53 Replies to “Aug 5, 2018: Reader Tips”

    1. You honestly think those people threatened his life? They stayed behind the barrier, they did not physically threaten him in any way. As opposed to left wing media and politicians advocating physically confronting conservatives, which are done routinely with approval from those same media.
      “The Press” as a concept is not the enemy of the people. Many of the press, including almost all of CNN, definitely Jim Acosta, are the enemy of truth and veracity. They prostitute their privilege and status and First Amendment protection, to advance their socialist agenda at any cost.

      1. https://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2018/08/03/cnn_acosta_media_should_make_buttons_to_combat_cnn_sucks_protest_on_pennsylvania_ave.html

        //Acosta came up with an idea to combat the ‘CNN sucks’ chants of Trump supporters: “I think maybe we should make some bumper stickers. Make some buttons, you know maybe we should go out on Pennsylvania Avenue like these folks who chant CNN sucks and fake news, maybe we should go out, all journalists should go out on Pennsylvania Avenue and chant we’re not the enemy of the people because I’m tired of this.”//

        This is a brilliant idea! #Resist

        1. The button says “Reply”.

          I countered every point you made, why you posted in the first place.

          But you did not reply to anything I said, did you? That is because everything I said, in contrast to Acosta, is accurate.

          1. OB, “Progressive Pat” is a sock puppet, a fake commenter created to mock Leftist views. It doesn’t hang around to debate, usually a one-and-done. Just enjoy it, it’s theater.

          2. Progessive Pat is the resident satirist.
            Often very good.
            I like that battle cry: I’m Tired of This.

          3. To Deplorable Me , Me No Dhimmi, and Snagglepuss:

            Satire works if it is so over the top as to be recognizable as fictitious. But in this day and age, satire is very difficult to pull off, because no matter how outrageous you say something, someone else has actually said it in all seriousness. I mean, how do you satirize Antifa, open borders, declaring men to be women on their say so, and CNN indeed claiming Acosta’s life was threatened.

            In that regard, forgive me if I don’t recognize anything satirical in anything Progressive Pat said. It reads just like what progs post regularly. Gun nuts, Acosta’s life being threatened, “the press is not the enemy of the people”, protesting on Pennsylvania Ave. is a brilliant idea, #resist. All those are regular memes of the progs, and Progressive Pat even calls himself one.

            If he is truly a conservative trying to satirize the progs, he can do one of two things. One, mark his posts with /sarc. Two, make his satires more obviously satirical. And as I said, given this day and age, the latter is a most difficult task indeed.

    2. Oh, somebody yelled at him. Poor baby.

      When decent people have finally had enough of having their intelligence insulted by the bootlickers of the globalist press, hacks will have a lot more to worry about than this.

      Yes, once proud, pompous hacks will one day pay for their role in the conspiracy to destroy the west and for openly calling for white genocide. If the noose was good enough for Julius Streicher it’s good enough for Acosta.

    3. Boohoo. Acosta wasn’t accosted, but an old dolly gave him a verbal enema and it scared the shit out of PP as well.
      Hey PP, the enemy is deceit and omission and “the Press’ has taken a side so it cannot be unbiased and therefore honest.

    4. Is he worried about getting a shit kicking from a grey haired grandmother? Talk about a whimp. My Canadian wife and her friend with howdy doody complexions couldn’t find a hotel and stayed in a hotel in Oakland with not a white face for miles. That’s an example of not being a whimp.

  1. It’s SOP of Leftists like Regressive Patricia Princess above to cry victim whenever anyone dares disagree with them.

    Cathy Newman did precisely this when she was called out for her unprofessional and unethical interview with Jordan Peterson.

    1. Couldn’t get it to play. It will be good when he bites the dust but will another just take over? You’ve got to wonder when it’s finally going to ex or implode.

      1. Venezuela is different than places in Europe or Asia that had communism imposed on them. It is a mostly low IQ population that marches under the banners “It is dictatorship not true socialism”. Shithole is the natural equilibrium point for Venezuela. Pity the tiny minority of productive people who have been robbed of their livelihood by the savage masses. But that is just a tiny minority. The rest is getting what they deserve. In that sense Venezuela is very similar to South Africa (both will soon be $hitting out millions of “refugees” to the western world).

