealand farmers did it. We western Canadian Farmers do it and by adapting it only make your farm stronger

    2. With full respect, I think a lot of those descendants of the habitants in lower Canada remember the 50,000 or so shells and cannon balls that were rained down on tiny Quebec City in the interest of extending British ownership to French Canada, at least as well as any American invasion. I do know there sure are a lot of them in Vermont and Florida so I’m not sure how implacable you can feel against the hosts of your holiday. I think the invasion they remember in “ Je me souviens” refers to La Conquête by the anglophone British.

      No doubt Justin does not want to give up those votes of all the dairy farmers regardless of where they are, but particularly in Quebec.

      1. ” …the invasion they remember in ‘je me souviens’ refers to La Conquete by the anglophone British”.

        Yes, we all see this slogan on Quebeckers’ license plates now. It was the best thing for them but they’ll never admit it. Le Dauphin of France ignored all the French Canadians at that time. I am also referring to Acadia. (Port Royal, today’s Nova Scotia) They would not swear allegiance to the King of France, and they were ‘rewarded’ by being banished to Louisiana. We mustn’t forget them, they too called their banishment the “Conquest”.

        Every year on August 15 th there are Family Reunions amongst the Acadians, reuniting with their American cousins, the Cajuns. It is amazing how the family names are the same from our East Coast to Louisiana. The recipes have never changed either, they make a lovely boiled dinner called un” Bouile “, it’s a big deal, and it is, mighty delicious too!

    3. “I’m not defending it, I do not like paying through the nose for stuff, it is just the way it is,…

      Here, let me finish that sentence for you, Nancy:

      …for now.:

  10. If unemployment doubles or triples, and the Cdn. dollar drops precipitously.

    After some months of beans and biscuits for rations, voters will be getting a little desperate and a lot ornery.

  11. If this falls as it may, Canada keeping the dairy tariffs and the USA imposing tariffs on automobiles, perhaps the next escalation will be to “seek clarification” on why Canada only spends 1/2 of what it agreed to spend on military.

    For example, why is Canada (militarily speaking) a dead beat dad? The agreement is for 2% of GDP, Canada spends 1% while the Canadian military always “punches above its weight” and the federal gov’t gives everyone that Trudeau smirk.

    It’s been this way since Brian Mulroney was PM in 1988. We’re 20 billion / year behind schedule for more than 20 years. If push comes to shove on this issue, Canada will be bankrupted by having to print worthless dollars before its sacred bullshit social programs are defunded to pay for what should have been.

    If the USA says adios Nato, will the gov’t of Canada fill in the gaps? With what money?

    The idiocy of the current federal gov’t knows no bounds.

  12. I can’t see Canadians tolerating higher taxes to pay for this. We’re tapped out. The Liberals know it, or they wouldn’t be feeding us the grande lies about the carbon tax being for the betterment of the planet.

    It’s all based on lies. Everything the Liberals do is based on lies and bullshit.

    In another year, there’ll be 3 provinces in active tax revolt against this additional tax, with the federal Liberals looking at being decimated in an election, just like the Ontario Liberals were this week.

    So where’s the extra money going to come from? Where will the cuts take place?

    1. That’s why PM Gender-equity-uber-alles expects this (post-national, sharia-compliant, gender-balanced, carbon neutral, Soros vassal) country to take in even more military age “children” from you-know-where. After all, they will pay our pensions and diversity is our strength.

      And now that he’s succeeded in trashing this country, it’s time for him and Soapy to head off to the Caribbean to boogie with his life-long buddy Ag. (“Who are you again, kid?”)

