35 Replies to “Everything That Could Go Right”

    1. Hey, maybe Soros will “wake up”. Read many comments about how “Canadians need to wake up”. But no one ever bothers to go into the details about how people who voted Trudeau 1, Rae, McGuinty, Wynne, Trudeau 2, and lived through it all, will now suddenly realize that they have made continuous and uninterrupted mistakes for their entire lives, and will now suddenly stop.

      What is the mechanism by which the cult programming that makes people socialists, magically breaks?

      Come on. Explain. Explain to me how someone who commits to socialism in kindergarten, votes for evil for the next 60 years, suddenly “wakes up”one day.

      1. Nope, there’s never an epiphany. These people will go to their graves thinking “If only…”

      2. When you have to chose between heating or eating.
        When my adult kid in the basement gets a GST/carbon tax rebate.
        When gasoline is >$1/L and oil is <$80/bbl.
        When illegal immigration is “normal”.
        When the Feds buy an old pipeline.
        When the Feds keep paying for F35 development, but won’t buy any.
        When Wynne lost.

      3. Somehow liberals got the idea that acting like delirious dangerous trash….is endearing

      4. Tax rates over 50%, legalized marijuana available to nobody, denial to Timmies treats, the CRTC turning hockey into exclusively pay per view, wasting $billions on pipeline nationalization, apologizing and paying off convicted murder terrorists, and possibly insulting other world leaders, as long as it’s only India.

        Ending up like Venezuela but without the oil.

        A crude spill on the St Lawrence Seaway? Double or triple all that then maybe something will change.

      5. The stunned look on the face of Nicolae Ceaușescu says it all. Men like Soros will never admit the error of their ways. There is nothing to do but defeat them, and see to it they die in prison.

  1. The result of Soros simply being ahead of his time, and far too forward-thinking for the rest of us ;
    George Soros complained to The Washington Post this weekend

    “Sometimes I wonder whether I was 10 or 20 years too early,”
    Obama said in the passage, first reported by Peter Baker in the New York Times.

    Back to the Future, Bitch.

    1. Obama also likes to look into the past, to Lincoln, the last great president before him. (Obvious sarcasm alert)

  2. But one has to wonder is this an admission that his plan failed or is he just going to redouble his efforts?
    I’m hoping the Ford election was the canary in the coal mine of what to expect at the polls next federal election.
    But I temper that with the knowledge that elections can have many different outcomes.

    1. Apparently Premier elect Ford is standing shoulder to shoulder with PM Trudeau.
      Or is he just holding him up for Sheer to deliver the political punches?

  3. Wherever they plant him in the ground I’m going to find it and piss on his grave. It is coming soon old reptile.

  4. …yay is right!

    He has had remarkable success in Canada, even assisting in the election of mayors in major cities and his style of provincial governments.

    If only some court somewhere could put a stop to his constant undermining of western liberal democracies and trying to bring in the Frankfurt School dream of a Marxist world government. There are a few brave souls here and there, such as Hungary, frustrating his efforts for world government.

    1. In a sane world, the only debate would be over whether Soros would be returned to the father of his Satanic ideology from Budapest or Jerusalem.

  5. In a sense, it is comforting to see that millions of dollars can’t buy happiness.

  6. Heh, Soros works for the same people Trump’s good friend and adviser, Kissinger, works for…

    Good cop/bad cop games. The left/right paradigm are two wings of the same bird.

    1. What kind of INSANE cognitive dissonance does one need to possess to conflate MY President Trump’s policies with that of George Soros. That is some serious detachment from reality. A whole new level of NeverTrumpist TDS! Wow. Just wow.

  7. Maybe Trump is trying to destroy Soros’ world.
    Of course since he wants to be our neo-king, “the world” is interchangeable with his world.
    I’m actually comforted by that.
    Is the great regressive progressive political freak show finally coming to an end?
    One can hope.

  8. Once again proving the wisdom of G.K. Chesterton:
    “I was very tolerant of the idea of being behind the times, having had long opportunities of studying the perfectly ghastly people who were abreast of the times; or the still more pestilent people who were in advance of the times.”

  9. Don’t trust Soros as I don’t trust our PM Turdope. He is just moving on, makes you wonder how much of our Canadian taxpayers money is going to SOROS?????

  10. Perhaps Mssr. Soros should return to his Natzi roots and reinstitute his … final solution for all us pesky conservatives. However, as he just noticed … we won’t be frog marched into the ovens of Socialist DEATH quite as easily as in 1940.

  11. A spectacle of the modern world is billionaires advocating socialist causes. They’re so rich, that they are secure from their effects, and the revolting masses.

  12. Deadpool winner , John McCain , George Soros and the syphilis ridden rapist Clinton in the same week , month or year ,hopefully 2018 .What a different America /world it will be !

  13. Remember the true socialist utopias: the USSR and Maoist China?
    – between them +120 million dead
    – massive pollution
    and Pierre admired Russia, China, and Castro
    and Justin admires China and Castro
    go socialism go

    1. @Joe
      And why shouldn’t Trudeau admire Castro, it’s his father after all.
      I base that on comparing pictures of young Castro to Trudeau after seeing a conspiracy theory
      on the subject. This is one theory that looks plausible. Love to have a DNA test done..

      1. Canuckguy – I’ve seen those photos too. Hilarious. Wonder how long before Trump tweets about it?

  14. Hearing that Trudeau was laying pipe in Vancouver just recently – not with Sophie. Maybe the feminist has more than 3 kids.

  15. This is the end, György Schwartz.

    No thanks to you, Hungary and Israel are now allies. The peoples of both nations curse you daily, and will greet the news of your death with rejoicing. So will all men of good will, from the river Jordan to the ends of the earth.

  16. His horse* Justify just won the Belmont Stakes and the Triple Crown! Why is he sad?

    Could it have anything to do with his helping the Nazis confiscate Jewish Property during WWII?
    Or his coordinated attack on the British Pound and Bank of England, trying to destroy the British economy for profit? He is an old man, and can see his end is near.

    * A George Soros fund has a 15% share of the horse.
