7 Replies to “Heh”

  1. Interesting part of article – McConell withdrew Ryan Bounds nomination because of past writings that some say had a racial element to them.

    Based on that metric, that a persons past actions matter – and that if there is just a hint of any questionable actions- that person would be unfit for the position they are nominated to, what if a person that was nominated to be head of the CIA had at some point in the past voted for the communist party in America in a national election?

    Media strangely disinitersted in that – but they do like to give Mr Brennan a current platform to accuse Trump of treason for simply meeting with Putin.

    1. “… what if a person that was nominated to be head of the CIA had at some point in the past voted for the communist party in America in a national election? ”

      In today’s media climate that would be a plus.

  2. Democrazies constantly do things like this…..as if they are always going to be in power…..then when it bites them in the a$$ they pretend like they didn’t know

    1. They believed that they would be in power … forever. They had already devised multiple methods to weaponize the Deep State bureaucrats to destroy the opposition. To destroy our Democracy by rumor, innuendo … and … dossier.

      And who knows ? Perhaps they can still find a way for Mueller to extend the Democrap dictatorship … by destroying MY President, Trump

  3. The REAL “funny” is that Reid and Obama were warned at the time by House Republicans, not to do-away with the filibuster – because it would come back to bite them, and likely sooner than they might want to imagine.

    Democrats control the Senate 53-45 — and two independents generally side with them — but the majority is at stake in the 2014 elections. Republicans warned that it would not only tear apart cross-party relationships in the Senate, but it will come back to haunt Democrats if they return to the minority. “You will no doubt come to regret this, and you may regret it a lot sooner than you think,” Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., warned Democrats.

    – From usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2013/11/21/harry-reid-nuclear-senate/3662445

  4. Both wings of the communist bird keep on flapping…


    WASHINGTON Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh’s road to confirmation may have a little-noticed obstacle: Sen. Rand Paul’s firm views on privacy.

    Paul himself filed a federal class-action lawsuit in 2014 claiming that the government’s collection of phone records on hundreds of millions of Americans violated the Fourth Amendment’s protection against unreasonable searches and seizures and requiring warrants based on probable cause. A year later, Kavanaugh wrote an opinion with the opposite view in a separate case challenging the program.

    “The government’s metadata collection program is entirely consistent with the Fourth Amendment,” Kavanaugh wrote. He said he was bound by a 1979 Supreme Court precedent, Smith v. Maryland, on phone records, which Paul’s lawsuit argued should not apply.

    Kavanaugh said the collection program didn’t amount to a search under the Fourth Amendment, and that even if it was a search, the impact on privacy was justified to prevent terrorist attacks.

    1. Trump needs to play hardball with both the Senate & House….They are dysfunctional & failing America… He should tell the House to PASS a (part one) immigration bill… IMHO they will lose the house if they don’t show they are capable of governing.
      The Senate couldl save themselves if they confirm Kavanaugh…..They are both hoping Trump shirt-tails will raise funding and an election victory..
      Trump IMHO should give them the option of delivering, or he will declare himself an Independent President… Not raise money, or endorse A-Hole Republicans… Sit 2018 out & expect middle of the road Democrats to be better than the deep state Republicans…

      The NFL debate could be resolved by Trumps pen…Revoke the NFL exemption from Anti -Trust law….All contracts would be voided & players free to play for the high bidder…..not good for the marginal players (those taking knee) Most likely end any 2018-19 season

      Roe doesn’t need to be overturned… The Congress just needs to pass a definition of “when” a fetus is a protected human….That would dove tail with Roe and unless appealed Roe would not need to be overturned….