  2. Acosta is not a journalist. He is a representative of an organization with a political agenda.

    1. The shooting was on the Morley reserve. Cops spend more time covering up the guilty parties. It takes time to come up with BS excuses for violent crimes. They are taking so long because they are trying to figure out what to charge the German tourist with.

  3. AGW FAIL’s climate porn >>>


    >>> “David Reevely: Ontario is literally burning, but the provincial legislature is obsessed with Toronto politics” (NP)


    “Ken Mitchell

    Tomorrow, August 5, is the 69th anniversary of the Mann Gulch fire in Montana in 1949. 15 smoke jumpers jumped into the mountains to extinguish a lightning-sparked forest fire. Only two survived.”


    H/T Canadian Dr. Tom Ball.

    1. If there’s a problem with the province’s response to the fires in northern Ontario, the fault lies with the previous government who was tasked with ensuring all the proper contracts and procedures were in place BEFORE the start of the fire season. Impassioned speeches and virtue-signalling in the legislature do nothing.

      In contrast, the Notley government handled the contracts so ineptly that there were no water bombers signed up when the Fort Mac figre broke out. Then, she had the audacity to openly sneer at Brian Jean (then leader of the Wildrose Party) in the legislature for over-reacting even as Mr Jean’s neighbourhood in Fort Mac was being destroyed.

  4. Our PM — never came across a Pride parade he was willing to miss. He did a token visit to the Danforth memorial, but today’s photo opportunities at the Vancouver Pride parade will reflect great enthusiasm for gays. Trudeau is beginning to seem like a three- note PM: women, gays and “diversity” . . . his tune is getting repetetive.

  5. Of Stupid Liberal Justine’s anti-Canadian Islamophilic, Gay “Divisive Fool”.

    “On Twitter, Seamus O’Regan made the following highly dubious claim:

    “No, we just need more job creators. Immigrants are better at creating new businesses and new jobs than Canadian-born people. Simple.”

    SLJustine say, Moi is proud, too, like Seamy.


    “DIVISIVE FOOL: Seamus O’Regan’s Incredibly Dumb Claim That “Immigrants” Are Better Job Creators Than “Canadian-Born People” Is Easily Debunked”

    “There are some huge problems with what O’Regan said.

    The Trudeau Liberals aren’t taking a break from their effort to divide Canadians.

    On Twitter, Seamus O’Regan made the following highly dubious claim:

    “No, we just need more job creators. Immigrants are better at creating new businesses and new jobs than Canadian-born people. Simple.”


  6. I don’t believe that a noose such as the one in the video would hold a snake. They have the ability to contract their muscles and squeeze through very small holes and openings. . I’ve caught those two little commies with more than one lie. At one point, they tried to make their audience believe that they were surviving in the wilderness, and you could hear a backhoe running in the background.

  7. AGW FAIL.

    “If you own solar panels on your home, you may want to keep an eye on them in hot weather.”

    P.S. Sunshine is free, Red-green Blob says.


    “Video Shows Solar Panels On Roof In Netherlands Burning, Destroying Three Apartments”

    “If you own solar panels on your home, you may want to keep an eye on them in hot weather.

    In Holland, some caught fire and caused “enormous” damage to three apartment units.

    297.nl here reports how solar panels on a new apartment building caught fire and destroyed three of the units last Thursday afternoon, after they had apparently overheated.”


  8. AGW, aka Climate Change, is Dead.

    “Yet climate campaigners continue to assert that “the science is settled.”


    “Earth Day Network Drops Climate Change, but Chooses Another Unscientific Cause”

    “At first glance, it appeared to be a welcomed relief that Earth Day Network chose something other than climate change for the theme of this year’s Earth Day. But, in choosing “End Plastic Pollution,” the organization is again demanding heavy-handed action on comparatively minor problems with little scientific basis.

