Asteroid, Take Us Now

A Newfoundland judge has declared a polyamorous trio of one woman and two men all legal parents of the child the woman gave birth to last year. The decision appears to be the first of its kind in Canada.  […]


The three adults went to court after the Newfoundland Ministry of Service refused to list them all as parents because the province’s Vital Statistics Act allows for the names of only two parents on a child’s birth certificate.


Fowler ruled having three parents was in the child’s best interests.

40 Replies to “Asteroid, Take Us Now”

    1. The slippery slope STARTED … when SHE wrote the “holy encyclical” for child rearing … “It Takes a Village”. Heck … what are 3-parents compared to the WHOLE DAMN VILLAGE!!?? So why not 3-parents? SHE has already successfully challenged the “myth of the nuclear family” of ONE mother, and ONE father raising their children in a stable, committed relationship. Note I didn’t say “loving” relationship. Because commitment reigns supreme over love. When mothers and fathers bail out the minute they don’t get their “love needs” met … the family suffers. And no “Village” or tag team daddies will assuage the pain and destruction.

      SHE was just paving the way for Jill has two mommies, and Jack has two daddies and a lesbian “aunt”. SHE successfully redefined the Nuclear Family into … ANY “caretaker” is fine.

      However every child’s biology and emotional DNA still yearns for a Mom and a Dad. Children desperately NEED a mom and Dad. All societies are most stable with intact, two-parent families.

      1. “However every child’s biology and emotional DNA still yearns for a Mom and a Dad.”
        Emotional DNA?

        “Children desperately NEED a mom and Dad. ”
        Not necessarily. They NEED caring, loving, and nurturing.
        And if that can be given by a Third Party, all is well.

  1. So, how many is the limit now? Did the judge set that? How about 10? But hey, it’s illegal for the Doukabors to have more than one spouse, but ok for Newfs?

    1. That wasn’t the Doukhobors, at least not so far as I ever heard; it was that odd branch of the Mormons in the colony south of Creston.

    1. It’s not bigamy because they aren’t married. But when they split up, the two “fathers” will race to get paternity tests. I want to hear about it if the same judge gets to decide the case on child support.

  2. I don’t think this decision is helpful. It simply destroys the meaning of the word parent. So, if this polyamorous situation does not work out and someone leaves, hopefully they are prepared to pay child support to the other two.

    1. “It simply destroys the meaning of the word parent.” That is the whole idea. The state wants to be the parents. Read Bolshevism 1917.

      1. “Read Bolshevism 1917″…
        Ken you also suggested this author last Winter:
        Alexandra Kollontai

      2. Home Education.
        “Give me a child for for his first seven years and I’ll give you the man” Oh, or woman. (Priests, eh? )

        First 15 years, even better.

    2. “It simply destroys the meaning of the word parent.”
      As does adoptive ‘parents’?

      Parenting is as parenting does. Caring and nurturing.
      As long as that takes place, all is well.

  3. I believe that is the same Judge Fouler(SP on purpose) that is a principal in the Newfie law firm of ITGETS, FOULER & FOULER LLB

  4. Although this may be a separate issue, I think it could be important to the child or to the child’s children to know which of the two men is the biological father. Some diseases have genetic aspects, and can even skip a generation.

    1. What makes you think it was one of those two? Could be magic Johnson, could be Hedley, could be the Regina Pats…; seems like 90% of women fall into that category the past 50 years.

  5. Comrades soon all children will be parented by the state.
    welcome to the new world of the left

  6. It is glorious,the shiny new future is here,maybe it is time to get on board.
    All men shall register as female.
    Marriages shall be engaged in enmass,marry everyone close to you,hell sponsor some paying immigrants as spouses as well.This will help defray the bureaucracy costs. Could even be an alternate income source.
    Play along,you understand the absurdity of the situation, bring it home to our fearless people counters and manipulators.
    Just envisage the Long Form Census,on crack.

  7. The woman gets to divorce and take two men to the cleaners at the same time.

    Also what self respecting guy would even want to live another guy with or bother sharing a woman unless he’s making money off of her.

    1. “The woman gets to divorce and take two men to the cleaners at the same time.”

      That’s what second husbands are for. He’s often the one paying child support for the first husband’s kids.

      Hopefully someone appeals this decision. Remember that polygamy is routine among Muslims but only Christians are ever charged, even if they make no pretense of a legal marriage, be it 2nd, 3rd, 10th …..

  8. All these negative comments…. Has no one considered how this would benefit the economy?

    Think of how this will help the legal profession, particularly when some of those “families” come undone. More civil servants will have to be hired for issuing all those “marriage” licenses and inevitable “divorce” decrees. Then there will be an increased need for social workers as well as psychological therapists to straighten out the kiddies. Politically, the rainbow alphabet alliance will have yet another group to add to its growing acronym.

    What’s not to like about this?

    (sarcasm = off)

  9. Nice to have a spare daddy around the house, momma and child will be well served. Who’s your daddy may become a problem when the offspring grow up and look into their genealogy. We are doomed anyway, the institute of marriage has become meaningless, anything goes. There is no shame, we have a new morality which isn’t morality at all.

    1. A New Morality?

      No, just the Old Morality (as practiced), shorn of hypocrisy.

  10. In spite of the Judges’ belief that it is a stable relationship, I believe mankind’s built-in instincts will kick in and destroy it sooner if not later. Jealousy and possessiveness ….. so human. As progressive as one’s beliefs may be, I have the utmost faith in those biological built-in instincts of humans which have manifested themselves for thousands of generations. It’s not a stable relationship.

    1. ” As progressive as one’s beliefs may be, I have the utmost faith in those biological built-in instincts of humans which have manifested themselves for thousands of generations.”
      I agree – rowing, fighting, divorce (or manslaughter)?

      “It’s not a stable relationship.” But then, neither is marriage, necessarily.

  11. How those concepts will be imported where three, four people or more people are involved and have entered the relationship at different times, will be a complicated business indeed.

    That’s what spreadsheets are for.

  12. ?

    travel advisory: when visiting newfieland, DONT DRINK THE WATER.
    this could only happen during a LIEberal gubbamint . . . .
