24 Replies to “Ford’s Victory Numbers Were YUGE!”

  1. “He has a clear mandate to govern, we know that is true. The question is whether he will get that chance to govern or if the left will do as I predict and try to bury him in lawsuits and invented scandals to derail him.”

    Yep. That’s how it works in the Great Satan. One low-level commie judge rules something the government is doing is illegal, then months or years go by while it goes through the appeal process. In the meantime, everything stops.

    1. That is a good point. In the event that Canadian liberals take a lesson from our Democrat
      party, Ford can take a lesson from President Trump. Ronald Reagan had his Bully Pulpit
      and Donald Trump has is Twitter account. I think Trump is never happier than when he
      fighting the left. He can post a Tweet that he knows will drive them up a wall, which makes
      his detractors look like petulant children. He trolls them by tossing them a shiny object that
      that will keep the liberal media distracted for days.

      While the American left and the media are making asses out of themselves, he is busy doing
      the job he was elected to do. One of the reasons I became a conservative was that I realized
      that macroeconomics involves immeasurably complex dynamics that can only work in a
      free market environment. I started to apply this metric to politics in the Clinton years. If
      the left pushes the pendulum too far to the left, the electorate will eventually push back.
      This explains the massive landslides of Eisenhower, Nixon, Reagan, and Trump.

      The more Donald Trump is attacked, the stronger he gets. I know little about the Canadian press,
      but I am assuming we have a common enemy. I have never trusted the polls (especially the media
      polls,) which routinely oversample Democrats by 10 to 50 percent. The socialist lesbian in the
      Mao jacket was riding a 95 percent probability of becoming our next president on the eve of the
      election, yet she lost in an electoral landslide. The American left fell for their own BS, but the
      American people didn’t, so ignore Ford’s poll numbers.

      The way to win elections is to campaign (and govern) is on a clear and concise conservative agenda
      especially in the arena of economics. If Ford can set an example, some potential Ronald Reagan
      in Canada may emerge who can stomp Justin Treaduh’s ass like a Narc at a biker rally. The Canadian
      people deserve a lot better than an effeminate metrosexual leader. I stated on this Blog, that I was
      going to buy some Canadian beer and watch the election results.

      I have a question for the Canadian posters on this Blog: What is the best brand of Canadian beer?
      By that, I do not mean foo-foo “premium” or “craft” beers. As a lifelong blue-collar worker, I prefer
      working class suds. On the eve of the election in 2016, I printed out an interactive electoral map,
      analyzed the RCP averages and nailed the results to a 308 to 232 EV win for Trump. Two small
      states flipped, but they were canceled out by a larger state and the EV count was identical. Seeing
      Felonia von Pantsuit conceded the election resulted in the sweetest hangover I ever had.

      Good luck and Make Canada Great Again!

  2. But but but what about the popular vote? (Where have we heard that one before?)

  3. Ontario is the only hope for Scheer.
    The Maritimes are going full parasite on Canada and making no bones about it.
    Quebec is a write off…although all these “refugees “ swarming in from the US might cause some Liberal backlash.
    If the CPC can take 2/3rds of Ontario then they can win majorities. Otherwise…

    1. Scheer should heed Winston Churchill who said something like: Trumpism isn’t the best form of campaigning, but it’s better than all the others that have been tried (by conservatives).
      The Conservatives need to try aggressive anti-PC; what’s the worst that could result?

      1. “what’s the worst that could result?”

        They could lose seats and OO status, and stay that way for a while. Canadians do not like Trump nor do they like Trumpism. Neither do most Americans for that matter. Ford did not win because he’s like Trump (is he really?).. Really this election was about Wynne losing, very badly.

        1. “Really this election was about Wynne losing, very badly.”

          Seems to me it was more than just Wynne. The entire Liberal Party “losing, very badly”. In fact, to me, an outsider, it looked like A TOTAL and DEVASTATING rejection of the Liberal party, the party that previously governed Ontario. The Liberal philosophy …. what ever it is (I really don’t know) ….. was tossed in the garbage disposal and flushed down the drain. To me, that’s the real story.

          As to the other parts of your post about who does or doesn’t like Donald Trump, even if you are right (which I would contest) what difference does it make. Canadians in Ontario were not voting for or against Trump.