    For years now, Earth Day has effectively been “Stop Climate Change Day” for many high-profile environmental groups and individuals. For example, in 2017, Earth Day Network (EDN) — the organization that leads Earth Day worldwide — called for “a global citizenry fluent in the concepts of climate change and aware of its unprecedented threat to our planet.” In 2015, EDN designated April 18-25 as “Climate Education Week.” Their Earth Day 2013 theme was “The Face of Climate Change,” and in 2010, EDN organized a massive Earth Day rally on the National Mall to demand Congress pass a comprehensive climate bill.

    Yet, for the past ten years, reports were regularly published by the Nongovernmental International Panel on Climate Change (NIPCC) demonstrating that none of this makes any sense.

    Climate Change Reconsidered II: Physical Science and other NIPCC reports show that debate rages in the scientific community about the causes and consequences of climate change. Experts cannot even agree on whether warming or cooling lies ahead, let alone the degree to which humans affect it.”


    1. There are parts of the Canadian Bible belt that are just as bad.

      I began my university studies at a church-run college and, a few years before I arrived, there was a great uproar over the fact that–ahem!–dancing was allowed on campus. I had met some people from the Bible school in the town where the college was located and they referred to my institution as a “den of iniquity” because of it–and they were being serious!

      To such people, dancing of any kind was the lewdest behaviour imaginable.

      1. Dancing can lead to intercourse.That’s why we all went to dances when we were young. Slow dances were called “dry humpers.”

        1. Ah, but in their mind, it was the other way around with dancing being the end result.

          No, I can’t figure it out, either.

      2. Just as bad? How often did photographers got assaulted for publishing pictures of people kissing? How many lost their jobs?

        1. I once had a discussion with the former president of the college I mentioned earlier. He told me that something like allowing dancing on campus, even as part of commencement celebrations, could upset many people to the point that certain donors might consider withholding their financial support.

          While the institution may have received government funding, it was largely dependent upon private donations for its money. Considering that it was located in the Bible belt, anything which could potentially tarnish its reputation, regardless of how tame or innocent it might be, had to be handled with the greatest of delicacy. Losing the backing of major donors could have meant that it had to cut back on what courses it could offer, resulting in people losing their jobs there.

          So, yes, something like I discussed could be considered to be just as serious as the events described in the original news item.

  9. Spencer Fernando is one hell of a good columnist seems to on top of the clown show Justin runs. Seamun Oreagan should stick to what he does best

    1. Justin will learn the hard way that Sharia and Western values are not compatible. No worries — today was a Pride parade, tomorrow visiting some park. I wonder who is in charge of keeping him busy.

      1. Justin will learn the hard way that Sharia and Western values are not compatible.

        No, he won’t. He, and all liberal fruitloops like him, are convinced, just like that Toronto teacher that berated the Menzoid in that infamous YouTube video, that the whole problem will magically resolve itself if we love them more.

        This country is run by incompetents publicly and by saboteurs (i. e., Buttshead, et. al.) in the background.

    2. It’s not as if Saudi needs an ambassador to the Librano court. It has one in Beijing.

  10. Saudi Arabia has recalled its ambassador to Canada and is expelling Canada’s ambassador to Riyadh.

    Freeland’s free advice about how a sovereign nation should deal with troublemakers was the last straw.

    The deal the Sauds have with the globalists is that as long as the oil keeps flowing Saudi does not have to explain itself to anyone. Human rights agreements are only to be enforced against nations who dare even discuss, never mind carry out, solutions to their Muslim problems.

    In any event, the Sauds hardly need
    an ambassador in Ottawa. They already have one in Beijing.


    1. Freeland’s free advice about how a sovereign nation should deal with troublemakers was the last straw.

      Will this (post-national, sharia-compliant, carbon-neutral, gender-balanced Soros vassal) country have any friends left after she is finished? First, she helps make the NAFTA negotiations a total hash. Now she has succeeded in getting an ambassador punted from his foreign posting.

      What’s next?

    1. Yet HSBC is not about to pull out of Azerbaijan where there’s a boom in the oil and gas industry.
