36 Replies to “Children Are Our Future”

  1. I am surprised this guy hasn’t been rail-roaded out of his job.
    He has too much commonsense to be tolerated.

  2. I see why the alt left of identity and oppression politics loathes and fears this guy.
    Not only does he see them as they are – regurgitated Marxists – he succinctly describes them for moderates.

  3. The DailyCaller seems to have a bug up their butt about Peterson. They’ve run two or three hit pieces written by obscure academics highly critical of Peterson. They look like paid for pieces. I’m not surprised to see them. I’m surprised to see them on the DailyCaller.

        1. What Sean said, if it’s not obvious after that, there’s not much I can do to help you.

      1. He has a REALLY weird messiah complex. He DREAMT about it. His psycho-analysis is also Jungian bafflegab. This guy…needs a smackdown. I don’t even hate Peterson but he is wildly overrated by his cultists.

        1. Whether he “dreamt” about it or not … I am coming to believe that Peterson IS poised to be a savior, or at least a John The Baptist. Peterson is a highly educated academic, and an outstanding speaker who delivers the message of salvation so desperately needed by a decaying society. He is defending … the sanctity of … the individual. Defending Freedom, Liberty, and LAW. He clearly understands the “spark of divinity” in ALL human beings (without any of the Pelosi confusion about right and wrong, good and evil).

          Yes, I accept that Peterson has been ‘chosen’ to spread the good news of personal responsibility, growth, and successful interpersonal relationships. He has come to rescue our society from the nihilists who are tearing us apart into group identities. I pray for Jordan’s health, strength, and clarity of message. And he is doing a FANTASTIC job. No wonder the Pharisees are attacking him.

    1. Another issue about Peterson’s followers is that, much like Trumpers, they are thin-skinned af. Very touchy about ANY criticism.

      1. not as thin skinned as the Cultural Marxists, Progressives, Democrats, Nazis and Fascists.These various forms of Socialists take offense at everything especially when they look in the mirror.

    1. Seriously!

      Thank you Canada! I too, find it incredible that his University hasn’t yet fabricated some trumped-up charges upon which to dismiss him from his teaching position. Our declining culture is in desperate need of his message … whether Peterson attributes it to God or not.

      Peterson has nothing but love and respect for … the individual. As a psychologist … he wants the BEST for us.

      Thank you, Kate … for being the FIRST person/place to expose me to Peterson.

  4. Diversity was supposed to be a plus, because different backgrounds would lead to different views. When solving problems a different point of view can often lead to a much better solution. Notice I did not say a different point of view is the solution.

    A major problem with the current leftist view of diversity – it is diversity of people (which is fine with me), but the left also insist on uniformity of thought. Uniformity of thought is a disaster as USSR and Mao’s China found out

    1. Neo
      Diversity of people is, as you imply, not the point, if it is accompanied by all the leftist BS attached to it e.g.:
      – safe places
      – no alternative views
      – no freedom of speech
      Diversity for the sake of meeting quotas – does not work. It is diversity of ideas that enriches problem solving.

      1. You mean in a few years Canada will look safe like France, Germany and Sweden. Got it.

    2. Oh … don’t be silly … they say “immigrants” commit no more crimes than native Canadians. Wait … that didn’t come out right. I didn’t mean to imply anything about missing girls or wives on the reservation.

      Yep … the lovely “immigrants” are all coming to … assimilate. That is make YOU assimilate to them.

  5. An Animated Intro to Truth, Order and Chaos ( 58 seconds)- Jordan B. Peterson

    The attempts at writing ‘hit’ pieces about Prof. Jordan B. Peterson;
    those writers come across as petulant 2yr olds, having a tantrum.

    Reconquista of the schools is necessary to avoid Canada becoming the next Venezuela within a generation.

    Also, having Peter Pan as Prime Minister is taking us down the road to Perdition in overdrive.

  6. We are homeschooling our happy, well-adjusted, gifted kids. Pretty much normal, from my childhood experience. It was hard convincing our eldest, but she now works on school materials just 4 hours a day. The rest she uses to earn money at her job, and is saving like crazy. She is pulling ahead of her age group in knowledge, skills and retention.

    It’s hard financially, but my in-laws went the public school route. Now their 30+ yr old useless kids sponge off them full time, burning through their savings. Stacked against that, a few years of lower salary pays off BIGLY! (With thanks to D.H.Lawrence for first using the term).

    1. You have my undying admiration … for raising happy, healthy, intelligent, and productive members of our … community … our … culture.

  7. People who don’t like what Prof Peterson says don’t like individuals speaking freely. They are enemies of liberty and need to be culled.

    1. “They are enemies of liberty and need to be culled.”

      Poe’s Law? Negative self-awareness/irony Event Horizon?

  8. Dr. Peterson is right. Peterson has accurately described the Frankfurt School’s infiltration and takeover of most of our university system. Yuri Bezmenov warned us that this was happening.

  9. “Dangerous people are teaching your kids”
    Funny coming from a stealth globalist who decorates his house with Communist artwork.

  10. Oh. I didn’t know having communist art on your walls was as dangerous as teaching vulnerable children that their identity is whatever they feel it is in the moment…

  11. I like Peterson, but I wish he would leave the U of T, given how he thinks about what universities have become. I know, tenure and pension etc., but surely he doesn’t need that academic safety net shite at this point.
