59 Replies to “Big Red Button”

  1. Too bad Silky Pony Eyebrows wasn’t there with all that smug soft power stuff. He could of worn a traditional Nork peasant garb of. um…rags?

    1. We wouldn’t want that. He might become disappointed that his vision of Canada becoming like Venezuela isn’t good enough.

  2. I remember a similar moment nearly 40 years ago when, on live TV, Menachem Begin and Anwar Sadat shook hands after signing the peace treaty between their two countries.

    1. It really does have some great things, but there are still a lot of troubling things about you Berenstain people.

  3. Trump has succeeded in unifying Canada’s parliament as they all stood to applaud the Trudeau government. Butts has been given the “enemy” he needed to foist another Trudeau government on Canada.

    Justin will go down fighting hard for those 14000 Quebec dairy farmers. The pols will be alright whatever happens,the rest of us,I’m not so sure.

    1. Any part of (former) Canada west of Lake of the Woods is irrelevant to him.

    2. The real question is which part of the country Trudeau will throw under the bus to sooth his Quebec compatriots. Could be real interesting if it’s a toss up between the dairy quotas and auto industry.

    3. I don’t think Ontario CAW will be ecstatic about Justine putting Quebec mafia over them. It rather seems like a loss for PM Pu$$y Hat no matter what he does.

    1. I can imagine him e-mailing the following:

      “Dear Mr. Kim:

      I stood up to Trump. You can, too.

      Justin the Great”

      The response might be:

      “Who are you?


    1. Yeah, well if it comes from NBC, it’s pretty much worthless. The discussions with NoKo aren’t about gender diversity or “global warming” either. Trying to muddy the waters gets nobody anywhere.

        1. Because US Presidents have met with the leader of North Korea every year…except the last 65.

    2. If Reagan had insisted upon the Soviets being held to task for their treatment of their people, and the estimated 65 million dead (Solzhenitsyn’s estimate) … the cold war would still be on.

      Were any of the East Berlin border guards brought to trial? ect…

      I don’t agree with letting it go very often, but can’t get too worked up over North Korea’s crimes. Almost 65 years of eating grass is punishment enough for their communist ways?

      1. Marc:

        “A North Korean defector has spoken about the horrific human right violations she says she witnessed in the state’s prison camps — including starved prisoners fed to dogs.

        Speaking at the UN Monday, Ji Hyeon A described how she was forced to have an abortion when she was three months pregnant. She pleaded with the world to take action.”


        But let’s not get too worked up over it.

        1. Trump was sleazy and stupid enough to praise KIm as intelligent and loves his people.
          Loves his people! How disgusting.
          FFS! It’s like viewing POW(People of Walmart for those not in the know), the stupidity just keeps coming on
          week after week. He outdid himself on that.

        2. well ya know what obiwan? no nation can be the world cop forever on all things. m’kay?
          kinda like let the n koreans work out their own difficulties. or not.
          circumstances do lead to revolutions. or not.
          here’s a possibility, if, IF k j unhinged eventually gets an agreement USA will never commit a preemptive strike, maybe, easing up on the oppression is in the cards. this can take decades when dealing with despots esp communists (see cuba).

          mebbe you can start a blog demanding reparations for the war of 1812 or wtfever.

          1. Sorry, historybuff, could you repeat that entire thing in proper sentences. You know, with capital letters, punctuation and actual words. I don’t think I caught that at all.

  4. The body language is looking really positive between the two of them … and now the extended group around the table. I have a REALLY GOOD FEELING about this. I believe that BIG, SUDDEN, TOTAL denuclearization is going to be announced. And that it will not be a slow roll with continued jockeying for competing political goals. I believe that Kim Jong UN(me) wants to reform his country into the China model. He is going to completely reverse direction. He will become a lifetime Communist leader of a globalized capitalist economy. I believe that Kim Jong UN(me) … wants to become like … California … like Jerry Brown … *snicker*

    1. They hated the idea of the Democrats talking to North Korea. They saw what happened with the Iran debacle.

  5. Would love for my 88yo father to see this Korean War end. 67 years after he was showered with Chicom shrapnel. Make it happen Donny Two Scoops.

  6. Shiny Pony will now threaten the US with nuclear weapons, in the interest of Dairy Product prices.

    1. I’m thinking Donny two scoops has redpilled a lot of Canadians about milk prices here. Seriously do people not realize that dairy is so expensive here because of supply management and the tariffs to protect the regime?

      Working families are literally subsidizing limousine dairy farmers in Canada. It nuts.

      1. How odd.
        Western oil, sold at discount to America; because? No pipelines. Ask Denis Coderre about that.
        CWB, for farmers Manitoba and west (Ontario and Quebec farmers always exempt). Western farmers denied world price.
        Dairy supply management, benefits Quebec.

