35 Replies to “Move Over, Venezuela”

  1. Right so he is the one who ‘calls mass migration to US a “human right” ‘ http://dailycaller.com/2018/06/22/mexican-candidate-immigration-speech/
    Don’t just seal the border Mr Trump. Every time an illegal violates sovereignty and sanctity of US spoil randomly select and immediately vaporize a Mexican federal building. Deport all illegals regardless of background to that bastion of humanitarianism called Mexico. Send all repeated offenders to hard labor building the wall.

    1. If it’s a “human right” for mass migration to the U.S., it would stand to reason that it is a “human right” for mass migration from Central America to Mexico. Yup….as if Trump needed another reason to build the wall.

      1. Well then wouldn’t it to be a human right to move on a front from US through Mexico?

        Just wondering.

    2. well….they’ve been convinced they own Calif anyway….so it’s not really immigration

  2. If ever there was incentive to build the wall, it is now. Can you imagine the poverty and corruption that a socialist agenda will bring Mexico, an already poor country? Perhaps another trump card with the voters here..

    1. They are already poor and the government has certainly been corrupt for a long time. I do not think the new government is likely to change things much.

      1. Never underestimate the abilities of a committed socialist. Who knows, he may usher in a cultural revolution in Mexico. Mexicans may even qualify as refugees after he gets started.

  3. So then. We can expect ALL the illegal Mexicans to flee America into the warm embrace of a Socialist Mexico? That the New Mexican Government will support their every need … and they won’t even have to work for it … just get in line. Woo hoo! This is the GREATEST news EVER! I look forward to the repatriation of 22 million illegal Mexicans going home. Adios Amigos!

  4. I used to go to Mexico every winter for 2 or 3 weeks, turning a blind eye to the shit, crap, filth, slovenliness, stupidity, inefficiency, corruption and the stink of sewage everywhere, even in “nice” tourist areas, the dog shit on every sidewalk. Plus the semi-poisonous food full of evil little Mexican bugs of which there are an awful lot.

    Then Trump spoke of shithole countries and a blue light flashed in my brain, figuratively. I was trying to be nice to those poor Mexicans, who are mostly truly nice, even if they are so goddam stupid and dishonest that they can only build shitholes.

    Shithole countries are made by shithole people, and Obrador is a walking septic tank of mental shithole.

    I’m never going back. And I’m going to start fighting to close our borders.

    1. I went to Tijuana once, as a young man. That was all I needed to see, really. Never had any inclination to go back.

      Arizona has the same weather, and the food doesn’t have dysentery germs in it.

      1. In all fairness, Tijuana is not Mexico. There are a lot of great places, and there are a lot of wonderful people. But you have to be prepared to put up with a fair amount of crap to find them.

        1. Chetumal Mexico, great place. As to Phantom and his Tijuana , just his usual BS when he thinks he knows something. I’v been to Tijuana a few times, and you are rite, it’s not Mexico, and it is a shit hole. Largely because it is a transit point for border hoppers.

  5. Canada has no dog in the fight between the USA, who will win, and Mexico.

    Get real, Trudeau, or you will most certainly be replaced by Scheer (an appalling outcome, to be sure).

    1. I agree. Let us see where this is going to go. Off hand it doesn’t look good for US and Mexico relations, but then the relations at present are not good. This most definitely will affect the NAFTA negotiations.

      Another worker’s paradise like Venezuela and Cuba?

      1. You’re right, Ken. The immediate fallout will be the limiting, if not exclusion of Mexico from NAFTA. That would leave the US on its own, because Pretty Boy will no doubt gravitate to the Mexican socialist model.

  6. What is this, a surprise? Didn’t WE just finish doing this? Rejecting a “business friendly” Conservative party and electing a freaking socialist with good hair?

    Everybody loves to hate the Americans. It will be interesting to see how fast things change when the Americans build that Wall and put a couple of tariffs on Mexico.

  7. Obrador has promised to curtail foreign investment in Mexico’s oil industry, something that wasn’t allowed for decades until recently, and to increase social spending. These two together are a recipe for disaster, though not on the Venezuelan scale as long as they don’t screw with their peso and affix the value at at set point like Vzla did in order to ramp up spending. More than any other reason, this is why Venezuela’s Bolivar has massively crashed in value.

