Former Liberal

Martha Hall Findlay on the supply managed dairy sector.

On the other hand, the dairy lobby is one of Canada’s richest and most powerful. It spends more than $100 million every year on lobbying and marketing — aimed at politicians, the public, trade negotiators, and, most frustratingly, farmers. The myths they tell have their own farmers scared, the public inured to exorbitant dairy prices, and politicians completely cowed.

31 Replies to “Former Liberal”

    1. No she was always their best. Too bad she and the other reasonable one (Keith Martin) left.

      Can we please oh God please somehow get Gordon Campbell as Liberal Prime Minister?

      1. Sorry, dickless, the phucking frogs only vote for phucking frogs. PM Groper the Adulterer may have been born in Ottawa but he’s a phucking pepsi.

      2. Oh for fucks sake Gordon Campbell is Canada’s Bill Clinton.

  1. “Supply management systems provide high quality, locally produced food at stable, reasonable prices for consumers”

    From the reply to MHF’s column, balanced reporting by the Star,when it suits them. I suppose part of the $100 million lobbying campaign is spent buying ads at the Star.

    This is a blatant lie, for instance, “locally produced” butter in Abbotsford, the Fraser Valley brand with photo of contented cows grazing in the FV, is actually produced in Quebec and shipped to B.C.

    Martha Hall Findlay should have been the LPC candidate for the PM’s Office, not the current grade “C” actor.

  2. Umm yeah, one can never be a former liberal. Like former “Clinton operatives”, strange things befall Liberal apostates.

    I would tell you to ask one, but you can’t.

    It is like socialists who claim they are Christians; you either believe in Marx, or God. One cannot serve two masters.

    1. Christianity and socialism share similar conceits with the former paving the way for the latter. “Liberation Theology” was a big deal in latin America in the ’60s. The Church had more commies in it than some guerrilla armies.

      1. “The Church had more commies in it than some guerrilla armies.”

        The biggest communist on earth is the current pope.

          1. The Pope has authority over a world-spanning church with over a billion followers. P.M. Castreau is a more present problem for Canadians, but in the long term and the big picture, a Pope who is under the delusion that Marxism offers any prospect for the temporal welfare of anyone and/or that it is compatible with the spiritual welfare of Christians is a bigger problem for the whole world.

        1. “Black Pope” you mean.
          Benedict is still very much alive and Catholics were promised a diverse selection to fill his role. Instead they got a full blooded Italian Jesuit who had the balls to take Francis, not Judas, as his name.
          This commie will probably qualify as an anti-pope. I wish Benedict well.

        2. Ever wonder why they are always so quick to say things like
          “Jesus is a socialist”?

          Why is it, so important, that they want Jesus to be perceived as being on their side, but infanticide is their number one sacrement…

          1. Kevin, if the left found out that Jesus was a blue-collar Jew, they would flip.

            Tooner, you ignored the original premise altogether. The Church is no more a viable vehicle for socialism than any other institution adverse to socialism/communism is. There is a reason why dictatorships try to get rid of it or at least infiltrate it before they get rid of it. Its founding principles were never socialist.

      2. “For also when we were with you, this we declared to you: that, if any man will not work, neither let him eat.”

        That doesn’t sound communist to me.

        Also not communist, Saint John Paul II.

        Communists have looked at a variety of institutions to spread their rancid message: churches, schools, governments.

        To say that churches are similar to communism or its ugly cousin, socialism, is simplistic and absurd.

      3. holy jeezus undork, a post from you I totally agree with. The sky will fall now!!!!

    2. Most of the mainline churches in North America today practice the modern version of the Soviet and South American ‘Liberation Theology”. Marx rather than God.

  3. Martha has always been a very smart woman. Particularly resonant is this:

    “This is sheer nonsense. In Canada, the rate of consolidation has actually been higher in the supply-managed dairy, poultry and egg sectors, than in most other agricultural sectors.”

    Of course. Buying quotas drives up the capital cost, favouring established larger producers in anything, not just milk quotas.

    Don Morris is right. She would have been an infinitely better choice than the current Spawn. But the Glibs chose glitz and a fancy name, and we’re all suffering for this.

    Scar: “Has she changed?”

    No, she’s always been on the conservative side of economics. You need to grow up and have at least a little understand of who sits in the Liberal Party. Not all of them are terminally stupid, Scar. Otherwise without understanding who the enemy is we’re going to have another LPC government in 2019.

    1. The economic conservatives of the liberal party are a dying breed. Pussnuts Butts and PM Dressup and that half-wit minister of spending Will Moron are leading the way into debt hell.

      1. Yes they are. The Chretien government had lots of them. All gone now. Chased out by Spawn and Dion mostly. This was one of the results of the Chretien-Martin civil war.

        1. I agree. But, where are they now? Martha Hall Findlay has spoken out, and Warren Kinsella seems to be a little upset, but where are the rest hiding? Quiet CPC supporters or just cooling their heels?

  4. Strange poll. Yes I demand the right to pay a lot more for dairy products so farmers, who have become rich by making sure only large, rich dairy farmers can play this game, can continue to buy Liberal politicians and carry this on forever.

    1. Reminder that scheer sides with turdeau on the issue