  13. Ezra Levant revealed that Canada exports one million MORE automobiles to the US than the US exports to Canada. So your caterpillar eyebrow PM is willing to risk ONE MILLION automobiles so he can “sound” … “Prime Ministerial”. An intelligent, rational, person would be VERY CAREFUL about putting those jobs in jeopardy. But something tells me that PM Sockeye doesn’t care about the manufacturing of ONE MILLION automobiles in Canada. I assume virtually NONE of those MILLION cars are … electric. So Truedope could care less about those DIRTY manufacturing jobs. He knows those jobs aren’t being done by “his people” … they’re being done by the people who voted for Doug Ford. So he’ll … SHOW Trump who’s boss! And won’t even blink (and loosen his eye toupee’s) … because he’d be OK with losing all those Canadian jobs. I’m sorry, my Canadian Friends … I hope you can find legal means to REMOVE your pathetic PM. I hope your economy isn’t hurt too badly. But at least you have a whole bunch of new Somalians who will work realllly cheap.

  14. 2018 Trudeau plays “tough”. The Ontario auto industry is threatened. You know, the blue areas on Thusday’s electoral map.

    The skinny-tie-brigade steps in and “saves the day” right before the next federal election; “…good news / bad news–We have given up supply management, but happily, we still make Fords”. “… and here are a few billion dollars to sooth the transitional pain”

    Next election, ticked-off dairy farmers may vote their anger but Southern ON votes their relief at being saved from the big bad Trump.

    We all get cheaper cheddar–guess which party gets another 5 years.

  15. The Trudeau government is skating on very thin ice now. We are completely dependent on the US and one of the priorities of any PM is to ensure a smooth relationship with our neighbour.

    But Trudeau can’t help himself because he’s shockingly immature. How and why did a personal phone call with Trump – on the eve of the G7 – get leaked to CNN with the sole purpose of ridiculing the US president?

    And now, instead of using the opportunity of hosting the G7 to patch things up and make progress in trade, Trudeau achieved nothing and then gave an incredibly tone deaf press conference that, again, serves no purpose but to needle the president.

    It’s madness. The conflict has escalated. We can’t win. And our trade minister sometimes cries.

    Canada, what the hell happened to us.

    1. What happened to us? The greatest generation has died off and we are left with pikers and phonies.

      1. we, the baby boomers, have watched our great country being destroyed by lieberalism. we have not effectively fought back against the media and lieberal cronies and are now facing the death of our country. Too many of us refused to understand what was going on and decided to hide in our suburbs and make believe that Canada was progressing, not dissintegrating.

        1. With respect, though, that’s a bit too broad brush. I’m a boomer and a grandfather, yet I’ve understood since my wee lad days that what the boomer A’s were pushing (first half) that got publicity were wrong in their outlook. Lots of us boomer Bs were big supporters of Ronald Reagan. We, though, didn’t get that fawning treatment that leftist boomer As did. That said, our very great President Trump *is* a boomer A and he gets it. I still try to get my children to understand that they are being fed propaganda meant to appeal to jealousy, envy and covetousness; and that will not serve them well in their own lives. I’ve also admitted and owned up to my own mistakes.

  16. Ah, come on, yo…Re-fargin-lapse, Dudes… ‘tis biz as usual. Now go hew wood, draw water, fret on whatever virtue thang, and take a long, slow hit o’ the old bong, eh, wot ?

  17. While Trudeau’s office defends him, suggesting Trudeau did not say anything he has not said before in private or in public, I believe that the probkem was that he said nothing to Trump to try to make headway. Why didn’t he? He needed to raise his NAFTA concerns with Trump and not complain about Trump to the media and the group afterwards. That is dishonest. If you are negotiating at such s high level, you can not play cat and mouse. The deeper problem, perhaps, is that Justin is not really the guy in charge, so he can only say what he is told to say. That he is weak as Trump suggests should be patently obvious.

    1. Linda, you are assuming Trudeau is intelligent. He is not, nor has he ever had to engage in or practice critical thinking.