        Wonder what the common thread through all of this is…
        The sask party is Canada first, which means they hate Saskatchewan as much as any Trudeau.

      1. Ha! There are some serious warheads on those Nuclear tipped brows! Pointed straight at Guam, Hawaii, and Portland!

  7. When dictators get older, they get bored of raping and pillaging their own country. Suddenly they find themselves wishing that they could spend some of their stolen fortune abroad and move amongst the worlds elite. Kadafi & Saddam are recent examples. Putting those bastards into the ground after they had already mellowed didn’t seem to benefit the world much. Maybe letting Kim grow old so long as he plays nice is the right approach.

    1. Ummm, that is the same promise that Gaddafi and Saddam got… Kim would be a bit of a fool to take the world at it’s word on that one…

      That is the worst thing Obama accomplished; making America an impotent enemy, and a useless ally. US promises and threats were shown useless in Syria, Crimea, Iran, …

      1. It was the US, with Hillary at the State Department, that decided that Gaddafi needed to get the gank, AFTER he reformed. It was also the US, under Bush, that promised Gaddafi fair treatment if he reformed.

        Effectively, Obama poisoned the tree. What good is the fruit (or a treaty, or a promise, or a threat) from the poisoned tree? THAT is Obama’s lasting legacy. And it may be that he actually succeeded in fundamentally transforming America…

  8. Hopefully Trump can pull this off. It would sure put paid to the milquetoast method of diplomacy that has gotten exactly nowhere for sixty-five years.

    Maybe he should try the same method with our George Soros puppet in Ottawa.

  9. I think Trump will get good results. He wouldn’t fly all that way unless his advance-men assured him that their results would be positive, with papers ready to sign.

    This processs probably began when Dennis Rodman went to visit Kim a few years ago, all this, right under Obama’s nose, while he was President. Remember, Trump had Dennis on his reality show entitled “The Apprentice”. Perhaps they made plans, big ones. We never knew, as viewers though, as this wasn’t part of mainstream T.V.

    When Trump had made an appearance at the White House Correspondent’s Dinner a few years ago and Obama gave his speech to the Press, Obama made a dig at Trump about his birth certificate being a legitmate one. The camera panned to Trump and while Trump smiled at the joke he didn’t laugh. Trump gave a look, albeit a side view look, like as if he was smug and the look was like ‘you just watch me and wait and see, I’ll show you all’. I knew then that Trump was planning to run for President and was planning it like nothing ever before in his life. His campaign was evidence of that.

    Fast forward to last week Trump said he’s been ready for this job, as President, all his life. Good for the President. MAGA.

    P.S. When Obama was questioned about his job as President he admitted to what kept him awake at night. He said,” North Korea”. Mr Donald Trump was listening and listening very well. Little did ole Barry know, he had just handed over his Presidency and Donald Trump his new ‘ raison d’ etre ‘. Good luck Donald Trump.

    1. Breaking news from Singapore: Watching Fox NEWS @ 10:45 M.T.
      The President of the United States and the leader of North Korea are making history and are going to sign papers forthwith. I rest my case.

      1. The papers are signed towards the denuclearization of North Korea. The story is WIDE on all channels. There will be more details at 4:00 a.m. E.S.T.

        Congratulations America!

        1. @ Nancy:
          Smoke and mirrors. Nothing will come of it.
          Kim is an untrustworthy butcher, Trump is a buffoon.

  10. Another Donald Trump smoke and mirrors circus performance.

    The Chinese will never allow this to happen as long as Trump is gnawing at them with import tariffs.

    Why is the meeting in Singapore?? Because the Chinese are in control.

    1. Trump made clear that cleaning up the mess on the Korean peninsula after a war in which Kim Jong-Un is defeated and killed will be entirely China’s problem.

      Turns out that’s all it took to get a deal.

    2. Have you not been paying attention, China wants this as well. NK is bad for business, and they are probably a little worried about the potential mess of any more nukes (test or otherwise) on their border.

      Now ask yourself who made NK bad for business for China.

    3. @Lone Wolf:
      Oh man, just noticed your post, I should have looked down a bit. I just used the same phrase “smoke and mirrors”

  11. I’m old enough to remember when Q posted on 8chan that the deal with Kim Jong Un was done on March 9th, and the rest of this has all been a show. Every “journalist” that’s written about how Trump shouldn’t be allowed to handle the final negotiations has been noted; they’re not objective, they’re biased.

    1. It’s no longer the … “mainstream media” … it is the … “opposition media”. Let’s call the Press for what they really are … Marxist opponents of Western Democracy