    2. Then it’s hopeless for Scheer. Ontario tend to vote one way federally and the other way provincially.

      1. Your phrase is ‘tend to’. It’s not always true. Another 18 months of Trudeau’s stunning incompetence will pretty much put the kibosh for the Libs on much of the same territory in Ontario that Ford won. Or are you expecting Jagmeet to do as well as Andrea?

        1. You’re engaged in projecting yourself into the population at large and attempts at clairvoyance.

          The Liberals have a quick-hit solution: dump Trudeau, replace him with an adult. Do that and sleepwalk to another victory.

          1. “You’re engaged in projecting yourself into the population at large …”

            There’s someone who posts here under the name “UnMe.” Apparently you’ve never met.

      2. Pure bullshit, there is no such trend. In the last couple of decades it happens just as often as it does not.
        See 2000, 2004, 2006 federal elections vs 2003 and 2007 provincial election.
        See 2014 provincial election vs 2015 federal election.
        Try to engage that alleged braincell of yours before flapping your gums. Or better yet just don’t flap them at all.

  4. The fear mongering never stopped, and I very much resent the media’s use of the word, “populist” as an obscenity.

    Every media outlet in Canada and many in the U.S. like Wash-poo call Ford a “populist” like we once use the word “fascist” in past times.

    Just a quick Wiktionary look at the meaning of the word: ” populist (plural populists)

    A person who advocates populism (a movement against ruling elites who are presumed not to act in the interests of the ordinary citizen).
    A politician who advocates specific policies just because they are popular.
    A person who advocates democratic principles.”

    And I’m supposed to cringe in fear because Trump and Ford are populists! Give me a f***ing break from the elitists!

    1. Yes you are supposed to cringe in fear at populism. It’s basically just pandering to the idiotic masses. We’ve seen what it does from Venezuela to CCF-era Saskatchewan, and now it’s badly hurting America.

      1. How ever will America survive the hurt of 3.8% unemployment, the end of the Korean war, highest household income, etc.?

      2. Use a dictionary.

        “Populist”: a believer in the rights, wisdom, or virtues of the common people.

        “Demagogue”: a leader who makes use of popular prejudices and false claims and promises in order to gain power.

        “idiotic masses”: deplorables

  5. Where’s Kenji to tell us how the ‘Murrcans get bigger majorities and how the ‘Murrcan majorities matter to Canuckistanians?

    1. Get ready. Once they get over their shock the left (Liberals), the far left (NDP), the gang greens, the labour unions, and the media will all go all out to attack the Ontario Conservatives.
      a) the Russians hacked/influenced the election
      b) the Chinese hacked/influenced the election
      Note the only influencing going on was American support for the left
      c) a not my premier campaign will start
      d) a disinformation campaign will start – targeting Ford

    2. Go light another candle in front of your life size picture of Justine Turdeau that you have in your room in Mommies basement.Then you can go onto the Romper Room blog and warn all your fellow morons that the Meanies are now in charge!

    1. He’s merely a libtard tirelessly pretending to be a libertarian. Every time he opes his trap to sound libertarian it is always to support the same tired leftist postulates. He is a libertarian who just happens to agree with PM Pu$$y Hat on trade, open borders, glowbull wormening, drugs etc.

  6. Well, it was certainly a sweet victory here in Perth-Wellington, where our great MPP, Randy Pettapiece, won his third term, with 50.7% of the vote (9,000+ plurality). Last time round, if memory serves, he had about 41% of the vote.

    We also got Chatham-Kent-Leamington, Sarnia-Lambton and Brantford-Brant, which electionprediction.org had called for the NDP. Big turnaround in the polls in southwestern Ontario in the final hours (or maybe not — people maybe just weren’t telling the polling outfits how they were going to vote).

    The biggest Tory popular vote (%) wins in my voting lifetime were the two for Mike Harris (at 45.6% in 1995 and 46.1% in 1999), followed by Bill Davis in 1981 (44.5%). Davis got 70 of 125 seats, so, by seat count, Doug Ford’s win is stunning.

    What’s most striking of course, were the number of votes cast for Ford: 2.33 million. As it happens, Harris got 1.91 million and 1.925 million (1995 and 1999, respectively). The NDP this time, again, if memory serves, gained about as many this time as Harris got in 1999.

    The Ontario Liberals (in 2003, 2007, 2011 and 2014), on no account, received more than 1.8 million votes, and dropped to around 1.1 million this time around. In those previous elections, the PCs dropped to around 1.3 million votes each time.

    Think about all of that for a moment. HUGE, as we say, in old English!