  18. If Trudeau and Trump make statements that are in direct opposition to each other, I’m afraid I’m more inclined to believe Trump. He’s not afraid to speak his mind, while it has been Liberal policy to lie and obfuscate, especially since Trudeau I. Having said that, we do have one bargaining chip that the US can’t ignore…since the Canada-US trade agreement of Mulroney/Reagan, the US has defined ‘domestic oil resources’ to include Canadian, and the amount we export to the US is locked into that agreement. When (if) we get a pipeline to tidewater, the US loses that, including the discount they get. But I don’t believe Trudeau II will ever get a pipeline to tidewater built, so we will never have that to use in negotiations.

    1. Trudeau needed to be forthcoming to try to get beyond the NAFTA impasse, and he was not. Trump may be fat, but he has way more going on in his head than our boy wonder.

  19. Are these G-6 advocates ( and leave the U.S. to form a G-2 with Russia har har) complete idiots?

    If the USA was booted out of the G-7, they would form a “G” group with all the major economies of the world: USA, Russia, India, China, South Korea, Japan, and perhaps a few other Asian nations to form a like minded block of countries dedicated to maintaining their economies AND having reasonable trade agreements, NOT “gender balanced” trade as Trudeau and the benighted communists of the EU apparently champion.

    And,the Global warming fantasy with carbon taxes would be put to rest once and for all.

    It seems like every f***ing day Trudeau commits another blunder that could cost us economically, but maybe that’s his plan,drive us bankrupt and into the waiting arms of the globalists in the EU. I’d love to have to obey laws and regulations made in Brussels.

  20. Far too many Canadians actually believe the U.S. NEEDS the stuff we export because they think it’s “scarce”- they don’t need ours, there are other sources! There is absolutely NOTHING Canada produces and exports south that cannot be obtained by U.S. buyers from OTHER sources than Canada – including lumber. Plenty of lumber in the U.S., and both Russia and Sweden would also be delighted to float over container ships to America full of more lumber. Here we sit RIGHT NEXT DOOR to the world’s biggest, richest market for almost everything and The Man With The Eye Toupee & his merry band of Vegetarian Studies grads have blown it! We’re doomed – I’m too old to endure more of this incompetent Liberal $#!t, I need a drink.

  21. Bongo has turned the G7 into a total disaster. How much longer are the libranos going to put up with him?
    Are the manila envelopes going to start to appear?

    1. But Trudeau is not the person in charge, and Liberanos know that. The spammer in the works is that they have set him up to be a front man for the back room machinations. The whole house of cards needs to come down, as it becomes clear that the leader of the country is not really the leader.

  22. Somehow pretending the Yanks are Canada’s(read Ontario’s) whipping boy plays as well as using Alberta for same.
    We’re all about to get a stiff dose of reality, may God have mercy on us real Prairie folk.

    seriously, what is the fecking purpose of checking the Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment if I have to face yer infernal “I’m not a robot” gauntlet of fuzzy low-def pics yet again and again and agin?
    It’s damned barbaric.

  23. Let’s analyze this.

    There were and are assorted socialist, communist, islamist dictators that pay serious attention to what Trump is doing an saying.
    Those that pay no heed are going down. Those that pay attention get a hearing. This is not a matter of like or dislike of Trump, this is the way it is.

    It is difficult to blame the airhead in Ottawa for he knows not what he is doing.
    You have all the stringers that pull the strings and of course they are not responsible. They appear to have the same genetic error as for example the former and current rulers of Venezuela. Those are doing their best to screw up their country and people they rule without regard where it leads.

    Now you have the airhead that apparently is becoming a bombastic megalomaniac. Again, it is difficult to hold him responsible since he knows not. The underlings are doing the damage, he hardly understand what comes out of his mouth. The media cartel will help him out though there should be enough free media that the word will get out.

    The foreign minister behaves like a teenager in high school. She, like a teenager would, is happy with the sisterhood while the other ministers and honchos just probably nod in disbelief.

    This is going beyond socialist diktat, very, very dangerous and slippery slope.

    If Canadians re-elect this cabal, we in fact will suffer greatly.