    Stopping foreign investment, while increasing spending on social care, will certainly worsen their economic stature, and in turn, will worsen social conditions.

  8. Mexico finally has a perfect government at last! To borrow Groucho Marx’s line from A Night At The Opera:

    “Let joy be unconfined. Let there be dancing in the streets, drinking in the saloons, and necking in the parlour.”

  9. The only candidate interesting for the job of president of Mexico, and genuninely interested in fighting Mexico’s savage crime gangs and not Donald Trump, was Jaime “El Bronco” Calderon, former governor of border state Nuevo Leon.

    Naturally, the mainstream media in Mexico (globalist- and mafia-controlled there as everywhere) ignored his candidacy as much as possible, as Calderon is white and not in the pocket of criminals; Calderon returned the favour by refusing to buy TV ads.

    Right now, if present trends continue, Calderon will have received six percent of the vote to AMLO’s 47.

    Mexico is about to demonstrate that its half-savage population is not fit to govern itself, and the sooner the US sends in a few good men to replace AMLO with someone willing to wall in Mexico’s savages, the better.

    (Great moments in socialism? I wish, Kate. A real socialist would be preferable to AMLO. Such a leader would wall in his people without waiting for Trump to ask him, if only to keep Mexican whites from defecting.)

    1. messicans in the USA return US$$$ and aid the lousy Mex economy. And that is why the mex’s are so against the wall.

  10. I’m creeped out, a failed narco state goes “socialist”, you gotta know he’s the drug cartels’ candidate, yea yea “flood the USA” says he…

    1. And the globalist candidate too.

      Mexico’s savage gangs make their money doing the dirty work of the globalists, specifically supplying the US with an ample supply of poisons with which Americans are encouraged to put themselves out of their misery.

  11. This is an opportunity for Pres. Donald J. Trump to add in a clause about the reduction in illegal immigrants/gangsters crossing the border from Mexico.

    The fewer the illegal migrants crossing/attempting to cross the U.S. border, including gangstas and their contraband, the lower the trade tariffs on goods exported from Mexico, and vice-versa.

    A tariff structure to pay for the wall would work but be more economically disruptive.

    You choose, hermano.

    Paying for that border wall(and staffing the south side with soldiers, would soon turn out to be Mexico’s cheapest option.

    Carlos Slim, could have that name apply to his wallet. If Mexico’s ruling class isn’t careful.

    Negotiating a separate U.S./Mexico trade pact and a separate U.S./ Canada trade pact makes sense.
    It always has.

    Leaked info. that no serious U.S./Canada trade talks have happened since the G-7 in Quebec indicate Trump’s attention is shifting.

    Little potato can be kept waiting. Perhaps, until after the 2019 election?

    1. Mr. Harper is meeting this week with Mr. Bolton. No details of either the conversation or agenda have been leaked, as it’s a private conversation. So long as the medium game of 2019 is brought up and the President is well aware of that outcome, I’m good.

  12. If you recall, when things started going south for Chavez in Venezuela, he started confiscating the assets of foreign businesses operating in the country. General Motors, Exxon Mobil Corp, Proctor and Gamble, General Mills…etc. to name a few. So, I’m sure these companies are currently a little concerned about this election. Hershey Corporation, GM, Sony, HP, Dupont, Nestle, Kenworth etc etc etc…. I, also, seem to recall Trump taking Oreos off his snack list when Mondelez International Inc. moved production down there not too long ago.

  13. For Canadians, this shouldn’t be a surprise as we know only too well the appeal of politicians offering free stuff and those that consider “rights” as anything worthy of robbing Peter to pay Paul. Pimping envy resentment and hatred is a time honoured tradition shared by virtually all Parties. Mexico has simply discovered a higher gear to up the speed of descent.

  14. In his victory speech Obrador yelled to the excited crowd “there will be no confiscation or expropriation of assets”.

    What an odd thing to say for an incoming President.

  15. As a peace offering Trump should send him a brand new Made in the USA lawnmower and leaf blower with a MAGA hat!

  16. when I was into scuba diving, the watchword was ‘Cozumel Cozumel’.
    for some reason my brain kept translating it into GROSSLY EXPENSIVE TOURIST TRAP.

    scREW mehico. their corruption exceeds chirer, numerous nations of ahfricah, and most of s america.
