35 Replies to “Your Moral And Intellectual Superiors”

  1. Later, she offered a lukewarm apology, expressed with a tone along the lines of: “I’m sorry I was caught with my hand in the cookie jar and I promise never to be caught again.”

    Some people’s kids…. Completely devoid of any empathy or compassion.

  2. So many public figures today lack the ability to control their base impulses.

    Like young children.

  3. Hopefully these two get the trump curse. Well after DeNiro anyway. I can’t believe some people (never me) used to read Coyne

  4. Thank you Twitter. For revealing the black hearts of people who project a … positive … progressive … caring … in-clu-sive… persona.

    And what’s UP with that name? Sounds made-up to me …

  5. Already deleted.
    Replaced with a typical insincere pissy non-apology “sorry I seemed to be an offensive jerk, I pretend not to be, but am, and I kinda sorta wish I was not, except in this case, where I really meant what I wrote, but hope this piece of shit non-apology offers cover.”

  6. This reminds me of the left dancing in the streets when George Bush’s press guy, Tony Snow, died of cancer. The left is always filthy.

    1. Figures. I no longer watch the left-wing CTV News. I watch BNN News, when possible during the day — but BNN, affiliated with BellMedia — sometimes will air a clip from the dreadful CTV news crew. Awful propaganda, indeed.

      Andrew Coyne? To think at one time he used to speak at conservative conferences (CIVITAS, the Manning Centre). One must guess he’s been CBC’d, with his long tenure as a talking head there. There was that spat with the National Post, when this esteemed opinion writer desperately wanted to endorse Mr. Eyebrows during the election of 2015. Coyne must like Eyebrows’s opposition to Western economic development, Trudeau’s opposition to international human rights, Jews in general… As other Twitter responses say, even for Coyne his rabid tweet is a bit much.

  7. …And John Iverson of the National Post suggesting Canadians boycott everything American…
    …And Charles Adler proclaiming the Summit was NOTHING but a photo opp for Trumps ego…
    …And Rob Brekenridge of qr77 retweeting those upset Trump met and shook hands with an evil dictator…
    Our Moral and “Conservative” Intellectual Superiors INDEED.

    1. suggesting Canadians boycott everything American

      How long would that last? The NHL season would be over by Christmas and the CFL would be down to 2 or 3 teams. There wouldn’t be much worth watching on the telly or in the movie theatres but, I’m sure, many radio stations would be quite please to have nothing but Justin Bieber, Celine Dion, and Shania Twain on their playlists.

      those upset Trump met and shook hands with an evil dictator

      Which one: wee Juthtin or Kim? Both?

    2. Boycott everything American? I’m game. Clearly what Canada needs is to be put on the Maduro diet. Let’s see if our moral superiors are willing to starve to death to spite Donald Trump.

  8. Journalism – the productribution of reports on recent events for fun and, ideally, profit.
    Twitism – the impulse to have a life confounded by reality.

    1. That’s an important strategy. Avoid providing the enemy actionable statistics.

  9. Ambien. If it makes you a hateful, shallow person, please consult your physician.

  10. And the they are surprised that people refuse to talk to pollsters or that they give PC answers regardless of actual preferences.

  11. I have been reading Kudlow for years. Too bad Canada does not have someone of his capability as opposed to the semi literate jerks we have who can’t even balance their own check books.

  12. Vladimir Lennon and Karma …… I don’t understand.

    All Hail Marx* and Lennon*!!

    * Groucho and John

  13. I think “Queen Paola” got it absolutely right with her response to Coyne’s silly tweet.

  14. Re Coyne’s tweet: Whoop di doo. I thought it was kinda funny, and I can’t stand PM Zoolander.

  15. Sure Andrew, your Boy Wonder is a real Superman.
    The only chink in his armor is his eyebrow glue.

    1. Sorry Nold , but there is an error in your post . From now on he should always be known as “Boy Blunder ” .

  16. Canadians are soooooo smug. The smuggest on the planet. No mention of the Quebec Dairy Cartel, or the BC Softwood Lumber Mafia. Trump knows and he acts. Canadians whimper in disbelief.

  17. Well at least Maduro has a skill being a former bus driver, Justhin not so much.

  18. If Trudeau is going to be a DICK HEAD then maybe NAFTA will never be again. Trump wants unilateral dealings anyway one on one. If DICK HEAD still doesn’t want to deal then it’s back to dealing the way we did before NAFTA….A BIG MAYBE!!!! Coyne is an A$$hole!!

  19. Let’s analyze this.

    Trump from beginning, way before he run for president, had low opinion of the mass media cartel. When he run the second time, this time to win, he called them out every time they reported something that was not true, hence fake news.
    As he went along, up to now, he has no respect for the “journalists” as do most of severely normal people.

    Now, they, the “journalists” have the forum to say whatever they want. As you have no doubt noticed, they hang on every syllable that comes out of Trumps mouth and attach every kind of meaning to it without any association to the utterance.
    If Trump murmured, they would turn it into some kind of meaning for what Trump could be condemned.

    A thing to remember is that Trump knows it and he just keeps at it and the “journalists” know it and damn him for it.

    You may remember from recent and past history where a president or a prime minister or any politician for that matter, would say something that the “journalists” found against their skin? Well, the “journalists” would get on their case and the politicians would grovel, know-tow, crawl and apologize to the end of the world for their transgressions.

    Trump on the other hand will not and will call them out.
    Those wise characters say that Trump has a thin skin. Whatever.
    He gives it and takes it, twittering along to give them more nonsense to turn into news.