  24. Is trade business or politics? The Americans treat trade and trade-related issues as business. They maximize their gains and minimize their losses and hope to come out ahead on a dollars and cents basis. They are quite happy to cut corners and play the refs because they know that is what it takes to win.

    Canadians treat trade as if it is an extension of politics. The government of the day looks to please various Canadian interest groups from dairy farmers to environmentalists to feminists. About the last thing the Canadian government seems interested in are dollars and cents.

    Which approach makes more sense?

  25. Good. A car has not been manufactured in Saskatchewan since the 1930s. This will only hurt the Liberal supporting unions of Ontario. The same unions that have not done much to get any pipelines built; therefore, Liberal is more important than worker.

    The logical move is to simply separate now, thereby ending equalization.

    Equalization; a tool to share misery equally… Sounds like something thought up by a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy.

    1. Western Canada’s Oil & Gas industry is in the toilet thanks to Liberals’ inability to ensure that pipelines get built (NDP & Greens can take a bow here, too), resulting in many billions in capital flight and costing tens, even hundreds of thousands of jobs. On top of all that are increased taxes, including a Trudeau-mandated carbon tax which will increase the cost of everything, compounded by ever larger government deficits.

      But now Ontario’s auto sector is threatened by possible tariffs and OHHH MYYYY GAWWWWDDDD!!!!!!

      Feel the burn, Liberal/NDP/Green voters. Let’s see your god save you now. You’ll get no sympathy from me.

  26. The pm still has his trust fund. Most pay out at the onset of 21. Some later with some conditions. The only two reasons I can think of having one in mid forties are mental incompetence or taxes.

  27. Trump is going to Singapore for a meeting that could benefit the world, but treasonous Republicans in the USA want to weaken him… McCain & a band of traitors may have conspired with the Canadian fool… NOT GOOD

  28. https://twitter.com/SecOfState70/status/1004874745354051584

    Mike Pampeo @SecOfState70

    Pray for Canada. Seriously.

    along with a video of Trudeau talking about trade.

    I really have to believe that part of the plan to drain the swamp includes draining other countries swamps as well. I can only hope that this is meant to destroy Trudeau and not Canada as a whole. Which one depends I guess on how smart Canadians are in 2019.

    1. Trump doesn’t give the slightest **** about draining our swamp. His aim is to weaken the US’s ties with western democracies and strengthen them with China and Russia, his business allies. End of story. You’re absolutely off the charts delusional if you think Trump has the electorate’s best interests in mind.

      Also what in the actual hell is this video? The audio doesn’t match with his mouth even a little bit.

      1. Wrong. Trump’s #1 interest is the united states. He doesn’t give one shit about any other country. At all. We need a leader like that desperately. That is the definition of what a leader should be.

      2. Trump is the adult who reiterates again that the ideal set of tariffs between nations is no tariffs then Trudeau pulls his stunt, recapitulating his stand of dairy tariffs today tomorrow and forever.

        Could you tell me who again is weakening the ties between the western nations of Canada and the United States in this scenario?

  29. Did we really expect anything of substance from our people-child leader and his handler.

  30. Why should NAFTA have a 5 yrs sunset clause when Canadian pipeline approvals have no such assurance? Trump is much more magnanimous than Trudeau.

  31. Look, Kate. You said what the nation needed was a good old-fashioned famine. If Trudeau calls Trump’s bluff, maybe we’ll get to see if those blessed Quebec farmers can actually feed Montreal worth two cowpies.

    Alberta and Saskatchewan, which are self-sufficient in food, will be just fine.

  32. In Canada you can’t even drive across some provincial boundaries with a few cases of beer.

    How does a country with such inter-provincial trade barriers negotiate free trade between countries?

  33. What scares me is a drastic drop in the value of the Canadian dollar. As seniors we have a small nest egg to hopefully carry us forward but if the dollar dies our nest egg will be worth nothing. Maybe time to bite the exchange bullet and buy American dollars.

    Still amazed in discussions with people that voted NDP that they really have no idea of the disaster Wynne made in Ontario and Horwath would be far worse. Mentioned to one recent student that Horwath refused to vote the striking York union back to work and would never support the students over the unions. Her response to me was “I did not know that!”. Most have little understanding how bad the economy of Ontario is.

  34. Dear Canadian People,

    Please forgive me for coming up there and slapping around your man-child of a PM until his eyebrows fell off. It was necessary to instill a sense of seriousness about the situation I believe he was missing. Although this tough-love I am raining down on Canada may seem harsh now, ultimately it will make your nation stronger, more prosperous and most importantly more competitive. The costs of your commie socialist overhead and lack of productivity can no longer be borne by the American taxpayer and you must learn to become independent and free so you can walk beside me, not behind me.

    So I will soon see you on the world stage hopefully meeting with the new President of Canada Ezra Levant representing the new Republic of Canada!

    I am Making Canada Great Again!

    President Donald J. Trump

  35. The absurd entitlement of our dairy cartel – from the desk of Dairy Farmers of Canada president Pierre Lampron.

    “President Trump seems to want nothing less than to see Canada’s strong, stable and, efficient dairy farmers and sector wiped out.”

    I can think of few production enterprises that would not be “strong, stable, and efficient” if the number of producers was small and limited, consumers were forced to buy their products only, and producers were guaranteed a price that was set by themselves. However, if everything operated like that I think strength, stability, and efficiency would be rather fleeting.

  36. Regarding Canada’s preciously protected “dairy farmers”:
    “In 2017, there were 945,000 dairy cows on 10,951 farms across the country.[2] Quebec and Ontario are the major dairy producing provinces, with 49% and 33% of the farms being present in these provinces, respectively.[3] This is supposed to represent 8% of farmers in Canada.[4] While dairy farming is still prominent in Canadian society, the rate of dairy farmers in Canada has been dropping significantly since 1971 while making the average dairy farmer In Canada significantly wealthier than the average Canadian family.”
    Making the generous assumption that each of those 10,951 ‘dairy farms’ is owned by a ‘family of 4’, then 35,000,000 Canadians are being overcharged for dairy and being held hostage in NAFTA negotiations by fewer than 50,000 Canadian ‘dairy farmers’, half of whom are in Quebec. THE REAL REASON FOR TRUDEAU’S RABID DEFENSE OF ‘DAIRY’ IS NOT THE FARMERS, IT’S THE MAJOR DAIRY PROCESSORS >>> Parmalat, Agropur, Lactancia, and Saputo in Quebec, and Kraft in Ontario. THEY CONTRIBUTE MULTI-MILLIONS TO LIBERAL POLITICAL COFFERS AND VERY LIKELY ALSO MAJOR “DONATIONS” TO THE TRUDEAU ‘MONEY LAUNDERING’ FOUNDATION.
    As always when political behavior / ‘policy’ defies logic, follow the money to get a clear understanding of WHY.

  37. Only after He Trudeau had said some not so nice things about Trump and cancelling NAFTA deal altogether. So Trump said a few not so nice things about Trudeau about being Dishonest and Weak. Our Canadian gov’t has been selling steel and aluminum to USA from China with No Tariffs by putting it into manufacturing products then stamping it Canadian Made. Canada should have put a tariff on the steel when it entered Canada destination USA. I agree with Trump our PM is Dishonest and Weak! Trudope has a temper just like his old man….JUST WATCH ME!!! The next chapter in Canada’s life is going to be really interesting!

  38. This has always been the end game for NAFTA negotiations. Supply management is irrelevant c/w autos. As soon as Team Turdeau signaled that supply management was the hill they wanted to die on this situation was a foregone conclusion. The beauty of it is that the Libs are going to have to take the hit for ending supply management or cave on autos – there’s no other way out for them now. The drawback is that the Libs get to run against Trump in 2019.
